Monday, September 16, 2024

Fourth Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP)

16 September 2024. Nairobi, Kenya. In partnership with the African Development Bank, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) convened the 4th Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program Partnership Forum. The Forum :
  • took stock of progress made by the Program in providing climate-resilient economic development for Africa since its launch in 2021. Further, 
  • garnered from AAAP stakeholders, current and prospective partners, on the expected outlook for a second programmatic phase
  • served as a consultation moment to glean from partners and stakeholders on emerging climate adaptation frontiers pertinent to the African continent, to strengthen the AAAP’s next phase offering. 
Kenya as the host country of the forum this year, showcased specific progress across the Program’s offering drawing on progress in infrastructure resilience and in ensuring a locally led adaption approach. As global climate adaptation commitments progress, the AAAP will remain effective in strengthening resilience in Africa and in ramping up efforts to close the Adaptation financing gap. 

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