Friday, September 13, 2024

Seed Regulation. Africa’s preparedness for the transition

12 September 2024.  Seed Regulation. Africa’s preparedness for the transition. Understanding the EU regulation on Plant Productive Materials (PRMs)

Webinar Areas of Focus
  • Understanding the EU regulation on Plant Productive Materials(PRMs)—what has changed with the amendments, what this means for farmers and the transition process of the regulation
  • Lessons learned from the new EU Regulation on organic exports, its transition, and what it means for farmers in Africa.
Panel discussion

Previous webinar

This Webinar by PELUM Association in partnership with Broederlijk Delen (BD) and AfroNet aimed at raising awareness on the implications of the Proposed EU regulation on Plant Reproductive Materials (2023) on Africa’s food system. 
The webinar was attended by over 170 stable attendants from across the world. 

The webinar featured five distinguished discussants: 
  1. Giregon Olupot (PhD) from Makerere University, Uganda; 
  2. Ms. Karin Ulmer and Fulya Batur (PhD), who are Consultants on a Seeds for Agroecology Project by Bread for the World (BfW) & HEKS/EPER, 
  3. Ms. Greet Lambrecht, an Organic farmer and seed saver in Belgium; and 
  4. Mr. Chariton Namuwoza, the President of African Organic Network (AfrONET). 
  5. Moderation duties were handled by Mr. Muketoi Wamunyima, the Country Coordinator at PELUM Zambia, and Juliet Katusiime (PhD), a Senior Programme Officer at the PELUM Association Regional Secretariat. 


This report provides an overview of the
proceedings from the webinar on the
implications of the European Union
proposed regulation on Plant Reproductive
Materials (PRM, 2023) on Africa's food

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