Thursday, March 18, 2021

REPORT: Positioning of African Farmers Organizations in the context of the AfCFTA

The Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), the European Union (EU) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), who made this study possible thanks to the FO4ACP project. 

This study report is based on a research that involved looking at the AfCFTA negotiations process and the current status as well as on a number of studies and reports on agriculture and farmers in Africa. Consultations were also carried out through online discussions and engagements with all the five (5) Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO) Member Networks in their respective regions. These are: The EasternAfrica Farmers Federation (EAFF); Plateforme Régionale des organisations paysannes d’Afrique Centrale (PROPAC); Reseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA); SouthernAfricanConfederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) andUnion Maghrébine des Agriculteurs (UMNAGRI). 

The role of African Farmers Organizations (FOs) is and will continue to be critical in supporting farmers in the context of the AfCFTA. As the whole African continent works towards ensuring that the single African market created by the AfCFTA truly works for all Africans, the African FOs have the mandate to support African farmers and thus have to be positioned rightly to play their role. Though most farmers are not in the business of ‘trading’ but rather in the business of ‘producing’, their products ‘agricultural produce’ are the essential products for agri-business trade thus they need to be supported to be part of the “value/ supply chains”.

Given the significant contribution of the agricultural sector to the African economy and the important role played by the farmers on the continent, there is a need to mobilize support for the African Framers for the full participation in the AfCFTA by implementing the following recommendations; 
  1. Implementing the recommendations of African RFOs 
  2. Continued advocacy on key policy issues 
  3. Strengthening farmer’s organizations across the African continent 
  4. Designing a specific support program v.
  5. Targeted/ specific support to PAFO 7 
  6. Linking family farmers to markets and relevant value chains vii. Engaging and coordinating relevant partners and stakeholders 
  7. Strengthening the PAFO-AUC partnership ix. Utilizing the AfCFTA to promote food security and enhance agribusiness 
18 March 2021. WEBINAR. African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): opportunities for SMEs and businesses in the agrifood sector by COLEACP and PAFO.

The panel features successful businesses and SMEs across various value chains in added-value products serving regional markets in Africa. We will also have the perspective from research, policy and finance experts.

Welcome: Fatma Ben Rejeb, CEO, PAFO
Moderator: Isolina Boto, Head of Networks and Alliances, COLEACP

Findings from a PAFO study: Positioning of African Farmers Organizations (FOs) in the context of the AfCFTA, John Bosco Kanyangoga, PAFO

Panel: Successes of businesses
  • Moussa S. Diakité, Fondateur, SCS International, Mali
  • Michael Annan-Forson, CEO-Melach Groups, Ghana
  • Dan Jakana, CEO of Jakana Foods Ltd, Uganda
  • Prudence Sebahizi, Chief Technical Advisor on the AfCFTA and Head of the AfCFTA Negotiations Support Unit, Department of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission
  • Lucy Muchoki, CEO, Pan African Agribusiness and Agroindustry Consortium (PanAAC), Kenya
  • Remco Vahl, Expert, Senior Expert, DG Trade, European Commission

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