Saturday, June 1, 2024

AR4D Funding Opportunities for Africa – June 2024


Agriculture Fisheries Forestry

World Food Forum

Startup Innovation Awards


The World Food Forum Startup Innovation Awards is a global startup competition to support and showcase innovators and entrepreneurs who harness technology to drive the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems to end global hunger. The World Food Forum seeks applications for the 2024 Extreme Tech Challenge. The competition is open to companies whose work impacts an element of agrifood systems: production, aggregation, processing, distribution, consumption, and disposal of food products. The Awards provide finalists and award winners the potential for global visibility, and the ability to raise capital. The closing date for applications is 08 June 2024.


Agripreneur Prize 2024


GoGettaz invites young agri-food entrepreneurs (18-35 years) with technologies or innovations for the agriculture and food industry to participate in the Agripreneur Prize 2024. Two entrepreneurs (one woman, and one man) will be awarded US$50 thousand each. Submitted projects are expected to transform the agri-food business in Africa. Eligibility extends to African founders or co-founders of agriculture and food businesses. The application deadline is 10 June 2024.

World Food Prize Foundation

Borlaug Award for Field Research 2024


The World Food Prize Foundation invites nominations for the Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research. The Award (US$10 thousand) recognizes science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under the age of 40. The award will honor an individual who is working closely “in the field” with farmers, animal herders, fishers, or others in rural communities. The deadline for nominations is 15 June 2024.


AgTech Accelerator


The HudsonAlpha AgTech Accelerator connects cutting-edge, agriculture technology startups to the coaching, capital, and connections they need to build and grow their businesses. Applications are welcome from startups anywhere in the world and innovating in any area of agriculture. Each startup receives a cash investment of US$100 thousand, office space (in Huntsville, USA), and access to a global network of investors. The application deadline is 16 June 2024.

Africa Food Prize

Calling for Nominations 2024


The Africa Food Prize honors outstanding contributions to agriculture and food production in the challenge to combat hunger and reduce poverty in Africa. The Prize can be awarded for a specific contribution or achievement, or a series of efforts and results within the last few years. Nominations are open to qualified candidates irrespective of their nationalities, professions, or locations. The Prize is US$100 thousand (to be shared if there is more than one winner), a diploma, and a trophy. The deadline for nominations (English, French) is 17 June 2024.

Biodiversity Conservation Wildlife

Ministry of Economy and Planning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Regenerative Blue Economy Challenge


The Regenerative Blue Economy Challenge calls for solutions to reduce marine pollution and promote ecosystem protection, restoration, and rewilding. Winners will benefit from exclusive networking opportunities, targeted support, visibility, and the chance to share part of the CHF 300 thousand prize. The application deadline is 08 June 2024.

Global Environmental Education Partnership

Youth Innovation Challenge 2024


The Youth Innovation Challenge (YIC) invites applicants from 15 to 30 years of age to propose innovative solutions to protect marine resources and support people of all ages to be engaged stewards for marine conservation. Global Environmental Education Partnership seeks solutions that are innovative, feasible, and informed by research. Three solutions will be awarded a US$1000 prize. The deadline to submit proposals is 12 June 2024.

International Nature Image Festival

Biodiversity Short Films Contest


The International Nature Image Festival (FIIN) invites submissions of short films (duration 5-28 minutes) that promote biological natural heritage, natural regions, ecosystems, habitats, and species of wild fauna and flora. All formats including animations, documentaries, fiction, experimental films, and music videos are eligible. There are no regional restrictions for participation in the contest. The best short film will be awarded €4 thousand. The deadline to submit cinematographic works is 13 June 2024.

American Society of Primatologists

Small Research Grant 2024


The American Society of Primatologists (ASP) supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Applications for start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology are welcome. Award amounts range from US$500 to US$1500. Applications for small grants need to be submitted by 14 June 2024.

AEON Environmental Foundation

MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity 2024


The MIDORI Prize is a biennial international prize to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at global, regional, or local levels. In principle, the MIDORI Prize is awarded to three individuals. Each prize winner is awarded US$100 thousand. The deadline for nominations is 15 June 2024.

European Outdoor Conservation Association

Funding for Conservation Projects


The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) makes grants for field-based projects in wildlife conservation; protection of forests and wetlands; litter clean-up on trails and mountains; environmental education in local communities; and other initiatives in support of nature-based travel and tourism. Projects must benefit biodiversity in a wild landscape such as alpine meadows, forests, peatlands, freshwater habitats, salt marshes, mangroves and seagrass meadows, etc. Grants are to nonprofit organizations in amounts up to €30 thousand for projects of one to two years anywhere in the world (except North America). There are two application periods per year. EOCA will next be accepting funding applications from 01 June through 15 June 2024, for funding in autumn 2024.

Conservation Action Research Network

Aspire Grant Program 2024


The Aspire Grant Program provides competitive research grants of up to US$5 thousand for African graduate students and early-career professionals working in the areas of biodiversity, conservation, wildlife, and ecosystem health in the Congo Basin. Applicants should be 35 years of age or younger and reside in one of the following countries: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, or Uganda. The application deadline (English, French, Spanish) is 15 June 2024.

Auckland Zoo

Small Grants Program


The Auckland Zoo's Conservation Fund provides funding for ongoing projects or pilot programs with clear conservation value. The current round of funding will concentrate on innovative projects in New Zealand and the Pacific that have direct conservation benefits to coastal flora and fauna. Grants are up to a maximum of NZD$5 thousand, but most grants are smaller. The application must represent a minimum of 25% of the project's overall budget. Applications close on 19 June 2024.

U.S. Department of State

Countering Wildlife Trafficking


The U.S. Department of State seeks to strengthen the capacity of wildlife institutions and actors in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The call seeks to enhance law enforcement and justice sector efforts to counter wildlife trafficking, ultimately helping to disrupt wildlife trafficking operations, and removing opportunities for criminal organizations to profit from illicit proceeds derived from the wildlife trade. Funding ranges from US$150 thousand to US$3 million. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. Applications have to be received by 24 June 2024.

UK Government

Darwin Plus for British Overseas Territories


The Darwin Initiative contributes knowledge that links biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction in low and middle-income countries. Darwin Plus Fellowships aim to build capacity within the UK Overseas Territories through training opportunities. There are two different budget templates for projects requesting over and under £100 thousand. The Project Leader can be based in any country. However, all Darwin Plus projects are expected to seek in-territory partners. Projects led by in-territory partners/organizations are encouraged. The deadline to apply for Darwin Plus Fellowships is 24 June 2024.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Young Researchers Award 2024


The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) invites proposals for the Graduate Researchers Award to foster innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics. GBIF will present awards of €5 thousand each to one master’s student and one doctoral student. Students must apply through and be nominated by a Head of Delegation of a GBIF participant country. The deadline for nominations is 24 June 2024, although some GBIF national delegations are likely to set earlier deadlines.

Save Our Seas Foundation

Small Grants 2023


Save Our Seas makes grants for marine research, conservation, and education worldwide. Only projects concerned with marine chondrichthyan species (sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes, and chimaeras) will be considered. Small grants (average about US$5 thousand) are made to early-career scientists for projects of up to 12-18 months. The application deadline is 28 June 2024.

Legacy Project

Global Youth Awards 2024


The Global Youth Awards supports youth aged 11-25 who are leading inspirational projects for social and environmental impact around the world. This includes environmental projects and innovations to restore and regenerate the global ecosystem. The winners receive an invitation to become a Global Change Ambassador for collaborations, events, mentoring, and training. Youth from all around the world can be nominated.

Reversing Environmental Degradation in Africa and Asia

Restoration Programs in Africa and Asia


Reversing Environmental Degradation in Africa and Asia (REDAA) invites proposals for locally-led research-to-action restoration programs in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Nine Program Grants of between £1 million and £1.5 million will be offered to the best proposals. Grants will fund programs of four years. Organizations eligible for funding include non-profit organizations and private sector organizations. The application for concept notes closes on 30 June 2024.

Paradise Wildlife Park

Grants for Conservation Projects


Paradise Wildlife Park offers short-term grants for conservation projects around the world. The maximum amount available is £1000 per project. Funding can cover fieldwork for students and researchers. The applying organization must be based in the species range country. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.

Prince Albert II Foundation

Call for Projects 2024


The Prince Albert II Foundation is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development on a global scale. Currently, the Foundation calls for projects in 4 thematic areas: forest conservation through local and indigenous action; strengthening arctic and antarctic marine protected areas; coastal and marine solutions; and other projects that relate to climate change, biodiversity, or water preservation. The application closes on 30 June 2024.

African Bird Club

Conservation Awards and Expedition Awards


The ABC Conservation Awards (up to £3 thousand) support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should normally be resident in Africa. The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £5 thousand) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications are reviewed multiple times a year, with deadlines at the end of February, June, and October.

Raptor Research Foundation

Grants and Awards for 2024


The Raptor Research Foundation (RRF) offers seven categories of grants and awards to members and non-members of the Foundation. Each award or grant has different submission requirements and deadlines. The Amadon, Tully, and Brown grants support raptor research internationally. Past grants include several for raptor research and conservation in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Maximum grant amounts in these categories vary from US$1,000 to US$2,500. Applications are due 30 June of each year.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

Grants in Support of Endangered and Critically Endangered Species


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants to individuals, communities, and organizations for the conservation of threatened or poorly known animal, plant, and fungi species worldwide. The Fund uses the IUCN Red List as the primary guide to the conservation status of a given species, although documented variations for sub-species, distinct populations, and subpopulations will be taken into account. Grants are up to US$25 thousand. Applications must be submitted in English. The next application deadlines are 29 February, 30 June, and 31 October 2024.

BBVA Foundation

Awards in Frontiers of Knowledge, Nominations 2024


The BBVA Foundation annually makes awards to recognize innovative and fundamental advances in science, culture, and collaboration. Thematic areas include ecology and conservation biology; climate change; and development cooperation (among others). In each prize category, BBVA awards €400 thousand plus a diploma and commemorative artwork. The awards are open to individuals and organizations of any nationality. (Note: Self-nomination is not permitted.) The deadline for nomination is 30 June 2024.


Association of Commonwealth Universities

Higher Education and SDGs Grants


The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) accepts applications for the Higher Education and the SDGs Challenge Grants to fund collaborative work around the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The grants are open to professional and academic staff at ACU member universities. Four grants of £2,500 are available. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with member universities to promote further Commonwealth partnerships or other organizations such as local governments. The closing date is 02 June 2024.

Global Citizens

Waislitz Global Citizen Award 2024


The Waislitz Global Citizen Award is an annual cash prize recognizing the excellence of one individual in their work to end extreme poverty. The grand prize winner receives US$100 thousand. Global Citizens makes three additional awards of $75 thousand each. Past winners include zero waste, environmental protection, and sanitation projects. The deadline for submissions is 03 June 2024.

University of Edinburgh

Distance Learning Masters Scholarships


The University of Edinburgh offers Masters scholarships for distance learning Masters programs offered by the University. Thematic areas include agriculture, veterinary medicine, and engineering, among others. Each scholarship will cover full tuition fees for three years. Individuals must be nationals of developing countries listed in the announcement. The scholarship deadline is 03 June 2024.

World Academy of Sciences

African Research Cooperation with Germany


The TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Program invites postdoctoral researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa to make cooperation visits to institutes in Germany. The visits are limited to three months, with the aim of promoting longer-term collaboration. The German Research Foundation will cover travel expenses and provide subsistence costs for the stay in Germany. Preference is given to young PhD-level scientists, particularly women. The next application deadline is 05 June 2024.

UK Royal Society

International Exchanges 2024


The Royal Society’s International Exchanges Scheme makes grants to scientists based in the UK who seek new international collaborations. The scheme covers all areas of life and physical sciences, except clinical medicine. Applicants may request up to £12 thousand for travel to/from all countries outside the UK. The standard program is open for applications and will close on 05 June 2024.

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation

Prize for Engineering Innovations


The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering accepts nominations of ground-breaking innovations in engineering from all around the world that have been of benefit to humanity. In the scope of the Terra Viva Grants Directory, this may include innovations in the fields of sustainable energy, water management, and/or agriculture. The winner will receive £500 thousand to advance their project. Self-nominations are not permitted. The closing date to submit nomination(s) is 08 June 2024.

Aspen Global Innovators Group

West Africa Fellowship


The Impact West Africa Fellowship Program aims to elevate the voices of leaders with proximate and lived expertise by providing a fellowship experience that centers the expertise of West African leaders. Fellows have a proven passion for advocacy and solid track records in improving lives and influencing meaningful change in the region. Each Impact Fellow will participate in an intensive 12-month journey to help them advance their individual advocacy goals. The application deadline is 14 June 2024.


Support for Female Entrepreneurs


The TiE Women Program offers women founders the chance to showcase their innovative business ideas. Female-founded startups and established businesses gain visibility, network with industry leaders & investors, and access mentorship. Participants receive up to $50 thousand equity-free cash prizes. This opportunity is open to women entrepreneurs across the globe. The application deadline is 15 June 2024.

United Nations

Action Awards for Sustainable Development Goals


The UN SDG Action Awards aim to support action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mobilizers, storytellers, campaigners, connectors, visualizers, and creatives fighting for sustainable development can apply. The Awards are open to individuals, organizations, governments, foundations, or private sector leaders worldwide. The winners will be announced at a special UN SDG Action Awards Ceremony at UN Headquarters in New York City, USA. Applications have to be submitted before 17 June 2024.

Together Women Rise

Empowering Women and Girls living in Extreme Poverty


Together Women Rise (formerly Dining for Women) makes grants to non-profit organizations that support women and girls living in extreme poverty in developing countries. Thematic areas include access to clean water and sanitation, food security, and education, among other themes. Together Women Rise accepts applications in the range of US$35 thousand to $50 thousand. Eligibility extends to US 5.01(c)3 corporations or international organizations with a fiscal sponsor. The grant cycle to submit letters of intent is open from 17 May to 17 June 2024.

Public Interest Registry

.ORG Impact Awards


Nominations are now open for the .ORG Impact Awards. The global awards program recognizes individuals and organizations for the impact they have made in their communities. The award will recognize an organization or individual that works to combat the increased threats to the environment, or that has made significant contributions and innovations in the fight to end hunger or alleviate poverty, among other categories. The winner of the year receives US$40 thousand. Winners in their respective categories receive US$10 thousand each. The nomination deadline is 19 June 2024.

Zayed Sustainability Prize

Call for Applications


The Zayed Sustainability Prize recognizes achievements that are driving impact, innovation and inspiration in environmental stewardship and global sustainability. The Prize is awarded across several categories: (i) Health; (ii) Food; (iii) Energy; (iv) Water; and (v) Global high schools (i.e., high schools in six world regions). The winners in each category receive US$600 thousand each. The closing date for applications and nominations is 23 June 2024.

Breakthrough Prize

Breakthrough Junior Challenge


The Breakthrough Junior Challenge asks youth to submit scientific discoveries or explain a big scientific idea in Physics, Life Sciences, or Mathematics with a short video (max. 2:00 minutes). One winner receives a US$250 thousand post-secondary scholarship, including an additional US$50 thousand teacher prize and US$100 thousand Breakthrough Science Lab. Eligibility is limited to individuals between the ages of 13 and 18 but is open to participants worldwide without geographic limitations. Videos have to be submitted by 25 June 2024.

ETH Zurich

Faculty Exchange Grants


ETH for Development (ETH4D) provides grants for visiting scientists, belonging to an academic institution in low and lower-middle income countries. The visiting scientist may visit ETH Zurich to conduct a short research stay or to attend a conference or workshop organized by ETH Zurich scientists. The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of CHF 10 thousand. The main applicant has to be a senior scientist or professor of ETH Zurich and invite colleagues from lower-​income countries. There are four application deadlines per year: 31 March, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December.

U.S. African Development Foundation

Financing for Agriculture


The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives and enterprises for grant financing. Grants will support solutions that increase revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth. USADF accepts applications in Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Applicants can request no more than US$250 thousand. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.

Catholic Relief Services

Junior Professionals Program


The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master's degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024.

Skål International

Sustainable Tourism Awards 2024


Skål International announces the call for submission to its 2024 Sustainable Tourism Awards. The idea is to enhance visibility and get recognition of outstanding performance in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism from all over the world. Companies, NGOs, government agencies, and educational institutions worldwide are welcome to submit an entry in one of nine available categories, including ‘Countryside and Biodiversity’ and ‘Marine and Coastal’. Applications close on 30 June 2024.

ETH Zurich

Research to Action Grants


ETH for Development (ETH4D) supports ETH bachelor students, master students, doctoral candidates, post-​docs and senior scientists to develop prototypes. The grant sum is up to CHF 5 thousand. Preference is given to activities in lower-​middle-income countries with direct involvement of collaborating institutions or agencies from said countries. There are four application deadlines per year: 31 March, 30 June, 31 October and 31 December.

Matsumae International Foundation

Research Fellowships 2025


The Matsumae International Foundation awards short-term fellowships (of 3-6 months) for pursuing research in Japan. Preference is for applicants in natural science, engineering, and medicine who select the Japanese host institutions (university research laboratories, national research institutions, or private industry). Applicants should hold a PhD degree, be less than 49 years old, and have sufficient conversational ability in Japanese or English. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.

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