Wednesday, May 11, 2022

FoodTech Innovation Revolution: The 2022 Game-Changers

11 May 2022FoodTech Innovation Revolution: The 2022 Game-Changers

  • FoodTech is the intersection of agriculture, food, and technology along the value-chain from harvest, storage, processing to distribution and retail. 
  • FoodTech has promising potential to facilitate the transition of agri-food systems to meet both consumers' demands and sustainable development goals. 
A diverse range of speakers and discussants from industry, academia, and policy analyzed the various challenges and opportunities in the ecosystem. This first webinar provided a deep dive into innovation and entrepreneurship across the foodtech sector, while evaluating the potential to scale innovations from one region to another. 

The webinar featured an ultimate list of food and beverage innovations from a newly released “Game-Changers 2022” Spoonshot report. 

Spoonshot analyzed more than 7000 foodtech startups and measured their innovativeness using several criteria including novel ingredients, health benefits, and consumer reviews. 

Additionally, the webinar provided an opportunity to highlight 4 foodtech companies (Awsum, Baby Grubz, and Burton and Bamber) and discussed challenges and opportunities in foodtech entrepreneurship and business creation.
  • Spoonshot is a data and analytics platform that uses AI and food science to study food and beverage related innovation across the globe. The company's insights reveal emerging and evolving consumer and market needs, enabling prediction of future food trends.
  • Awsum is India’s first Ayurveda-inspired functional chocolate incorporating ayurvedic herbs and botanicals into premium milk and dark chocolate for specific functional benefits.
  • Baby Grubz is a Nigerian social enterprise that produces affordable nutrient dense weaning foods and toddler snacks. Their products are focused on providing nutritious and cost-effective meals while focusing on local ingredients and flavors.
  • Burton and Bamber Co Ltd is a Kenyan agro-processing company creating healthy snacks and food ingredients under their “Sweetunda" brand, with fruit and vegetables sourced from small holder farmers, supplying local and international markets.

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