Monday, May 27, 2024

What can be done to achieve equitable access to land?

28 May 2024. Report launch-LAND Squeeze
  • After a long period of eerie silence on the topic of land grabbing, the study analyses important current issues surrounding the control of and access to land.
  • Huge areas of agricultural land are now being bought up for carbon offsetting projects and other forms of "green grabbing". Land inequality is increasing in all regions of the world and farmers and local communities who are important for food security and who manage the land are being displaced.
  • The report is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and can be found in the various languages here.
  • Nettie Wiebe, IPES-Food and La Via Campesina (LVC), Canada
  • Nick, IPES-Food 
  • Dineo Skosana (picture), Society, Work and Politics Institute (SWOP), South Africa
  • Rukka Sombolinggi, AMAN, Indonesia
  • Moderation: Jan Urhahn, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Southern Africa, South Africa


The IPES-Food panel calls for: Building integrated land, environmental, and food systems governance to halt green grabs, recentre communities, and ensure a just transition. This must put community-based approaches at the heart of climate and biodiversity action, including helping communities to map and defend their own land.

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