Tuesday, March 1, 2022

How Integration Enhances the Competitiveness of Agribusinesses and Smallholder Farming Systems: The Tanzania Case Study

The book, titled How Integration Enhances the Competitiveness of Agribusinesses and Smallholder Farming Systems: The Tanzania Case Study, showcases how different organisations, businesses and government agencies worked together in the approach known as the Consortia Model supporting farmers in Southern Highlands, Western Highlands and Northern Highlands of the country. This support included providing funding, strategic support, access to market and financing and linkages to inputs and output markets.

AGRA has invested US$8.7 million to support consortia working in the four regions. The initiative reached 720,819 farmers, who not only accessed structured markets but also yielded 12% more rice and fetched 47% higher factory gate prices for their higher quality maize. In addition to this, beans export sales increased from US$239,130 to US$19.5 million; with US$13.3 worth of fertilizer sold to participating farmers; and US$16 million worth of seed produced and sold by seed companies and agro-dealers.

Over the last four years, the integrated approach has proved that synergies between agricultural systems create more value, leading to the adoption of technologies at scale while creating sustainable agribusiness relationships, delivery models, and practices.

The book was produced with support from the government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the Ministry of Agriculture, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mastercard Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, IFAD, UK Aid and USAID.

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