Monday, July 1, 2024

Webinars and events July

1–5 July, 2024. CGIAR Science Week, Nairobi.
  • The CGIAR Science Week HAS BEEN POSTPONED. This is due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Drawing on CGIAR science and partnerships from around the world, the inaugural CGIAR Science Week was supposed to bring together the community working for a food, nutrition and climate secure future to: co-create a roadmap for food, land and water systems transformation, forge partnerships for action, build the case for investment, inspire change.
  • The rescheduled event will take place at the same venue - the UN Campus - in Nairobi, co-hosted by KALRO. 
1 July 2024, 11:00- 12:30 (CEST). InfoPoint Hybrid Conference: "Agroecological Transition: The Role of Research in Co-Design and Support of Innovations"

02 July 2024 | Hybrid event | 14.00-16.30 CEST Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition, in the context of urbanization and rural transformation

2 July 2024. @1200 EAT, 1100 Southern Africa, 1000 Central and parts of West Africa/BST, 0900 the rest of West Africa/GMT. Water School Africa (WSA)
  • Meeting ID: 875 4508 1076
  • Presenter: Daniel Chinkhuntha is an Organic Farmer and he manages Tikondwe Freedom Gardens, a Farm near Lilongwe, Malawi on which Permaculture is practised with the aim of achieving Food Sovereignty and secure livelihoods. 
2 - 3 July 2024. Exploring Intersections: Decolonization, Diasporas and the African Food System
  • This hybrid conference is an initiative of the Food Bridge vzw in partnership with Diaspofood ULB, Africa Museum Tervuren, Interdisciplinary Historical Food Studies Research Group (FOST) VUB, The New Global Order (TNGO), Alefa Diaspora and others.
  • The conference seeks to unravel the historical, cultural, and socio-economic dynamics that shaped the current state of African food systems and its impact on the continent’s development. Furthermore, it will be considering the effects of colonization, the experiences of diasporic communities, and the potential for decolonization to reshape the African food systems.
  • Download the programme here
3 July 2024 4th Life Cycle Innovation Conference | LCIC 2024

3 July 2024 Enhancing farmers’ uptake of digital technologies through empirical research, innovation and policy intervention.
  • This webinar aims at sharing findings from the EFUDTRIPI project implemented in Ghana by the Science and Technology Policy Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-STEPRI) and to solicit stakeholders’ inputs as part of the co-creation approach being employed throughout the project implementation.
  • The EFUDTRIPI project was designed to focus on small, medium and large-scale farmers to generate evidence on the level of use of digital technologies and services by farmers and the impacts on their farming activities. The project identifies the enablers and constraints to the use and adoption of digital solutions, existing policy gaps, and the interventions policymakers and digital service providers should adopt to eliminate these constraints.
3 July 2024. 15:00 – 16:00 CEST. Will Quantum Computing change Agrifood Systems?

3 - 4 July 2024. Kenya, Kwale County. BlueInvest Africa 2024
  • BlueInvest Africa is an important business event, initiated by the European Commission in 2022.
  • The objective of BlueInvest Africa is to facilitate meetings between African entrepreneurs seeking financing and international investors scouting for opportunities, all centred around projects capable of propelling Africa's blue economy forward
4 July 2024 | 14:30 - 16:00 SAST. Climate, Land, Agriculture, and Biodiversity
  • The African Research Universities Alliance Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (ARUA-SFS), hosted at Future Africa (University of Pretoria), in collaboration with the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), present the Climate, Land, Agriculture and Biodiversity (CLAB)-Africa Webinar Series.
  • The CLAB-Africa project is designed to elevate Africa-specific knowledge by supporting the continent’s leading scientists to engage political leadership on varying catalytic sectors to address the continent’s wicked challenges.
  • Webinar 1: Climate Impacts on Food Systems in Africa: The webinar will a.o. present case studies of successful projects, discuss the importance of policies, governance, and stakeholder engagement, and highlight advances in agricultural research and technology, providing a comprehensive understanding of building resilient and sustainable food systems in the face of climate change.
  • NWO organises an online information meeting to provide more information on the call, to answer questions and to provide an option for attendees to meet each other. Please register below for the information meeting.

  • FoodSafeR is a project funded by the European Union

9 July 2024. 11:00 GMT KM4AgD Thematic Knowledge Cafe 1 of 4 - Exploring women's land access challenges, and the importance of secure tenure for economic and social empowerment

10-11 July 2024, at CIMMYT’s global headquarters in Texcoco, Mexico. World Food Prize Foundation DialogueNEXT

  • the first Dialogue will start from the HLPE definition of transdisciplinary science (HLPE, 2019, p.33) and analyze both challenges and best practices from a suite of Agroecology TPP's projects on doing science differently.
  • Organised by The Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology

11 July 2024 | 14:30 -16:00 SAST. CLAB-Africa Webinar Series Land Restoration and Biodiversity

12 July 2024. KM4AgD Thematic Knowledge Cafe 4 of 4 - Micro-dosing: A promising sustainable soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa for food security

  • healthy food supplies to schools in Thailand, agroecological market networks in East Africa, Food Corridors in the Afro-Colombian territories, and Food Sovereign Corridors in Argentina. We will also hear about the programs and policies implemented by the Brazilian government to encourage agroecological production and to expand the supply and distribution of healthy food.
  • Speakers: *Marut Jatiket, The Field Alliance, Thailand *John Kariuki Mwangi, Slow Food Kenya, Kenya *Anyela Lizeth León Gonzáles, Grupo Semillas, Colombia *Josefina Galán and Agustín Mavar, Union de los Trabajadores de la Tierra, Argentina *Silvio Porto, CONAB, Brazil
18 July 2024. 14:30 - 16:00 SAST. People—Animal—Ecosystems Health and Wellbeing.

23 July - 7 August 2024. CGIAR is currently developing the next phase of its Research Portfolio, aligned to its Research and Innovation Strategy and organises a number of consultations. 

24 July 2024. 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CT. Seed Commercialization Webinar: Africa Public-private partnership drives local seed transformation. By USAID Feed the future

24 July 2024. Joint actions in operationalization of the Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa F-SAMA.
  • Panel discussion at the 9WCCA introduced by FAO/ACT. Panelists: AUC, AfDB, FAO, DAMES committee, and CIMMYT
  • The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email:
25 July 2024. Scaling CA with for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa in the Context of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI).
  • Introductory remarks of the panel discussion at the 9WCCA by Paswel Marenya (CIMMYT) or UN Women. Panelists: Dr Snapp (CIMMYT), ICARDA/INRA, and UM6P/Al Moutmir.
  • The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email:

    • This Research Portfolio Consultation will focus on the CGIAR proposed Program on Multifunctional Landscapes which will apply agroecological, nature-based and regenerative agri-food systems approaches at the landscape level to make livelihoods decent and resilient, secure safe and nutritious foods, and generate biodiversity and ecosystem services gains.
    • Two years ago, CONCORD, the confederation of European NGOs working on international cooperation and sustainable development, conducted an exercise to produce recommendations on how it could better engage its partner CSOs around the world in its policy and advocacy work towards the European Union.
    • A more detailed agenda is available here
    • The feedback will be presented at an upcoming event of CONCORD in September 2024.

    29 - 31 July 2024. Kigali, Rwanda. 2nd Science & Partnerships for Agriculture Conference (SPAC 2024) 
    • The 2024 edition of the SPAC conference will host its usual lead conferences among many other convenings; it will host the Third Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Conference; the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) conference, the AU-EU Horizon
    • Europe partnership projects coordinated by FARA viz., CEAFIRST and StEPFoS, a workshop on advancing the application of foresight in African agriculture and a reflection workshop on the AfDB-supported Technologies for African Agriculture (TAAT) programme, plus several others.

    2–7 August 2024. Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems
    • 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
    • 02/08 Assessing the impacts of international agricultural research: New methods, rigorous evidence, better decisions [SPIA Fest 2024] - CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA)
    • 02/08 Regional integration, sustainability and food security in South Asia
    • 02/08 The bioeconomy and sustainable development
    • 02/08 Transforming food systems in South Asia - IFPRI
    • 02/08 Transdisciplinary approaches in agri-food systems transformation research- IFPRI, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA
    • 02/08 Facilitating the rapid, Inclusive and sustainable rural transformation in Asian developing countries
    • 04/08 Plenary 3: Healthy and Sustainable Diets and Nutrition
    • 04/08 Plenary 4: Agri-Food Value Chains and Sustainability
    • 05/08 Plenary 5: Gender in Agri-Food Systems
    • 06/08 Plenary 6: Agri-Food Systems, Climate, and the Environment
    • 06/08 Plenary 7: Novel Approaches in Agri-Food Systems ResearchSelection of Invited Panel sessions that will be held at the conference. For session details and timing, please consult the conference program app (available from July 2024).
    • Science Policy Interface for Sustainable Food Systems (organizer: Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer, Peter Wehrheim) (speakers: Justus Wesseler, Shenggen Fan, Jill McCluskey, Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Joachim von Braun)
    • Toward Sustainable Food Systems Transformation in Africa (organizer: Ousmane Badiane, Tsitsi Makombe) (speakers: Sheryl Hendriks, Anna Lartey, John Ulimwengu, Getaw Tadesse, Julius Ecuru, Katrin Glatzel, Racine Ly)
    • Nourishing Growth: How Public Spending Decisions are Shaping Agricultural Transformation and Food Security in India and Africa (organizer: Ashok Gulati, Joachim von Braun) (speakers: Shyma Jose, Bezawit Beyene Chichaibelu, Lukas Kornher, Ousmane Badiane, Usha Barwale Zehr, Sachin Chaturvedi, Shahidur Rashid, Sheryl Hendriks
    • Strengthening the Capacities of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes in Africa (organizer: Thomas Jayne) (speakers: Nalishebo Meebelo, Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, Chris Barrett, Tinashe Kapuya, Milu Muyanga)
    • Urban Food Systems and Dietary Transition in Africa (organizer: Felix Asante (speakers: Jonathan Mockshell, Sylvester Ogutu, Hannah Ameye, Matin Qaim, Makaiko Khonje
    • Alternative Proteins: Challenges and Opportunities in Low- and Middle-Income Settings (organizer: Claudia Ringler) (speakers: B Dayakar Rao, Arghadeep Saha, Frans Swanepoel, Melissa van der Merwe, Holly Wang)
    August 2024. AFMASS Nigeria Food Expo co-located with Africa Dairy Manufacturing Expo and Africa Food Safety Summit – Western Africa

    4–9 August 2024, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China. IPC 2024 | 17th International Peatland Congress

    12 - 15 August 2024. Africa-China-CIMMYT Science Forum.
    25 - 29 August 2024. World Water Week

    2 - 6 September 2024. Kigali Rwanda. Africa Food Systems Forum 2024

    8 to 12 of September 2024. Rimini, Italy. 22nd IUFoST World Congress 2024 of Food Science and Technology.

    11-13 September TROPENTAG
    16 -19 September 2024. 13th African Crop Science Society (ACSS) conference.
    • hosted by the Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU) in Maputo, Mozambique,
    • under the theme, ‘Crop research and innovation for agricultural transformation, resilience and inclusion’, the Maputo meeting will also provide a platform for sharing and discussing research results that bring solutions towards enhancing agricultural development in Africa.
    17 September 2024, Nairobi, Kenya, and online. GLF | GLF Africa 2024

    22–23 September 2024, New York, USA. UN | Summit of the Future

    25 – 28 September 2024. Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data
    Join us in Nanjing, China

    26 September 2024.Innovative systems for sustainable technology development, and uptake or adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa
    • Lead by FARA and contributions by China Agricultural University (Li Hongwen), Murdoch University Bangladesh (Enamul Haque); CORAF, and the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS).
    • The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email:
    • Organised by the African Nutrition Society and Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    • Submission of abstracts: 1st March – 31st May, 2024
    3 - 4 October 2024. AGROECOLOGY SCIENCE DAYS » University of Lausanne, Switzerland
    “Agroecology Day for All” in Lausanne on 5 October 2024

    14 -16 October 2024. Addis Ababa African Youth Summit on Food Systems & Agroecology2024

    21 October–1 November, TBA, Colombia. UN | 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16)

    24 October 2024. The role of smallholder farmers in agricultural development and food security in Africa for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa
    • Introductory remarks by PAFO. Panel: ROPPA/EAFF; PASAE; University of Nairobi; CSIR-CRI Ghana; and Director of Mechanization, Nigeria.
    • The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email:

    11–22 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan UN | 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29)

    20 November 2024. 1:30 to 5:30 pm. Soil quality – Towards an indicator system for public policy - Restitution conference

    26-28 November 2024 in Dakar, Senegal. ANAPRI Stakeholders Conference scheduled

    25-28 November 2024. Kigali, Rwanda. SUN Movement Global Gathering 2024
    • The SUN Movement Global Gathering is the Movement’s flagship event and one of the largest international gatherings within the nutrition community.
    26 to 27 November 2024 SFN+ Hybrid Conference: Innovations for sustainable and resilient agri-food systems
    • This hybrid conference will provide an opportunity to explore the latest innovations in the agri-food systems within the UK and beyond (Africa and Asia); showcase the success of its funded research projects, present the latest knowledge exchange initiatives of its expert working groups and provide networking opportunities for leading food researchers and industry experts.
    28 November 2024. Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa: Annual Summary Paper to be prepared by AfricaMechanize Secretariat.
    2–13 December 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia UN | UNCCD COP16

    25 February - 1 March 2025. Corvallis, Oregon. Organic Seed Alliance conference
    • to be held  Hydrid: In-person and virtual.
    • Call for 2025 Conference proposals is open until July 19 and is available at this link

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