Friday, June 21, 2024

SASi-SPi: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Intelligence

18-19 June 2024The first in-person Science Policy Lab event of the Initiative Sustainable Agri-FoodSystems Intelligence – Science-Policy Interface took place in Malmö Hyllie, Sweden. The SASi-SPi Science Policy Lab is a collaborative approach to foster dialogue and knowledge sharing among researchers, policymakers, and key stakeholders engaged in aquatic and agrifood systems. 

The objective of the event was to present and reflect with participants on the conceptual framework developed by the team of Agrinatura, and how it can guide transitions towards more sustainable aquatic and agrifood systems. The event will be an opportunity for participants to share their insights on the framework and how to shift from a traditional to a systemic approach to address challenges faced in aquatic and agrifood systems and achieve positive economic, social and environmental outcomes.

The two-days event combined presentations, panel discussions, breakout sessions with practical case studies, and networking opportunities. Collaborative and participatory methods were used to facilitate dialogue, peer learning, knowledge sharing, and co-creation. See agenda below.

11June 2024. An online pre-engagement session was organized on Tuesday June 11 to introduce the Science Policy Lab approach and the main components of the conceptual framework.

About 40 experts from around the globe gathered online for a pre-engagement session, paving the wayfor the first SASi-SPi Science Policy Lab event scheduled for June 18-19, 2024 in Malmö. The session presented the objectives for the upcoming Science Policy Lab (S-PoL), which featured a role-playing game designed to simulate stakeholder interactions and policy interventions for food systems transitions. Participants called for the sharing of meeting materials and continued collaboration, reflecting a strong commitment to advancing towards sustainable agrifood systems.

Key Discussions
  • Transition models drivers and challenges and stakeholder roles: Participants debated about transition models for agrifood systems, its drivers and challenges, emphasizing the need to understand diverse stakeholder interests and perspectives for their engagement.
  • Leverage Points: Discussions highlighted the complexity of leverage points within the transition and the need of unpackaging them for the application across different contexts.
  • The insights gained shaped the S-PoL event, which focused on refining and operationalizing the SASi-SPi conceptual framework.
See the presentation from the pre-engagement meeting:
SPOL pre_engagement_1106.pdf

Background SASi-SPi

Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Intelligence – Science-Policy Interface (SASi-SPi) is a 5-year € 11.5 million project with the overall objective to contribute to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of Aquatic and Agri-Food Systems in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

SASi-SPi is a social-sciences, economics in particular, driven project and is primarily open to each of the 35 AGRINATURA member organisations, of which SLU is one. The project management unit is responsible for the coordination and implementation and is led by SLU.

A "sister" project, named SASi (€ 10 m) is coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The two teams, AGRINATURA and FAO, will work in close collaboration and coordination on the overall project and each work stream.

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