Monday, May 4, 2020


The Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced (BRIDGE) Project of USAID. Three-part virtual series on lessons learned and entry points for action in the integration of biodiversity conservation, governance, public health, and food security.

12 May 2020. WEBINAR. Food Loss and Waste – Can we end it by 2030 while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? IFPRI. 09:00 AM TO 10:15 AM EDT

13 May 2020. WEBINAR. Formulating long-term, climate-resilient development strategies for agriculture. 13h00-14h00 UTC / 15h00-16h00 SAST / 16h00-17h00 EAT
This webinar will introduce participants to the programme established by the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES) – under AfLP co-chair Dr George Wamukoya – together with its partners, to support four countries, namely: Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia to formulate agricultural LTS/updating of agricultural component of NDCs. A guideline will be developed to help countries in aligning LTS and successive NDCs.

The International Forum on Innovation in Agri-Food Systems to achieve SDGs, postponed due to the current COVID-19 spread, was intended to showcase agricultural innovation success stories in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region and elsewhere through an Innovation Fair and various technical sessions and panels. Out of 118 proposals, the selected top 20 stories represents 17 countries out of which are 8 from outside the NENA region with 8 success stories.
  • Zoominar I: How can digital innovation help smallholder farmers cope with COVID-19 impact in the NENA region? Held on the 16th and repeated on the 23rd April. Find here the Zoominar Recording and Presentations
  • Zoominar II : Innovative success stories in the NENA region: Tool to support smallholders under COVID-19 disruptive impact? Held on 30th April. FAO asked the audience to vote for the best three and we had the results as follows: COSUMAR (Morocco), AHMINI (Tunisia) and SHEP (Egypt and Palestine).  Zoominar Recording and Presentations 
  • Zoominar III : Agri-Food Innovation Success Stories from outside NENA
15 May, 2020. WEBINAR. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains - What we can do to mitigate the impact on service delivery to different actors in the value chain 10.00 AM Amsterdam, 15.00 PM Hanoi, 16.00 PM Beijing. 
The Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), is organizing a series of Webinars around the theme of “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains - What we can do to mitigate the impact!” The objective of the series of Webinars is to provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the current crises on the ground in several countries, while allowing a moment of reflection and discussion. The third Webinar in this series is organized together with GFRAS and IFAD.

This webinar is part of a Series of webinars on the Food Systems Approach in Practice promoted by members of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme (SFS Programme), a global multi-stakeholder platform to support countries in the transition towards sustainable food systems.

15 May 2020. Blockchain for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector: challenges and opportunities.  Webinar organised by the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) in the framework its AgriHack and Blockchain projects

15 May, 2020. WEBINAR. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains - What we can do to mitigate the impact on service delivery to different actors in the value chain. Organised by Value chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N): IFAD, Helvetas

19 May 2020. Sustainable Agriculture: Where Are We Headed After 2020?  Presenters included Harsh Vivek, Program Leader, South Asia Food and Agribusiness Advisory - IFC ; John Logan, Country Head, Kenya - TechnoServe ; Priti Kumar, Senior Agriculture Specialist - World Bank ; Vanessa Adams, Vice-President, Country Support and Delivery - AGRA

19 May 2020.WEBINAR. Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Stronger Conservation and Development Outcomes 9:30 am - 11:00 am EDT . Organised by Wilson Center’s Environmental Change & Security Program, USAID’s BRIDGE project

19 May 2020.WEBINAR. Fertilizer Code's implementation. FAO's Global Soil Partnership.  Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers (Fertilizer Code).

19 May 2020. WEBINAR EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICES: at frontline of COVID-19 response ensuring food security in Asia At 8:30 in Rome (CEST/CAT) 14:30 in Beijing, 12:00 in New Delhi time, 13:30 in Vientiane, 16:30 in Sydney. Recognising that the impact of COVID-19 and response measures are not uniform across the globe, FAO’s Research and Extension Unit is organizing a series of webinars to discuss the role EAS in the context of the pandemic in different regions.

20 May 2020. The Contribution of research and innovation in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 in Africa’s agriculture and food system. Organized by CAADP ex Pillar IV Institutions* and hosted by FARA

20 May 2020. WEBINAR. COVID19 Implications on Pastoralism Practices in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities Organised by the African Union -SAFGRAD (Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development) 11 am CEST/CAT 10:00 am to 11:55 am GMT. Meeting ID: 985 7957 3870Password: 635418

20 May 2020. WEBINAR. Demystifying market systems resilience

21 May 2020. The Role of Youth in Agri-Food System Innovation in the Context of COVID-19. Zoominar V organised by FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa FAO/RNE.

21 May 2020. What do we need for a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response in agriculture and food security? Insights from research and practice. Organised by IFPRI.

21 May 2020. WEBINAR. Role of Agricultural Extension in Ensuring Food Security during and after Pandemic 4 pm CEST/CAT (South Africa time), (Nigeria time)

21 May 2020. WEBINAR. @9:30am EDT. What do we need for a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response in agriculture and food security? Organised by IFPRI

22 May 2020. Webinar of the Africa Foresight Academy. Organised by FARA.

25-28 May 2020. Arusha, Tanzania. Summit “Power on Your Plate”. World Vegetable Center. Postponed until 25-28 January 2021

26 May 2020. 3:30 AM CEST, 9:30 am – 11:15 am (Singapore), Webinar on Food System Resilience - Global and Asian Perspectives. This webinar is one of a series organized by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) and its entities in Asia to share pertinent aspects and insights in science, food resilience, health research, and measures, as well as technological developments that can be harnessed to mitigate and address the longer-term impact of COVID-19. Speakers include Prof. Dr. Shenggan Fan.

26 May 2020. 11.00 AM - 12 PM CEST, 15.00 PM Hanoi, 16.00 PM Beijing. Webinar on Sustainable Agriculture: Where Are We Headed After 2020? Speakers include: Alan Johnson, Program Lead - Smallholder Supply Chains, IFC - International Finance Corporation; Leesa Shrader, Program Director, Mercy Corps AgriFin Accelerate; Lucy Muchoki, CEO, PanAAC - Pan African Agribusiness & Agroindustry Consortium

26 May 2020. 14:30 PM EAT (Nairobi). Webinar on Urban Food Self Sufficiency LESSONS LEARNT FROM COVID-19 RESPONSES. Organised by Food Rights Alliance and Partners with support from OXFAM, HIVOS and Trocaire. 

27 May 2020.11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CEST Webinar on Sustaining food security and resilience in Africa in times of COVID-19. Organised by FAO/Brussels. Speakers: H.E. Josefa Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union (AU), H.E. Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti, Secretary-General, Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), Marjeta Jager
Deputy Director-General, European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO)
Laurent Thomas Deputy Director-General, FAO; Abebe Haile-Gabriel
Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa, FAO; Máximo Torero Cullen Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Development, FAO; Philippe Scholtès Managing Director, Directorate of Programme Development and Technical Cooperation, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); Dominique Burgeon Director, Emergency and Rehabilitation, FAO

27 May 2020.13:30 PM CEST Webinar on Discussion on the Implications of the 2020 Global Food Policy Report for Eurasia Organised by IFPRI

27 May 2020. 17:00 PM CEST. Webinar on Digging Deeper into Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Gender and Women's Economic Empowerment. Organised by USAID

28 May 2020. 10.00 AM CEST, 15.00 PM Hanoi, 16.00 PM Beijing. VCB-N- WEBINAR 4: "the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on (trans-boundary) agro-commodity chains and the role of leading agro-corporates in mitigating impacts and shaping path-ways for a more resilient agro-business sector" Organised by Value chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N): IFAD, Helvetas,

28 May 2020. 15:00 PM CEST. Webinar on Developing Resilient Food Systems in Southern Africa in the Era of COVID-19. The Southern Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (SACSAA), in partnership with the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) will be leading a virtual multi-stakeholder dialogue which will address critical issues in developing resilient food system in this era of COVID-19.Speakers: (a) Manyewu Mutamba, Senior Officer - Environment, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) ; (b) Dr Majola Mabuza, Southern Africa Confedaration of Agriculture Unions (SACAU) ; (c) Ms Jana Korner, Integrated Expert for Scaling Innovations at CCAFS ; (d) Moderated by Ms Sithembile Mwamakamba, FANRPAN Programmes Manager and SACSAA Coordinator

28 May 2020. 16:00 PM - 17:00 PM CEST Webinar on New food loss and waste protocol. Organised by the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction. Wageningen University and Research (WUR) have developed a new methodology for assessing and quantifying loss and waste within a value chain.

28 May 2020. 15:30 PM CEST No backsliding: How can we re-orient food systems and health systems to protect nutrition and healthy diets in the context of COVID-19? Organised by IFPRI.

29 May 2020. 11:00 AM CEST Webinar on Doing business in post covid-19 agrofood sector. Speaker: Jeremy Knops - Délégué Général - COLEACP

30 May 2020. 05:00 PM West Central Africa. WEBINAR Food systems e-thinking: vulnerability, solutions and prospects for rural farmers Vol 1 Speakers: 1) Dr. Caroline Mwongera, Scientist, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Kenya; 2) Fasakin Aduragbemi, CEO, Advic Farms and Allied Services, Nigeria; 3) Mambo Muntu Delroy Matienga, Farmer and Agribusiness Management expert

1 June 2020. 9-11:30 GMT  COVID-19 emergency response: the African nutrition perspectives. FAO RAF in collaboration African Nutrition Society are jointly organising this webinar to provide a platform for experts to share evidence and views on how to enhance better food system and improve nutritional health among Africans despite the COVID-19. 

03-05 June 2020. Digital Conference: Food in the time of crises. This three-day event will continue to push the horizon of digital conferencing through interactive sessions, inspirational talks, documentary screenings and exclusive interviews streamed live from Bonn as well as landscapes and cities around the world. Participants will experience crowdsourced idea-sharing, networking to connect activities, digital scavenger hunts, learning journeys, live polls and more.

03 June 2020. 2:30 pm, CEST. COVID-19 and Sustainable Food Systems: Responses and innovations to tackle vulnerabilities and build back better Aimed primarily at regional and national decision-makers focusing on food or elements of the food system, the webinar is open to anyone with an interest in building sustainable food systems as a response to COVID-19 through a systems approach, and the role of inter-sectoral coordination and collaboration. The webinar is part of a Series of webinars on the Food Systems Approach in Practice promoted by members of the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Programme (SFS Programme), a global multi-stakeholder platform to support countries in the transition towards sustainable food systems.

4 June 2020. 14:00 PM CEST Webinar on Preventing Food Loss and Waste during COVID-19? Policy and Technology Innovations for Less FLW and More Sustainable Food Systems. Organised by FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa FAO/RNE.

10 June 2020. One day online virtual interaction Youth in Agribusiness: Coping with COVID-19 in the context of a Changing Climate + 20 May 2020 to 5 June 2020. Online discussion. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), IFDC-2SCALE, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO), AgriProFocus, the Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) and the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) are hosting an online discussion on the Climate and Agriculture Network for Africa ( CANA ) platform. 

10 June 2020. 09:30 am - 11:00 am EDT. Webinar on Market-based Agricultural Technology Scaling in Fragmented Market Settings Organised by Agrilinks/USAID with World Vegetable Center 
23-25 June 2020. Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy Learning Lab.+ 30 June-2 July 2020. ANH Research Conference Organised by CGIAR, BMGF, DfID

9-11 June, 2020. Accra, Ghana. AGRITECH WEST AFRICA 2020

15-18 June 2020. Rotterdam, Netherlands. IFAMA 2020. Theme: Food for the Future. IFAMA.

17-19 June 2020. Cape Town, South Africa. AGRITECH AFRICA. Theme: the international agricultural technology conference and exhibition Agritech by Kenes exhibitions now in South Africa. Kenes Exhibitions.

18-19 June 2020. Dubai United Arab Emirates. 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. Theme: An era to save natural resources of soil for future betterment. ME CONFERENCES.

24-25 June 2020. Nairobi Kenya. AFRICA DIGITAL INSURANCE CONFERENCE (ADIC 2020). Theme: Digital Transformation of Insurance in Africa. SUNFLOWER EVENTS.

24-26 June 2020. KICC Nairobi Kenya. AFRICA FOOD SHOW. Theme: Business and Economics | Food and Beverage. MIE EVENTS.

25-26 June 2020. Toronto, Canada. GLOBAL CONGRESS ON INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. Theme: Innovative Approach and Novel Technologies in Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. SCIENTIFIC FEDERATION.


25-27 June 2020. Rome, Italy. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO ON METABOLOMICS AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. Theme: A diligent approach to enrich the knowledge on Metabolomics and Systems Biology. MAGNUS GROUP.

26 June 2020. Visual event hosted on Zoom, Ghana. Technical Seminar Series: Transformation of the Africa Smallholder Farmer – An imperative for Agricultural Growth in Africa (Also recommendations for post COVID-19). Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. FARA Secretariat.

29-30 June 2020. ISS, Netherlands. Development Dialogue 2020. Theme: Engaged Scholarship for Development: Building Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice. ISS.

1-3 July 2020. CORONAVIRUS: the management of pandemic and the impact on Agenda 2030. Video Conference. 

23 July 2020. Financing climate smart agriculture.  Second Webinar of the The Southern Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (SACSAA), in partnership with the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is leading a virtual multi-stakeholder dialogue which addresses critical issues in developing resilient food system in this era of COVID-19.

21 - 24 July 2020. Durban, South Africa. CONNECTING THE AGRI-FOOD VALUE CHAIN.

30-31 July 2020. Berlin, Germany. OCEANOGRAPHY CONFERENCES. Theme: Marine Science for a Blue Economy. GAVIN CONFERENCES.

06-08 August 2020. Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi Kenya. AFRICA BIG RETAIL EXPO (ABRE 2020). Theme: The Future of Retail in Africa. SUNFLOWER EVENTS.

10-11 August 2020. Atlanta-Georgia, United States of America. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO ON AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. Theme: Accelerate scientific discoveries and major milestones in the current situation relating to Agriculture Sciences! SCIENTIFIC FEDERATION.

19-22 August 2020. Eurosoil 2020. Theme: Connecting People and Soil. Eurosoil.

20-21 August 2020. Venice, Italy. BIOMATERIALS-2020. Theme: Explore the New Innovations & Research on Biotechnology and Biomaterials. SCIENTIFIC FEDERATION. SCIENTIFIC FEDERATION.

23-27 August 2020. WEBINAR. Ebonyi, Nigeria. 33rd International Conference of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Theme: Harnessing Biotechnology towards Building a Knowledge-Driven and Sustainable Bio-Economy in a Post-Oil Era: (Pre-conference workshop

24-28 August, Centre International de Conférences Rue de Varembé 17 Genève, 1211 Switzerland.

26-27 August 2020. Prague Czech Republic. FOOD TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES. Theme: Targeted Innovation to Nourish the Challenging World. HERALD MEETINGS.

26-27 August 2020. Osaka Japan. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRO ECOLOGY AND ORGANIC FARMING. Theme: Explore the latest inventions and research in food and nutrition science. CONFERENCE SERIES.COM.

27-29 August 2020. Kampala. African Dairy Conference (AFDA)

8-11 September, Kigali Convention Centre KG 2 Roundabout, Kimihurura Kigali, Rwanda. AGRF Summit 2020. Theme: Feed the Cities, Grow the Continent. AGRF.

9-11 September, World Forum Churchillplein 10 The Hague, 2517 JW Netherlands. Plant Health, Agriculture and Bioscience Conference. CABI Koppert Biological Systems Wageningen UR.

9-11 September 2020. Tropentag 2020 . Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

9-10 September 2020. Rome, Italy. 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. International Conference on Sustainable Development is organized by the European Center of Sustainable Development in collaboration with CIT University. EUROPEAN CENTER OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, CIT UNIVERSITY.

9-10 September 2020. Golden Tulip Paris Aéroport CDG Villepinte Paris France. 6TH EDITION OF GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT SCIENCE AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Theme: A deep focus on Plant Sciences and its modern techniques. MAGNUS GROUP.

10-12 September 2020. Paris, France. 6TH EDITION OF GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT SCIENCE AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Theme: A deep focus on Plant Sciences and its modern techniques. MAGNUS GROUP.

11-12 September 2020. Meise Belgium. Land, People and Markets; building a sustainable and inclusive agrofood sector.

18-19 September 2020. Kanyakumari India. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AQUACULTURE AND MARINE BIOLOGY. Theme: New Advancements in Aquaculture & Marine Biology. CONFERENCE MIND.

21-24 September 2020. Muscat, Oman. International Conference on Water Resources in Arid Areas

22-23 September 2020. Dubai United Arab Emirates. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY. Theme: Discovering natural resources through agriculture. ME CONFERENCES.

23-25 September 2020. Paris, France. 3RD EDITION OF EURO-GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Theme: Foreground for Advanced Researches in Food Science and Technology. MAGNUS GROUP.

1-3 October 2020. Millennium Hall Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Trade show agrofood Ethiopia. Fairtrade.

06-08 October 2020. Medan, Indonesia. PALMEX INDONESIA 2020. Theme: The only specialized Palm Oil event in Asia! PT. FIREWORKS INDONESIA.

12-13 October 2020. Sydney Australia. 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. Theme: Sharing new ideas and technologies amongst the professionals, industrialists, and students! CONFERENCESERIES LLC LTDS.

14-15 October 2020. Rome, Italy. WORLD PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE CONGRESS. Theme: Safeguarding the International Crop Population and Environmental Concerns. CONFERENCE SERIES LLC LTD.


21-22 October 2020. Surabaya, Indonesia. SUGARTECH AGRI EXPO INDONESIA 2020. PT. FIREWORKS INDONESIA.


25-30 October 2020. Nairobi. Joint XXIV International Grassland and XI Rangeland Congress

4 November, NH Hotel The Hague Prinses Margrietplantsoen 100 The Hague, 2595 BR Netherlands. Symposium “Dutch Agriculture, European Policies and Global Food System Transitions”. Wageningen Economic Research.

8-13 November, BITEC Thailand. Micronutrient Forum 5th Global Conference 2020. Theme: Building New Evidence and Alliances for Improving Nutrition.

10-13 November 2020. KAMPALA, UGANDA. 3rd Joint National Agricultural Research Organization and Makerere University Science Conference. Theme: INNOVATIONS FOR ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY, AND AGRO-INDUSTRIALIZATION.

16-18 November 2020. CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa. The African Agri Investment Indaba. Your gateway to investment opportunities across the entire agri-food value chain.

22-25 November,2020. King Fahd Palace, Dakar, Senegal. 4th All Africa Horticultural Congress. TRANSFORMATIVE INNOVATIONS IN HORTICULTURE.

25-26 November 2020. Gaborone, Botswana. Botho University International Research Conference. Theme: Research and Innovation for sustainable development in the age of the fourth industrial revolution.

26-30 April 2021. Davos, Switzerland. Second International Congress of Biological Control

27 November 2020. Visual event hosted on Zoom, Ghana. Technical Seminar Series: Advancing Knowledge Management Strategies for Achieving the SDGs in Africa - Focus on the FARADataInformS and the CAADP / Biennial Review (BR) Process (Partnership arrangements and Scorecard Methods) within AR4D and the Science Agenda. Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. FARA Secretariat.

17-18 December 2020. Tokyo, Japan. Nutrition for Growth Summit. Theme: To set the world on a pathway towards achieving the SDG targets. Government of Japan

1 July 2020. 2021 UN Food Summit

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