Thursday, June 13, 2024

Revamping Manufacturing of Agricultural Machinery in Africa

13 June 2024
. Webinar 12 Discussion Revamping Manufacturing of Agricultural Machinery in Africa

The estimated 250 Participants in Webinar 12 will be drawn mainly from private sector agricultural machinery manufacturers, farmers’ organizations, not for profit organizations, Directors of Agricultural Mechanization and Engineering Services [DAMES] from all African countries, representatives of the Regional Economic Communities [RECs], AUC, FAO and ACT.
Availability of machinery, equipment, spare parts and other supplies is essential for successful and sustainable agricultural mechanization. Agricultural mechanization includes the development of local industries that produce machinery and implements. Where production is not feasible, local franchise holders must be established and developed to import these goods. The development of supply chains and services should be an integral part of the agricultural mechanization process to ensure a better choice of equipment for particular types of users and uses and to guarantee the availability of spare parts and technical services.

The Objective of Webinar 12 is to initiate collaboration between African countries and the agricultural machinery manufacturing association of India, the Research Centre for Agricultural Mechanization Development of China, and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA). 
  • Opening Remarks • John Bosco, CEO, East African Business Council (EABC) (tbc). 
  • Objectives of the Webinar: Facilitator • Mark Fynn, Regional Policy Officer, FAO Regional Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana. 
  • Overview of agricultural machinery trade and manufacturing in Africa: UNIDO • Niels Schulz, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO, Vienna, Austria 
  • China's agricultural mechanization and international cooperation. • Prof Minli Yang - College of Engineering, China Agricultural University. 
  • Enhancing Africa-India collaboration on machinery manufacturing and supply: Experiences of the Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (AMMA) - India. • Sarbjeet Singh Panesar - General Manager Land Force & Vice President, AMMA – India. 
  • Agricultural machinery manufacturing in Africa: Perspectives of the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) • Jelte Wiersma, Secretary General, CEMA aisbl, Brussels, Belgium 
Plenary discussions including question and answer session 
Concluding Discussions and Way Forward Presentation and discussions on the key 3-4 outcomes and proposed way forward actions of Webinar 
Closing by Mr Patrice Talla Takoukam, FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa (SFS) and FAO Representative in Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Eswatini (tbc).


Two-wheel tractor-based service provision is economically highly viable, largely due to multifunctionality. Post-production services such as threshing and transportation are particularly lucrative. However, the emergence and economic sustainability of service providers can be undermined by bottlenecks such as access to finance, knowledge and skills development, access to fuel and spare parts, and infrastructure problems.

Funding opportunity:

The Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) and the Office of Innovation (OIN) of the FAO launched the Global Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
and Farmer Field Schools for small-scale producers
. It invites FAO Country Offices with ongoing or upcoming FFS projects to participate in this Challenge.

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