Monday, May 27, 2024

Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take?

29 May 2024
2024 Global Food Policy Report: Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take?

IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report on Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition presents policy and governance solutions to strengthen diet quality and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries, and examines priorities for future research on food systems for better nutrition. Drawing on a substantial body of research on diets, agriculture, and food systems from IFPRI and CGIAR, in partnership with colleagues around the world, the report emphasizes the critical need to focus on diets that benefit both people and the planet. 

Following a presentation of the report’s key findings and recommendations by IFPRI’s leading researchers in diets and nutrition, a distinguished panel of partners and experts will discuss the report. Remarks will focus on challenges and opportunities to transform food systems so that everyone everywhere can reap the benefits of sustainable healthy diets.


Opening and Report Launch 
  • Johan Swinnen, Director General, IFPRI and Managing Director, Systems Transformation Science Group, CGIAR
  • Deanna Olney, Director, Nutrition, Diets, and Health (NDH), IFPRI
Selected findings from the 2024 GFPR
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Using a Food Systems Framework Marie Ruel, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
  • Demand-side Determinants and Solutions Sunny Kim, Research Fellow, IFPRI
  • Food Environments for Better Nutrition Gabriela Fretes, Associate Research Fellow, IFPRI
  • Enabling Environments Danielle Resnick, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
Panel Reflections
  • Moderated by Purnima Menon, Senior Director, Food and Nutrition Policy, CGIAR and IFPRI
  • Soumya Swaminathan, Chairperson, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), India
  • Namukolo Covic, Director General’s Representative to Ethiopia, CGIAR Ethiopia Country Convenor and CGIAR Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia
  • Christopher Barrett, Stephen B. and Janice G. Ashley Professor of Applied Economics and Management and Co-Editor-in-Chief, Food Policy, Cornell University
  • Lynnette Neufeld, Director, Food and Nutrition Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Italy
  • Shelly Sundberg, Interim Director, Agricultural Development, Nutrition, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
  • Closing Reflections Purnima Menon, Senior Director, Food and Nutrition Policy, CGIAR and IFPRI
  • Moderator Charlotte Hebebrand, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, IFPRI


IFPRI (2024) Global food policy report 2024: Food systems for healthy diets and nutrition. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.

The report explores how demand-side approaches can support healthy dietary choices, the need to invest in improving affordability, and ways to strengthen food environments to support healthy diets. The report also highlights supply-side ways to improve diets, including increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables and assessing the role of animal-source foods, and discusses how effective governance can help achieve change. For each of the world’s major regions, the report identifies critical challenges and opportunities for contextually relevant actions to deliver healthy diets and nutrition for all.

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