Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Innovation: a key enabler for sustainable food system transformation in Africa

23 May 2024
. Brussels and online Innovation: a key enabler for sustainable food system transformation in Africa - Belgium presidency

Recording forthcoming

Keynote speech by Dr. Vincent Martin - Director of the FAO Office of Innovation (OIN) - Online

High Level panel

  • Dr. Ismahane Elouafi, Executive Managing Director, CGIAR System Organization
  • Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, AU Special Envoy for Food Systems
  • Mr Bagore Xavier Bathily, Private Sector
    Representative – Laiterie du Berger
  • Ms Heidy Rombouts, Director Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD) – Belgian governement
  • Mr Jean Van Wetter, Director of the Belgian Development Agency Enabel
  • Dr. Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit - DG International Partnerships INTPA

Panel discussion 1 - Innovation, food security and nutrition

  • Pr. Inge Brouwer (Ms) Professor at the Division of Human Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University
  • Mr Dhanush Dinesh Chief Climate Catalyst at Clim Eat
  • Ms Siny Samba Women agro-entrepreneur (Women agro-entrepreneur supported by Enabel EU intervention and mentor for Awa Prize of the Belgian cooperation)
  • Mr Damien Ndizeye - Executive Director ADECOR, Rwanda (online)
  • Mrs. Fanta Touré - Health/Nutrition Technical Advisor at Action Contre la Faim (ACF) Regional Office for West Africa; (online)

Panel discussion 2 - Innovation, climate and environment 

  • Dr. Enoch Achigan (Mr) Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding Director University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), lead DESIRA (online)
  • Dr Million Belay (Mr) Coordinator of the
    Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, member of IPES Food
  • Dr Hildegard Lingnau (Ms) - GFAIR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation - Executive Secretary
  • Dr Rachel Glennerster (Ms) - Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago & Faculty Director of the Market Shaping Accelerator 

Panel discussion 3 - Innovation in fragile contexts 

  • Dr Ann Ansoms (Ms) - Professor in development studies UCL, PRS climate, agroecology and environment
  • Mr Abdoulaye Ouedraogo - Coordinateur Général association APIL - French (online)
  • Mr Tom Devriendt – Advocacy coordinator at Caritas International, member of coalition against Hunger
  • Mr Abderrahmane Benderdouche - Expert agroalimentaire Enabel

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