Wednesday, February 23, 2022

European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy: how innovation can support the transition towards global sustainable food systems

19 February 2022. European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy: how innovation can support the transition towards global sustainable food systems.

As part of EXPO 2020 in Dubai, the EU participated in a series of events focusing on EU policy priorities. One of these was the conference, "European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy: how innovation can support the transition towards global sustainable food systems".

The conference focused on the importance of the transition towards a sustainable global food system, and highlighted the role that multi-lateral and multi-actor research and innovation projects can play to help achieve this goal.

Showcasing European funded projects, the event highlighted:
  • projects and other initiatives supporting sustainable farming;
  • multi-actor and participative projects with relevant actors of the food chain;
  • multilateral approaches for greater efficiency and dissemination of outcomes.
Speakers from the EU and other parts of the world shared their experiences and discussed how the initiatives they are involved in contribute to the transition. A particular focus was given to achieving greater resource efficiency worldwide through the use of research & innovation (R&I).

The conference provided an opportunity for stakeholders from a range of backgrounds to exchange experiences and good practice, particularly around initiatives to improve soil health, water management and other climate-related approaches for more sustainable farming and food production.
  • Moderators: Mr Abdul Karim Hanif and Ms Mariam Farag
  • Welcome speech by H.E. Xavier Chatel, Ambassador of France to the United Arab Emirates

Challenges and opportunities of a global transition to sustainable food systems

  • Video message by H.E. Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
  • Keynote speech by H.E. Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development

1st panel: Research and innovation: key enablers supporting the global transition to sustainable food systems

  • Video message by H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, African Union Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment
  • Ms Ismahane Elouafi, FAO chief scientist
  • Ms Marion Jansen, OECD Director for trade and agriculture
  • Mr Philippe Mauguin, Président Directeur Général of Institut National de la Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)
  • Ms Claudia Sadoff, Executive Management Team Convener and Managing Director, Research Delivery and Impact, CGIAR
  • H.E. Pio Wennubst, Ambassador of Switzerland to the United Nations

2nd panel: Insight of R&I projects and initiatives supporting the transition toward sustainable food systems

  • Innovation in farms “Global Network of Lighthouse Farms” by Mr Rogier Schulte, Wageningen University,
  • European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures by Mr Nicolas Tinois
  • Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, by Mr Omar Amawi, PRIMA foundation

3rd panel: Insight of R&I projects and initiatives supporting the transition toward sustainable food systems

  • Mission soil health and food by Ms Teresa Pinto Correia, Vice-chair of the Soil Mission board, Horizon Europe
  • EU-Africa FNSSA partnership on R&I by Dr Irene Annor Frempong, Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 LEAP4FNSSA project
  • Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) by Dr Abdou Tenkouano, CORAF Executive Director

Closing remarks

  • Wrap up and take-away messages by Mr Tassos Haniotis, Director for Strategy and Policy Analysis, DG AGRI, European Commission
  • H.E. Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development

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