Monday, July 1, 2024

AR4D Funding Opportunities for Africa – July 2024


Agriculture Fisheries Forestry

Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research

SFIAR Award 2024


SFIAR annually awards a prize to scientists working at or in association with a Swiss institution in agricultural research for development. For 2024, the best team project will be awarded CHF10 thousand, and the best masters thesis CHF1 thousand. To be eligible, research must have been carried out at or in close collaboration with a Swiss institution. The deadline for applications (French, German, English) is 03 July 2024.

SVG Ventures

Global Accelerator for Agrifood Tech Startups


Silicon Valley Global Ventures is an investment, technology, and advisory firm that invests in companies that go through their accelerator program. The THRIVE Global Impact Challenge seeks innovative startups advancing a more sustainable future for agriculture. Selected companies benefit from an accelerator program that provides investment, mentorship, and direct access to agriculture companies and farmers. The application deadline is 12 July 2024.

Women in Food and Agriculture

Mentorship Program


The Women in Food and Agriculture (WFA) and Alltech invite applications to the 2024 Mentorship Program from agri-food professionals from around the world. The mentorship program provides educational and supportive sessions as well as aid networking among all participants. The program welcomes people of all career and education levels. Applications for mentors and mentees have to be submitted by 14 July 2024.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship


The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) invites applications for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in tropical animal behavior. The annual stipend is US$62 thousand, and the annual research and travel budget is up to US$13 thousand per year. Fellows will be based in Panama and will have the opportunity to conduct comparative research throughout the tropics. Please note that applicants must find a STRI scientific staff member who will serve as their main host/advisor before submitting a final application. Applications have to be submitted by 15 July 2024.

Biodiversity Conservation Wildlife

UK Government

Darwin Initiative: Main Projects


The Darwin Initiative funds capacity building, training, research, and education in support of the major conventions on biodiversity — focusing on the developing world. The program invites applications for main projects, partnership projects, and fellowships. Applicant organizations can be based in any country. Projects must benefit biodiversity and local communities in developing countries. Darwin projects should be a minimum of £100 thousand and no more than £600 thousand. The application deadline for partnership projects and fellowships is 08 July 2024, and they are applied through organizations, not individuals.

Holohil Systems Ltd

Transmitters for Wildlife Conservation


Holohil Systems Ltd. supplies radio-tracking equipment and related services for wildlife research and management. Holohil manages a grant program to offer transmitters at a reduced or no cost for projects focusing on wildlife species of especially high research and/or conservation value. Holohil will contribute up to C$2,500 toward the purchase of transmitters. Holohil will pay all shipping charges. Eligibility to apply for the grants extends to conservation professionals and researchers anywhere in the world. Support is awarded four times a year. The application deadlines are 15 January, 15 April, 15 July, and 15 October each year.

Leakey Foundation

Research on Primates


The Leakey Foundation funds research related to human origins. This includes research on primate biology, ecology, and behavior. The majority of research grants awarded to doctoral students range from US$3 thousand to US$20 thousand. Larger projects by senior scientists and post-doctoral students may be funded up to US$30 thousand. There are no citizenship restrictions. The next application deadlines are 10 January and 15 July 2024.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Capacity Enhancement Support Program 2024


The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) welcomes proposals for funding under the 2024 Capacity Enhancement Support Program, which seeks to enhance the long-term capacity of GBIF participants through collaborative projects. The program provides co-funding to current GBIF participants. The maximum funding request is €20 thousand per project. Concept notes must be submitted by 18 June 2024.

British Ecological Society

Training & Travel Grants


The British Ecological Society (BES) makes grants to PhD students and postgraduate research assistants to meet the costs of specialist field training courses and to network and publicize their research at workshops and conferences. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on the nationality or residence of applicants. Grants of up to £500 are available. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 25 January and 25 July.

Bezos Earth Fund

AI for Climate and Nature


The Bezos Earth Fund seeks new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI. The first round of awards will focus on sustainable proteins, power grid optimization, biodiversity conservation, and embracing visionary wildcard solutions for climate and nature. The Grand Challenge will offer up to US$100 million in total funding over three rounds. Up to 30 seed grantees will receive US$50 thousand each. At the end of the challenge, up to 15 implementation grantees will receive up to $2 million each. The Grand Challenge invites grant proposals from U.S.-based non-profit and global academic institutions. The application deadline is 30 July 2024.

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

Wildlife Photography Competition


The competition celebrates the hilarity of our natural world and highlights what we need to do to protect it through funny animal pictures. The competition is open to wildlife photography novices, amateurs, and professionals. Winners receive prizes (no cash awards). The deadline for entries is 31 June 2024.

Club300 Foundation

Grants for Bird Protection


The Club300 Foundation, based in Sweden, makes grants of up to US$5 thousand for bird protection on a worldwide basis. The objective is to support research and conservation of the world's highly threatened and poorly known bird species (IUCN's Red List). Only applications concerning projects aimed at birds listed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Extinct in the Wild (EW), or Data Deficient (DD) are eligible for funding. The deadline for applications (English or Swedish) is 31 July of each year.


Earth Journalism Network

Fellowships for Journalists


The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces a new fellowship for journalists interested in attending and reporting from the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (October/November 2024). Fellows will travel to Cali to attend the entire duration of the UN biodiversity negotiations and receive non-refundable economy-class airfare, accommodation, meals, travel medical insurance, and ground transportation costs related to fellowship participation. To be eligible for the fellowship, the applicant must be a professional journalist from an established media house and reporting from a low- or middle-income country. The application deadline is 06 July 2024.

North American Association for Environmental Education

STEM Education


The North American Association for Environmental Education offers a grant opportunity in E-STEM education to solve environmental issues. The Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards support new and existing programs that engage students in meaningful STEM learning experiences through environmental problem-solving. The E-STEM Innovation Grants provide funding of up to US$15 thousand for new or enhanced programs, and the Global E-STEM Excellence Prize awards up to US$50 thousand to nonprofit organizations. The opportunities are open to nonprofit organizations around the world that engage students (ages 11-18) in E-STEM programming. Applications are due on 08 July 2024.

Association of Commonwealth Universities



The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) provides fellowships for the academic and professional staff to facilitate collaboration at a distance and the creation of valuable new partnerships between ACU member universities across the Commonwealth. ACU provides financial support of up to £5,000 per fellowship. Applications close on 09 July 2024.

Okayama City

Education for Sustainable Development


The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Okayama Award rewards outstanding education for sustainable development practices in local communities around the world. The award aims to support the organizations carrying out ESD activities and promote the concept to local communities globally through showcasing their initiatives. Two projects will be selected to receive an award of US$3 thousand each. One representative of the winning projects will be invited to the Award Ceremony in Okayama (Japan). Organizations based in any country are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 12 July 2024.

Research Institute for Sustainability

Fellow Program 2025


The Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) invites applications for the RIFS Fellow Program. The Institute particularly welcomes proposals that envisage active collaboration with RIFS researchers and offers Fellows the opportunity to develop their ideas in an international community of eminent researchers, not only within the institute but also in the wider Potsdam-Berlin area. Applicants can come from a wide range of sectors such as science, public administration, the private sector, civil society, media, and the arts. Fellows will receive financial compensation to cover their additional costs of living during their stay in Germany. The minimum duration of Fellowships is three months, and the maximum duration is twelve months. The deadline for applications is 14 July 2024.


Funding Entrepreneurs to Alleviate Poverty


The D-Prize funds pilot projects that more widely distribute relatively low-cost products and services in the fight against poverty. The current challenges include social enterprises for innovations in specified themes of agriculture; energy; WASH; and several other categories. The D-Prize will award 30 teams with up to US$20 thousand each to launch nonprofits or social ventures that can distribute proven poverty interventions to people in need. Eligibility to compete extends to entrepreneurs anywhere in the world and of any age or background. The D-Prize invites concept notes before 23 June (early deadline); 14 July (regular deadline); or 04 August 2024 (limited extension).

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists 2024


The Prize is awarded to a young scientist for outstanding life science research for which he/she was awarded a doctoral degree. The awards are made in four fields of life science research, one of which is Ecology and Environment. Eligible entrants for the 2024 Prize must have been awarded their doctoral degrees in 2022 or 2023. The winners in each category will each receive US$10 thousand, and the grand prize winner will receive US$30 thousand. The application deadline is 15 July 2024.

World Academy of Sciences

PhD in Chemical and Biological Sciences


The International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) offers postdoctoral fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than Pakistan) who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in organic chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular medicine, pharmacology or physical chemistry. The duration of the fellowships is six to twelve months. Subject areas range across the physical and natural sciences, including agricultural sciences. ICCBS will provide a monthly stipend to cover living costs, food, and health insurance. The deadline for receipt of applications is 17 July 2024.

About Her Culture

Micro Grants for African and Caribbean Women


About Her Culture offers micro-grants of US$500 to empower African and Caribbean women around the world for social and economic development. The micro-grants are open to women of Caribbean and African descent, who are entrepreneurs, creatives, and non-profit founders, based in their home countries or anywhere around the world. The application deadline is 30 June 2024.


African Climate Changemakers


The Young African Climate Changemakers Challenge calls on young people aged 16-25 across South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana to unleash their innovation in tackling climate change through ideas and existing initiatives. Applicants will receive access to information and learning sessions, networking opportunities, and access to online resources on social entrepreneurship. Ashoka awards US$1000 to 10 selected winners. Applications have to be submitted before 30 July 2024.

Social Shifters

Global Innovation Challenge


Social Shifters announces the Global Innovation Challenge to help young leaders and founders solve the social or environmental issues that matter to them. The challenge seeks creative ideas, projects, and business solutions to the problems that matter to local communities and welcomes ideas from anywhere in the world. Participants compete for awards of up to US$10 thousand to deliver activities that improve lives, help communities, and protect the planet. All ideas must be led by young people aged between 18-30 years old. The application deadline is 31 July 2024.

Embassy of Japan

Grants for Grassroots Projects in Uganda


The Embassy of Japan in Uganda provides financial assistance to non-profit, development-oriented organizations in support of community development projects in Uganda. Any projects geared towards grassroots assistance are eligible for financing, including water and sanitation, disaster relief, and agricultural development. The grant amount per project is generally under 10 million yen (approx. US$100 thousand). Potential recipients are international or local NGOs, community based organizations, educational institutions and local governments. The Embassy receives concept papers anytime throughout the year, but the selection process is conducted twice a year with deadlines on 31 January and 31 July.


Poverty Solutions for South Africa


The ygap accelerator provides support to South African leaders with solutions to poverty. Entrepreneurs and startups with project ideas and solutions for their local community are invited to apply for the training program. The program offers a three-day accelerator followed by twelve months of tailored support including business skills development, strategy insights, mentor support, and more. Participants will gain access to professionals (designers, lawyers, coaches, etc.) and have the opportunity to apply for small grants. Eligibility extends to social entrepreneurs operating in South Africa, who are dedicated to creating a positive change in the lives of people living in poverty. Applications are closing on 31 July 2024.

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

Fellowship Program


The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) enables early-career researchers to join a project team from another country for research activities that further our understanding of Antarctica. The fellowship is for PhD students to undertake research at major international laboratories, field facilities, or institutes in SCAR member countries. Applicants should be citizens of both a World Meteorological Organization member country and a developing economy. SCAR will offer three to four fellowships of up to US$15 thousand each. The deadline for fellowship applications is 31 July 2024.

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