Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Agroecology in fragile contexts in sub-Saharan Africa

12 June 2024
. Agroecology in fragile contexts in sub-Saharan Africa: What can agroecology offer in times of crises? a joint initiative of the Sufosec Alliance and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Emerging evidence shows how agroecology as a holistic approach can improve the resilience of food systems and strengthen livelihoods of communities towards food security. To what extent can this compelling approach offer responses before, during and after multiple types of crises? This online event explored opportunities and limitations of inspiring agroecological best practice cases in fragile contexts.
  1. Seeds and neglected and under-utilised species in multi-crises situations in Niger
  2. Agroecology: an approach to enhance social cohesion, gender equality and resilience in the fragile context of Burkina Faso
  3. Innovative feed and food solutions during drought spells in Ethiopia
  • Nicole Stolz SWISSAID SDC Headquarters  
  • Christian Wirz VSF Switzerland 
  • Ibrahima Aboubacar Dada SWISSAID Niger 
  • Michael Hauser Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
  • Beruk Yemane VSF Ethiopia 
  • Barro Arnaud Albert SDC Niger ADIF
  • Boureima Adamou , Fastenaktion Burkina Faso 
  • Abdikarim Aden SDC Kenya 
  • Abel Gouba SDC Burkina Faso

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