Thursday, June 6, 2024

How to bring health and sustainability together in food system research?

6 June 2024
. This FOODPathS webinar, organized in collaboration with HDHL, explored the intersection between health and sustainability within current food systems research. 

Often, research efforts primarily focus on one aspect like sustainability, while the health aspect is overlooked. For instance, products marketed as environmentally friendly (e.g. meat substitutes) may not always align with health recommendations. Thus, it remains a challenge to effectively balance sustainability and health considerations in food system research.

This webinar featured experts who shed light on exemplary initiatives that successfully integrate health and sustainability. 
  • Dr. Fabrice DeClercq (picture) Chief Science Advise EAT, presented the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet as a prime example of research that has achieved this integration. 
  • Pieter van 't Veer (Wageningen University), specialized in nutrition, public health, and sustainable food systems, addressed the challenges that hinder the integration of health and sustainability into food system research practices.
Through an interactive discussion, participants identified challenges and explore strategies to overcome the current challenges, thereby ensuring that future research efforts unite health and sustainability dimensions. Outcomes of this webinar will serve as a resource for the FutureFoods partnership, and other initiatives committed to synergize health and sustainability into food systems research.


FOODPathS is setting up of a network of university-driven local food ecosystems that connects unique
and exemplary European HEI’s and Food Science & Experience Parks, Living Labs, and Regional Cluster Activities.

These are the FOODPathS partners.

FOODPathS is designing a ‘Prototype SFS Partnership’ that will serve as the first version of HOW the future Partnership might function from 2024 onwards. 

The mission of the SFS Partnership is to mobilize Research and Innovation (R&I) to accelerate the transition towards Sustainable Food Systems with a wide range of actors joining forces. The SFS Partnership, launched at the beginning of 2024, aims for the transformation of national, EU and global food systems, making them safe, sustainable, healthy, resilient and trusted – for everyone and within planetary boundaries. The preparatory actions to establish the future Partnership are guided by DG RTD of the European Commission and the SCAR Strategic Working Group Food Systems.

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