Monday, August 26, 2024

CGIAR Capacity Sharing Accelerator Partners Consultation Online Session

26 August 2024
. CGIAR Capacity Sharing Accelerator Partners Consultation Online Session

This session was part of a number of consultations to develop the next phase of its Research Portfolio, aligned to its CGIAR Research and Innovation Strategy
  • Capacity sharing is a next-generation approach to capacity development, embracing mutual learning, co-development, sharing and exchanging evidence, innovations, and technologies with partners, versus the traditional unidirectional transfer of knowledge and skills. 
  • The work of CGIAR on capacity sharing will aim to strengthen the research-for-development and scaling capacities of partners, nurture healthier and more equitable partnerships, and catalyze greater investments by showcasing the impact of enhanced partner capacities. 
  • The CGIAR vision is to enhance the research, innovation, and scaling capacities at researcher, institutional, and system levels, for both partners and CGIAR, through tailor-made country and regional-level interventions. 

A CGIAR Engagement Framework for Partnerships & Advocacy

CGIAR's engagement with the private sector includes:
  1. business incubation and acceleration initiatives; 
  2. working in the sustainable finance space to reorient and leverage capital flows toward sustainable enterprises; 
  3. creating new business opportunities that help bring research and innovations co-developed with partners to market; 
  4. strategic management of CGIAR intellectual assets to speed up innovation and incentivize adoption; 
  5. and monetizing knowledge products and services, developed by the CGIAR while remaining within its commitment to the generation of global public goods. 
Given the specific character of engagement with the private sector – not least in its risk management perspective, and in the central role played by intellectual property – CGIAR will update its policy on intellectual property and commercialization, to ensure a strict alignment on compliance and focus on achieving global impact in alignment with the SDGs. Furthermore, CGIAR can also play an important role in supporting the agri-food sector and international corporations to bring their business practices (from farm to fork) in line with environmental, social, and governance principles, reach underserved groups and markets, and improve livelihoods. (page 10)

Other resources 

Previous consultations

Tuesday, 23 July: Sustainable Farming Program
Tuesday, 23 July: Breeding for Tomorrow Program 
Wednesday, 24 July: Scaling for Impact Program
Thursday, 25 July: Multifunctional Landscapes Program
  • This Research Portfolio Consultation will focus on the CGIAR proposed Program on Multifunctional Landscapes which will apply agroecological, nature-based and regenerative agri-food systems approaches at the landscape level to make livelihoods decent and resilient, secure safe and nutritious foods, and generate biodiversity and ecosystem services gains.
Monday, 29 July: Shared Capacity Accelerator
Tuesday, 30 July: Better Diets and Nutrition Program
Wednesday, 31 July: Policy Innovations Program
Thursday, 01 August: Genebanks
Monday, 05 August: Sustainable Animal and Aquatic Foods Program
Tuesday, 06 August: Future Food Frontiers & Security Program
Wednesday, 07 August: Digital Transformations Accelerator

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