Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Upscaling private sector participation and science-based outreach in West Africa

22 - 23 June 2022. 
Upscaling private sector participation and science-based outreach in West Africa. hosted by CSIR-STEPRI in Accra, Ghana. Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (STEPRI) one of thirteen institutes under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Ghana.


  • Informing stakeholders about the AU-EU Platform for research and innovation on FNSSA
  • Linking small businesses to existing research and innovation hubs; 
  • Promoting the involvement of private sector in research and innovation programmes; 
  • Encouraging exchanges on communication strategies and mechanisms for science-based outreach; 
  • Strengthening Europe - Africa collaboration on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture. 
The major output of this workshop is a workshop report, which will be presented at the stakeholder meeting organised back-to-back to the AU EU Senior Officials Meeting scheduled for 13th July 2022 
in Brussels.


22/06. Session 1: Opening Session 

  • Dr. Mrs Wilhemina Quaye, Director, CSIR-STEPRI, Ghana 
  • Prof. Paul P. Bosu, Director-General, CSIR, Ghana 
  • Dr. Rose Omari, LEAP4FNSSA WP2 Co-Leader, CSIR-STEPRI, Ghana 
  • Mr. Stefan Haffner (WP2 Leader for LEAP4FNSSA) DLR, Germany

22/06 Session 2: Potentials of Private Sector participation in Research and Innovation Programmes

  • Dr. Dominic Quainoo, Association of Ghana Industries  
  • Mr. Julius Bradford Lamptey, Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
  • Dr. King David Amoah, Farmers Organisation Network in Ghana  
  • Mrs. Lizzy Igbine, Women Agro Allied Farmers Association, Nigeria  
  • Dr Kees Blockland, Agri-entrepreneurship Expert and Influencer; Former CEO of Agriterra, Dutch International Farmers Organization, Netherlands  
  • Moderator: Dorra FIANI, Knowledge Economy Foundation, Egypt 
LEAP4FNSSA Project and the Proposed International Research Consortium
  • Dr. Irene Annor-Frempong, LEAP4FNSSA Coordinator, FARA

22/06 Session 3: Strategies and mechanisms for successful science-based outreach on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture - focus on West Africa

  • Dr. Nathalie Kpera, National Institute of Agricultural Research of Benin (INRAB), Benin 
  • Dr. Eveline Sawadogo, Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA), Burkina Faso 
    "We are finding researchers who are searching, but we are searching for researchers who are finding" (quote from former president Sankara) 
    "Policy makers need to trust their own researchers"
  • Dr. Seth Manteaw, Institute for Scientific & Technological Information, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-INSTI), Ghana 
  • Dr. Yarama D. Ndirpaya, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) 
  • Dr. Danley Colecraft Aidoo, Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Ghana
  • Dr. Hudu Zakaria, Department of Agricultural Innovation Communication. University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana 

23/06 Session 4: Role of policies in FNSSA Research and Innovation 

  • Mr. Ernest Aubee, Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate, ECOWAS Commission, Abuja, Nigeria 
  • Mr. Paul Siameh, Agricultural Extension Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana 
  • Mr. Kwamena Quaison, Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of  Environment, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Ghana 
  • Prof. Natewinde Sawadogo, University of Thomas Sankara, Burkina Faso 
  • Ms. Maria Maia, Department for International Relations, FCT, Portugal 
  • Dr. Adelaide Asante Science, Technology, & Innovation, MESTI Ghana, Chief Operating Officer at AIMS Ghana
    "We need tailor made training module on capacity strengthening to be able to support the private sector with research and support their needs AND encourage private sector to collaborate with research"
    "Tech-hubs are conducive to reach out to entrepreneurs but these hubs have no string link with academia and researchers. They promote technology which can be of industrial use."

23/06 Session 5: The Power of Networks – Strategies for external communication and science-based outreach

  • Dr. Isabelle HIPPOLYTE Scientific officer at the Department Environments, Ecosystems and Biological Resources in French National Research Agency (ANR), France.
  • She is the coordinator of LEAP-Agri: a joint Europe Africa Research and Innovation initiative related to Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). She is also member of other ERA-NET Co-funds such as: Sustainable Crop Production (SusCrop), Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences (ERAcaps), a network on transition towards more sustainable and resilient agri-food systems with digital technology (ICT-AGRI-FOOD) and the funders network Innovating the forest-based bioeconomy (Forestvalue). In LEAP4FNSSA Dr. Hippolyte is co-leading the task on Funders network formulating “Recommendations of core elements of funders networks and funding mechanisms”. She is also task leader of the Green ERA HUB “Collaboration with the Mediterranean region and African countries”.
  • Mr. Benjamin Abugri, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Ghana  
  • Mr. Francois Stepman, PAEPARD
  • Prof. Justin Pita – West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) for Food Security, (Rep for (CORAF), Cote D’Ivoire 
  • Mr. Abdellah-Nii Commey, West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), Ghana 
  • Dr. Daniele Rossi, Copa Cogeca, Belgium 
  • Moderation: Katharina Kuss, Go Africa, Germany 
How can research and innovation be upscaled? 
  • Moderator: Henning Knipschild, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany 

Shared articles:

Le financement de la recherche par les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur
  • 11 Mars 2013. Dakar. Une approche novatrice de financement de l'ARD est le financement de la recherche par les acteurs de la chaîne de valeur.

Shared cases:

African Food Tradition Revisited by Research (AFTER)

Matooke Agribusiness Incubator (Uganda) 

  • FREVASEMA has exported over 160MT of fresh vacuum sealed matooke the last 6 months fresh under USFDA Certification to USA and Australia."  
  • Contact: Byarugaba Bazirake George


  • “KOKO Plus” is a Protein/Micro-nutrient powder to be added to any complementary foods. 
  • Adding one sachet of “KOKO Plus” to complementary foods significantly improves the nutritional content of the foods. 
  • “KOKO Plus” is recommended for all parents who wish for infant’s healthy growth.


The involvement of the private company Benin Agribusiness Incubation Hub (BAIH-Sarl) and the collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi has been extensively monitored and documented over the years[1]. The outcomes of this applied research was presented in international trade fairs (Third edition of the Food Processing & Packaging Exposyum (2015)[2] and during the European Development Days (EDD 2017).

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