Wednesday, May 11, 2022

International Research Consortium Platform: binding together for the mid to long term African and European institutions

11 May 2022. LEAP4FNSSA Webinar: "International Research Consortium Platform: binding together for the mid to long term African and European institutions"

This online event focused on the process of launching the platform and integrating the stakeholders who have already expressed their interests in joining the International Research Consortium (IRC) as well as invite new potential participants.

The webinar was divided into two main sections:

The first section presented the strategy for launching the International Research Consortium (IRC) including the Theory of Change, the governance, the services, etc.
  • Norhan El Dallal, MHESR 
  • TCIP of the IRC - Stefan Haffner, DLR 
  • IRC services and functions - Prudence Makhura, NRF 
  • IRC Funding strategy - Henning Knipschild, BLE 
  • Governance of the IRC - Irene Frempong, FARA
The second section brought speakers from previous events who are familiar with the project and the platform and who have experience in being part of a similar network or initiatives to present ways of linking the proposed IRC to already existing systems.
  • Funders’ institution – funding agency network  - Maurice Heral, ANR
  • Agribusiness network - Yossef Ben Meir, High Atlas Foundation 
  • R&I network - Enock Warinda, ASARECA 
  • Wrap up/recap of key insights - Irene Frempong, FARA


  1. Create synergies between the many R&I programmes, initiatives, and actors with the aim of improving the food and nutrition security and sustainability of agriculture in Africa and Europe.
  2. Reduce the hassle of identifying partners in R&I, finding appropriate funding opportunities, and contributing to relevant policy developments.
  3. Boost innovation by showcasing solutions that work, supporting creativity and expertise of all stakeholders.
Read/download the booklet about the IRC Platform [,pdf | 725 KB]

Online consultation:

Expression of Interest Survey ( International Research Consortium / AU-EU platform for Research and Innovation (R&I) Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)

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