Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Unlocking Finance for Climate-Vulnerable Nations at COP29 and Beyond

22 May 2024
. Unlocking Finance for Climate-Vulnerable Nations at COP29 and Beyond

Climate-vulnerable developing countries have long called for meaningful climate finance to allow them to carry out emissions reduction plans and build resilience against the accelerating impacts of climate change. 

Yet previous pledges of finance and support from developed nations have been largely insufficient, delayed or are yet to be delivered. COP29 in Azerbaijan is an opportunity to change that by adopting a new global climate finance goal for the first time in 15 years. But there are politically contentious issues for negotiators to grapple with, from the size of the goal to the quality of the funding, and how to address the failure of developed countries to fully deliver on past commitments. 

This high-level webinar hosted by the Allied for Climate Transformation by 2025 (ACT2025) consortium featured a distinguished panel who will dive into these issues and offer solutions to reach an outcome in Baku that meets the needs of climate-vulnerable countries. 
  • H.E. Mohamed Nasheed, Secretary-General and founder, Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF); former President, the Maldives 
  • Jennifer Morgan, State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Federal Foreign Office, Germany 
  • Dr. Spencer Thomas, Ambassador and Special Envoy for Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Grenada 
  • Dr. Carlos Lopes, Professor, Nelson Mandela School, University of Cape Town; Chair, African Climate Foundation Board; Former Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa; Member, WRI Global Board of Directors (moderator)

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