Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Friday, June 28, 2024

Launch event of Agroecology coalition strategy

27 June 2024
Launch event of Agroecology coalition strategy

The Agroecology Coalition launched its 2024- 2030 strategy during a high-level event in Rome at the IFAD headquarter.

As of June 2024, the Coalition’s around 300 members include 48 governments, three intergovernmental regional commissions, two sub-national administrations and almost 250 organizations, including civil society, farmers’, Indigenous peoples’ and research organisations, United Nations (UN) bodies and other international organisations, and philanthropic foundations, as well as several small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). 

With a wide and diverse base to draw from, the Coalition has the capacity to harness and amplify the combined experience and expertise of its members to achieve greater impact in advancing food systems transformation through agroecology.

  • Welcome Remarks – IFAD President Alvaro Lario
  • Message from Agroecology Coalition Co-chair
  • The Agroecology Coalition and 2024-2030 Strategy Short video Presentation of the Agroecology Coalition Strategy
  • Oliver Oliveros, Coordinator, Agroecology Coalition

Roundtable Discussion 1: Agroecology in Rome-based Agencies

  • FAO – Corinna Hawkes, Director, Agrifood Systems Division
  • IFAD – Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President
  • WFP – Carmen Burbano, Director, School Meals Coalition
  • CGIAR – Juan-Lucas Restrepo, Director-General, Alliance Bioversity-CIAT

Roundtable Discussion 2: Agroecology in countries 

  • H.E. Amb. Ngor Ndiaye, Senegal; Chair, Group of Friends of Agroecology
  • H. E. Amb. Duong Hai Hung, Vietnam
  • Ms. Annette Schneegans, UN Section Head, EU Delegation in Rome
  • H. E. Amb. Carla Carneiro, Brazil

This ambitious strategy results from a year-long consultation with the Coalition’s 300 members and represents a tool to rapidly accelerate the transition to sustainable agroecological food systems by 2030.

This strategy builds further on the Coalition’s work supporting food systems transformation through agroecology and the implementation of national pathways, elaborated by countries in the frame of the UNFSS. It does so by facilitating co-creation and exchange of knowledge; promoting increased investments in agroecology; supporting market pathways for agroecology; and seeking political engagement and increased commitment to agroecological transformation.

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