Tuesday, June 18, 2024

G7 summit unveils new global food security initiative

GZ Food security18 June 2024 --- The Group of Seven (G7) reinforced its commitment to food security around the world and to the enhancement of climate resilience at the G7 Summit in Italy, where the political and economic grouping introduced its new Apulia Food Systems Initiative (AFSI).new Apulia Food Systems Initiative (AFSI).

The G7, consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US, as well as the EU as a “non-enumerated member,” is launching AFSI to “overcome structural barriers to food security and nutrition and to build resilient sustainable and productive agriculture and food systems, and to ensure that all people can progressively realize the right to adequate food,” states the leaders’ communique.

G7’s AFSI aims to contribute to ongoing global efforts to alleviate food insecurity by supporting three multi-stakeholder programs: the Technical Cooperation Collaborative to implement the “COP28 UAE Declaration on sustainable agriculture, resilient food systems and climate action,” the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soil, as well as a G7 private-public initiative on coffee.
  1. The COP28 UAE Declaration on sustainable agriculture, resilient food systems and climate action is being implemented by the Technical Cooperation Collaborative, including the FAO, World Bank and other international organizations. In collaboration, the AFSI sets out to build technical cooperation for the integration of food systems and climate plans in low-income and climate vulnerable countries.
  2. The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils, by the US Office of Global Food Security, works on the restoration and maintenance of healthy soils. It targets the development and climate resilience of traditional and indigenous crops in Africa.
  3. The third program, which is a private-public initiative by the G7, concerns coffee. Its aim is to advance policy, sustained investments, research and innovation, partnerships, blended finance to boost the resilience, environmental sustainability, value addition and circularity of the coffee value chains worldwide.

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