Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Participation of African researchers and innovators in COST Action

The mapping COST Actions working with partners from Africa. COST Actions are networks of researchers and innovators.

This report is a result of the joint work between SFIC Africa Working Group and the COST Association. SFIC Africa Working Group is a group of the Strategic Forum for International Strategic forum for international scientific and technological cooperation composed by nine European countries1 and the European Commission that works to enhance the collaborations between Europe and Africa. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. These networks, called COST Actions, offer an open space for collaboration among scientists across Europe (and beyond) and thereby give impetus to research advancements and innovation. 

List of some running COST Actions on Green transition with at least one African partners
  1. SOURDOugh biotechnology network towards novel, healthier and sustainable food andbIoproCesseS - Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, South Africa
  2. Genome editing in plants - a technology with transformative potential  - Tunisia, South Africa
  3. Genomic BIodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems - Tunisia, Algeria
  4. Non-conventional yeasts for the production of bioproducts - Tunisia,
  5. European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology - Algeria, Tunisia, South Africa 
  6. Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation - Algeria
  7. EPIgenetic mechanisms of Crop Adaptation To Climate cHange - Algeria, Tunisia
  8. WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe: from groundwater recharge toplant transpiration - Morocco  
  9. Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality - Morocco, Tunisia
  10. Rethinking packaging for circular and sustainable food supply chains of the future - Tunisia, South Africa
  11. European Network for assuring food integrity using non-destructive spectral sensors - South Africa 
  12. Trace metal metabolism in plants - Algeria

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