Thursday, March 18, 2021

WEBINAR: Food Safety and Private Sector Partnerships.

16 March 2021. Food Safety and Private Sector Partnerships. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety for a webinar on commercial, market-oriented solutions to advancing food safety.

Recording forthcoming

Partnerships with the private sector are vital to enhancing the scale, sustainability, and reach of food safety practices and policies. The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety leverages research and expertise in food safety, food production, nutrition, and international development to identify the root causes of foodborne illness within supply chains. The panelists in the fourth installment of our webinar series will share their perspectives and answer your questions on commercial, market-oriented solutions to advancing food safety and creating local and export economic opportunities. 
  • HOST Haley Oliver Director, Food Safety Innovation Lab 
  • Kelley Cormier Food Safety Division Chief, Center for Nutrition, USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security 
  • Greg Grothe Director of Project Design and Technical Services, Land O’Lakes Venture 37 
  • Howard Popoola Vice President for Corporate Food Technology and Regulatory Compliance, Kroger

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