Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Climate Services for Africa

 20 June 2024Climate Services for Africa. The event was organised by a cluster of 3 Horizon 2020 projects (CONFER, Down2Earth and Focus-AFRICA), which are supporting local stakeholders in Africa to adapt and mitigate the risks and impacts of climate change through tailored climate services, designed and developed with the final users in Africa, with representatives participating in the event.

  • Joint introduction by the principal investigators of the three sister projects: Roberta Boscolo (World Meteorological Organization), Michael Singer (University of Cardiff), and Erik Kolstad (NORCE)
  • Experiences and future needsAssess the Socio-Economic Value of Climate Services in FOCUS-Africa: Marie Veys (LGI) and Alberto Troccoli (WEMC)
  • Impact-Based Forecasting and Information Delivery from DOWN2EARTH: Michael Singer (Cardiff University) and Khalid Hassaballah (ICPAC)
  • Advancing Climate Services through Co-production in CONFERMarta Bruno Soares (University of Leeds) and Stefan Lines (UK Met Office)

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