Wednesday, February 23, 2022

AgriFI, the Agriculture Financing Initiative

18 February 2022AgriFI, the Agriculture Financing Initiative by INTPA Infopoint

AgriFI, the EU-funded Agriculture Financing Initiative, is a blending facility aiming to unlock, accelerate & leverage investments with a value chain approach in developing countries, focusing on smallholder's inclusiveness and/or agri-business MSMEs.

EDFI AgriFI’s mandate is to empower smallholder's inclusiveness and/or the small-scale agri-business in developing countries. By providing diversified financing instruments meeting smallholder farmers’ needs, the impact-first facility is committed to support the increase of yields at affordable rates and help raise farmer incomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the vulnerability of agricultural value chains, and the sector needs support from de-risking financial instruments such as EDFI AgriFI. The InfoPoint session aimed to showcase the achievements of the facility and share insights on the use of EU blending instruments to unlock, accelerate and leverage sustainable agriculture finance. 

The event presented case studies, their impact on local benficiaries and to launch the recently signed Country Windows for ACP, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.
  • Leonard Mizzi - Head of Unit, INTPA F3- Sustainable Agri-Food systems and Fisheries
  • Dimitry Van Raemdonck - Manager AgriFI
  • Escipión Joaquín Oliveira Gomez - Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Department of Structural Economic Transformation and Trade, OACPS
  • Cristina Vicente Ruiz - AgriFI manager, INTPA F3
  • Camille Richer - President, Microfinance Solidaire
  • Elia Timotheo - Founder and CEO of East Africa Fruits
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and First Capital Bank partner to provide EUR 12. 5 million investment boost for smallholder farmers and agricultural companies and cooperative across Malawi backed by European Union (EU) support.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Union today confirmed new cooperation with First Capital Bank to transform access to finance for agricultural businesses across Malawi. The impact of the new EUR 12.5 million EIB financing to First Capital Bank, will be enhanced by both specialist best practice agricultural investment technical assistance and European Union contribution of EUR 5 million to support further long-term agricultural financing. This will enable an increased contribution by
smallholder farmers to national agricultural production and exports.


Bank of America invests in the Agri-Business Capital Fund

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