Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Resources June 2024

Food Systems

DG RTD (2024) Research needs and priorities for the transformation to sustainable food systems at European and global level # 12 pp
  • This meeting report was released 26/06/2024 
  • The workshop was designed to discuss the challenges facing the global food system and to identify priority research and innovation (R&I) issues to be addressed in the short, medium and long term.
  • The online workshop took place over three half days in January (23rd, 24th and 25th) 2024. It brought together 120 participants from international research organisations/academia, National public authorities, EU institutions, the private sector/industry, funding organisations and NGOs from 32 countries.
  • Related PAEPARD blog post: 22/01/2024 Research needs and priorities for the transformation to Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) at European and global level


Agroecology Coalition Strategy for 2024-2030: Accelerating food systems transformation through agroecology. # 19 pp.
  • This ambitious strategy results from a year-long consultation with the Coalition’s 300 members and represents a tool to rapidly accelerate the transition to sustainable agroecological food systems by 2030.
  • This strategy builds further on the Coalition’s work supporting food systems transformation through agroecology and the implementation of national pathways, elaborated by countries in the frame of the UNFSS. It does so by facilitating co-creation and exchange of knowledge; promoting increased investments in agroecology; supporting market pathways for agroecology; and seeking political engagement and increased commitment to agroecological transformation.
DeSIRA (2024) What agroecology brings to food security and ecosystem services: a review of scientific evidence # 11 pp.

GIZ (2024) Agroecology –From Principles to Transformative Pathways # 13 pp.
  • On behalf of BMZ, GIZ implements projects related to agroecology, among others, as part of BMZ’s Special Initiative “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems“. The following examples of rural development projects illustrate how transformative pathways are shaped differently by different sets of agroecological principles.
  • Case studies: India Mexico, Global, Africa, Mali
  • Related PAEPARD blogpost: GIZ Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa Newsletter + ISAN Magazine Issue 10 (May 2024)
Global Alliance for the Future of Food (2024)  Cultivating Change: A Collaborative Philanthropic
Initiative to Accelerate and Scale Agroecology and Regenerative Approaches. # 22 pp.
  • In 2023, the Global Alliance along with over two dozen philanthropic partners launched an initiative to explore strategies to accelerate and scale agroecology and regenerative approaches. This report explores what's needed to transition a costly global food system into one that is regenerative, renewable, resilient, interconnected, healthy, equitable, and inclusive.
  • The report Cultivating Change calculates the cost of the transition to agroecology and regenerative food systems. The transition will require USD 430 billion annually but right now only USD 44 billion goes towards this. In contrast, nearly USD 630 billion goes annually towards agriculture subsidies, half of which are harmful.
  • Related: 4 – 7 June 2024. Location: Arusha, Tanzania. The Cultivating Change Gathering: accelerate regenerative and agroecological food systems transformations
Regen10 (2024) Outcomes-Based Framework Regen10
  • To establish food systems that are people, nature and climate-positive, we need a clear method that can measure progress and assess whether the agricultural production transformation we need is on track.
  • Regen10 has published a first iteration of Regen10’s Outcomes-Based Framework, which follows an analysis of more than 150 existing frameworks, and has been developed through engagement with a diverse group of food system actors, including farmers and land stewards.
  • Regen10 is trialling the Framework in diverse farms and landscapes in multiple locations around the world to help us understand how farmers would use it and what outcomes are most important to them. 
  • Regen10 will translate these findings into an updated version of the Framework, for publication in 2025.
  • CLICK HERE to read the Progress Report (December 2023, # 17 pp.)
  • CLICK HERE to read the Zero Draft Outcomes-Based Framework (December 2023, # 5 pp.)
  • See 26/06  webinar to update on Regen10's Outcomes-Based Framework
GIA (2024) The Grassroot Innovation Assembly Visual Report, 2023. # 25 pp
  • This report documents the first international gathering of the Grassroots Innovations Assembly from 18-21 Oct 2023  in Gallese, Italy. 
  • As food producers confront climate crises, corporate capture, and the new extractive technologies of AG 4.0, smallholders are organizing their own innovation networks for agroecological methods. The work of these networks demonstrates that peasant autonomy is possible through grassroots innovation, knowledge-sharing, research, and collaboration.
  • See Webinar 12 - 13 June 2024. - Grassroots Innovations Assembly for Agroecology (GIA)
  • See Webinar 12 June 2024. Agroecology in fragile contexts in sub-Saharan Africa: What can agroecology offer in times of crises? a joint initiative of the Sufosec Alliance and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology. (2023) The Agroecology Transition: Different pathways to a
single destination - Eight country experiences
32 pp.
  • This report provides an overview of the respective farming systems, climates, soils, and actors involved, while also describing the transition itself in relation to the principles of agroecology.
  • More than 4,400 food system actors, including farmers, rural communities, policymakers, private companies, and researchers were involved in this research. Experiences highlighted in the report in Burkina Faso, India, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Peru, Senegal, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe.

Digital Agriculture

CRISP (2024) Digital Innovations Supporting Women Agri-entrepreneurs in India: Mapping Good Practices #53 pp.
  • This report is based on a collaborative project undertaken by the Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) as part of the activities of the Evidence module of the CGIAR GENDER Platform. 
IFC (2024) Scaling Up Farmer Financing through Agtechs in Sub-Saharan Africa # 46 pp.
  • The burgeoning AgTech scene in sub-Saharan Africa demonstrates significant potential to capitalize on digitization and innovation to facilitate the provision of financial services for historically un- or under-banked consumer segments. This is especially important for the agriculture sector which is plagued by considerable financing gaps - the gap for agricultural small- and medium-sized enterprises (agri-SMEs) and smallholder farmers on the continent is estimated at $117 billion. 
  • In this context, this report explores how AgTechs can be a conduit for increased financing throughout seven markets in sub-Saharan Africa: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda.
IFC (2024) Mapping of Digital Solutions to Support Financial Services Providers in Assessing Climate Impact on Agricultural Portfolios # 55 pp.
FAO ( 2024) Towards Digital Inclusion in Rural Transformation. 113 pp.
  • This report was developed by the Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division (ESP) of FAO in collaboration with Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.
  • This report helps rural development practitioners and decision-makers work through this paradox. It does so by highlighting the factors that lead to digital exclusion, providing evidence regarding how digital divides play out, and providing recommendations on how to improve digital inclusion for rural areas and marginalized groups.

Advisory services

FAO (2022) Fostering innovative partnership to strengthen pluralistic Agricultural Extension and
Advisory Services (EAS)

SMEs as a Key Driver for Climate Adaptation and Innovation in Africa

27 June 2024SMEs as a Key Driver for Climate Adaptation and Innovation in Africa

The webinar (recording forthcoming) highlighted the pivotal role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving economic growth and fostering innovation across Africa, particularly in the context of increasing climate-related challenges

Despite their positive impact on Africa’s development, SMEs continue to encounter significant and limiting challenges that hinder their sustainability and potential contributions to the continent’s progress. Consequently, their mortality rate across African nations is alarmingly high, with statistics indicating that five out of seven businesses fail within their first year. For instance, in Uganda, approximately one-third of new company start-ups collapse within their initial year of operations. Similarly, South Africa experiences a wide-ranging failure rate among start-up companies, ranging from 50% to 95%, depending on the industry.

The webinar objectives were:

  • To highlight the significance of small and medium-sized enterprises in contributing to economic growth, climate adaptation, and innovation in Africa.
  • To emphasize the growing importance of SMEs as key players in addressing climate-related challenges on the African continent.
  • To showcase such initiatives as the African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge as examples of leveraging young entrepreneurs’ creativity for climate resilience.
  • To examine the potential of SMEs as agents of change in climate adaptation and innovation in Africa.
  • To explore the role of SMEs in fostering climate resilience and adaptation strategies across various sectors in Africa.


15 July 2024. Youth Adaptation Forum: Youth Entrepreneurship, Adaptation Jobs & Finance. Taking place on International Youth Skills Day, the Youth Adaptation Forum on Youth Entrepreneurship, Adaptation Jobs and Finance seeks to bring attention to the young people who are working to create and implement adaptation solutions and mobilize adaptation funds for young people.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Launch event of Agroecology coalition strategy

27 June 2024
Launch event of Agroecology coalition strategy

The Agroecology Coalition launched its 2024- 2030 strategy during a high-level event in Rome at the IFAD headquarter.

As of June 2024, the Coalition’s around 300 members include 48 governments, three intergovernmental regional commissions, two sub-national administrations and almost 250 organizations, including civil society, farmers’, Indigenous peoples’ and research organisations, United Nations (UN) bodies and other international organisations, and philanthropic foundations, as well as several small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). 

With a wide and diverse base to draw from, the Coalition has the capacity to harness and amplify the combined experience and expertise of its members to achieve greater impact in advancing food systems transformation through agroecology.

  • Welcome Remarks – IFAD President Alvaro Lario
  • Message from Agroecology Coalition Co-chair
  • The Agroecology Coalition and 2024-2030 Strategy Short video Presentation of the Agroecology Coalition Strategy
  • Oliver Oliveros, Coordinator, Agroecology Coalition

Roundtable Discussion 1: Agroecology in Rome-based Agencies

  • FAO – Corinna Hawkes, Director, Agrifood Systems Division
  • IFAD – Jo Puri, Associate Vice-President
  • WFP – Carmen Burbano, Director, School Meals Coalition
  • CGIAR – Juan-Lucas Restrepo, Director-General, Alliance Bioversity-CIAT

Roundtable Discussion 2: Agroecology in countries 

  • H.E. Amb. Ngor Ndiaye, Senegal; Chair, Group of Friends of Agroecology
  • H. E. Amb. Duong Hai Hung, Vietnam
  • Ms. Annette Schneegans, UN Section Head, EU Delegation in Rome
  • H. E. Amb. Carla Carneiro, Brazil

This ambitious strategy results from a year-long consultation with the Coalition’s 300 members and represents a tool to rapidly accelerate the transition to sustainable agroecological food systems by 2030.

This strategy builds further on the Coalition’s work supporting food systems transformation through agroecology and the implementation of national pathways, elaborated by countries in the frame of the UNFSS. It does so by facilitating co-creation and exchange of knowledge; promoting increased investments in agroecology; supporting market pathways for agroecology; and seeking political engagement and increased commitment to agroecological transformation.

Africa Innovation for resilience Conference

26 June 2024. Africa Innovation for Resilience Conference.

The AIR Conference 2024, hosted by FSD Africa's BimaLab Accelerator in collaboration with the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) Uganda, addressed the critical challenges posed by climate change and economic disruptions across Africa. This conference united thought leaders, policymakers, innovators, entrepreneurs, financial institutions, researchers, and practitioners to explore innovative strategies for building resilience in African economies.

Outcomes-Based Framework for driving the transition to regenerative farming

26 June 2024. Driving the transition to regenerative farming, organised by Regen10 

Regen10 is a global multi-stakeholder initiative working to support an inclusive, regenerative and equitable food systems transition.

  • The purpose of this webinar was to update on Regen10's Outcomes-Based Framework,
    which aims to equip all food system actors with a shared understanding and ambition for driving the transition to regenerative farming; provide a spotlight and Q&A on Regen10's upcoming feedback survey; and present the latest on Regen10's transition pathways briefs, which explore the costs and benefits of transitioning to regenerative food systems.
  • Register your interest to participate in the Regen10 Outcomes-Based Framework feedback survey:   the survey will be open for feedback until 22 July 2024.
Watch the recording of this webinar to learn about Regen10’s Outcomes-Based Framework, which aims to equip all food system actors with a shared understanding and ambition for driving the transition to regenerative farming; hear about Regen10’s feedback survey; and hear the latest on Regen10’s transition pathways briefs, which explore the costs and benefits of transitioning to regenerative food systems.

Outcomes-Based Framework 

To establish food systems that are people, nature and climate-positive, we need a clear method that can measure progress and assess whether the agricultural production transformation we need is on track.
  • Regen10 has published a first iteration of Regen10’s Outcomes-Based Framework, which follows an analysis of more than 150 existing frameworks, and has been developed through engagement with a diverse group of food system actors, including farmers and land stewards.
  • Regen10  istrialling the Framework in diverse farms and landscapes in multiple locations around the world to help us understand how farmers would use it and what outcomes are most important to them. Regen10  will translate these findings into an updated version of the Framework, for publication in 2025.
  • CLICK HERE to read the Progress Report  (December 2023, # 17 p.)
  • CLICK HERE to read the Zero Draft Outcomes-Based Framework (December 2023, # 5 p.)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Climate Services for Africa

 20 June 2024Climate Services for Africa. The event was organised by a cluster of 3 Horizon 2020 projects (CONFER, Down2Earth and Focus-AFRICA), which are supporting local stakeholders in Africa to adapt and mitigate the risks and impacts of climate change through tailored climate services, designed and developed with the final users in Africa, with representatives participating in the event.

  • Joint introduction by the principal investigators of the three sister projects: Roberta Boscolo (World Meteorological Organization), Michael Singer (University of Cardiff), and Erik Kolstad (NORCE)
  • Experiences and future needsAssess the Socio-Economic Value of Climate Services in FOCUS-Africa: Marie Veys (LGI) and Alberto Troccoli (WEMC)
  • Impact-Based Forecasting and Information Delivery from DOWN2EARTH: Michael Singer (Cardiff University) and Khalid Hassaballah (ICPAC)
  • Advancing Climate Services through Co-production in CONFERMarta Bruno Soares (University of Leeds) and Stefan Lines (UK Met Office)

Fostering innovative partnership to strengthen pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (EAS)

25 June 2024
. Fostering innovative partnership to strengthen pluralistic EAS in Agrifood systems: Cases from Eastern and Southern Africa

Different countries have different experience in designing and implementing pluralistic extension services systems based on their specific situation, challenges, and priorities. 

FAO Office of Innovation, the Regional Office for Africa of FAO (RAF), and the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), had initiated a joint activity in documenting and showcasing different good practices of pluralistic Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (EAS)  in countries in Africa; and facilitating knowledge and experience sharing among countries across the region. Three cases have been selected for the webinar through a rigorous selection process.



Reflections on 50+ Years Assisting Smallholder Farming Communities RL Tinsley1 Prof. Emeritus Soil & Crop Sciences, Colorado State University # 33 p.

To assist countries in making evidence-based decisions regarding Extension and Advisory Services, FAO has recently developed guidelines and tools for the systematic assessment and performance measurement of national EAS systems. Three complementary instruments are developed and these are here:
FAO (2022) INDICATOR FRAMEWORK FOR NATIONAL EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICE SYSTEMS: Metrics for performance and outcome measurement # 56 p.
  • This Indicator Framework provides much needed structure to EAS assessment, taking into account contemporary, pluralistic services and is complemented by FAO’s instruments for participatory data collection in EAS, including quantitative and qualitative data.
FAO (2022) EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICE SYSTEMS YARDSTICK (EAS-Y): A Scoring Tool to Generate Evidence on Performance and Outcomes  # 48 p.
  • To enable evidence based and informed policy and investment decision for extension and advisory systems, the EAS-Yardstick (EAS-Y) has been developed through a consultative expert process. 
  • It constitutes a holistic scoring tool based on a comprehensive set of metrics that can capture all the nuances of the pluralistic EAS.
  • This operational guide meets the longstanding demand for guidance on undertaking such a comprehensive assessment of national EAS systems. 
  • It provides detailed directions on how to organize the entire process, from preparation to implementation and consolidation. 
  • Its use will help identify gaps and entry points for targeting investments and realigning policies for transforming EAS.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Debating one of the dilemmas in digital solutions for agriculture

14 June 2024
To diversify or not to diversify? Debating one of the dilemmas in digital solutions for agriculture

Digital service providers operating in the agricultural sector often find themselves at a crossroads, faced with deciding whether to stick to their specialized niche or diversify their service offerings within agriculture and eventually branch out to other sectors. This strategic choice can significantly impact their market positioning, growth potential, and resilience.

This panel discussed the challenges and opportunities digital service providers face in diversifying their offerings.

Please find the link to the presentations from the speakers (link HERE). 
  • Worlali Senyo Country Manager Farmer Line. 
    Farmerline is a company founded in 2013, a leading agritech company in Africa using technology to accelerate climate-financing to facilitates access to resources by farmers to help increase yield and realise more profit.
  • Anne Jorun Aas CEO of Farmforce
  • Teddy Segore CTO and Co-founder of Charis UAS
  • Hamza Rkha Chaham COO and Co-founder of SOWIT
  • Dr. Abdelaziz Lawani (Facilitator) Assistant Professor Agribusiness Management & Entrepreneurship 
  • Giacomo Rambaldi (Facilitator) Senior Advisor/Consultant

SASi-SPi: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Intelligence

18-19 June 2024The first in-person Science Policy Lab event of the Initiative Sustainable Agri-FoodSystems Intelligence – Science-Policy Interface took place in Malmö Hyllie, Sweden. The SASi-SPi Science Policy Lab is a collaborative approach to foster dialogue and knowledge sharing among researchers, policymakers, and key stakeholders engaged in aquatic and agrifood systems. 

The objective of the event was to present and reflect with participants on the conceptual framework developed by the team of Agrinatura, and how it can guide transitions towards more sustainable aquatic and agrifood systems. The event will be an opportunity for participants to share their insights on the framework and how to shift from a traditional to a systemic approach to address challenges faced in aquatic and agrifood systems and achieve positive economic, social and environmental outcomes.

The two-days event combined presentations, panel discussions, breakout sessions with practical case studies, and networking opportunities. Collaborative and participatory methods were used to facilitate dialogue, peer learning, knowledge sharing, and co-creation. See agenda below.

11June 2024. An online pre-engagement session was organized on Tuesday June 11 to introduce the Science Policy Lab approach and the main components of the conceptual framework.

About 40 experts from around the globe gathered online for a pre-engagement session, paving the wayfor the first SASi-SPi Science Policy Lab event scheduled for June 18-19, 2024 in Malmö. The session presented the objectives for the upcoming Science Policy Lab (S-PoL), which featured a role-playing game designed to simulate stakeholder interactions and policy interventions for food systems transitions. Participants called for the sharing of meeting materials and continued collaboration, reflecting a strong commitment to advancing towards sustainable agrifood systems.

Key Discussions
  • Transition models drivers and challenges and stakeholder roles: Participants debated about transition models for agrifood systems, its drivers and challenges, emphasizing the need to understand diverse stakeholder interests and perspectives for their engagement.
  • Leverage Points: Discussions highlighted the complexity of leverage points within the transition and the need of unpackaging them for the application across different contexts.
  • The insights gained shaped the S-PoL event, which focused on refining and operationalizing the SASi-SPi conceptual framework.
See the presentation from the pre-engagement meeting:
SPOL pre_engagement_1106.pdf

Background SASi-SPi

Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Intelligence – Science-Policy Interface (SASi-SPi) is a 5-year € 11.5 million project with the overall objective to contribute to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of Aquatic and Agri-Food Systems in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

SASi-SPi is a social-sciences, economics in particular, driven project and is primarily open to each of the 35 AGRINATURA member organisations, of which SLU is one. The project management unit is responsible for the coordination and implementation and is led by SLU.

A "sister" project, named SASi (€ 10 m) is coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The two teams, AGRINATURA and FAO, will work in close collaboration and coordination on the overall project and each work stream.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Local Private Sector and Nutrition for Women and Children

20 June 2024.
InfoPoint conference: Local Private Sector and Nutrition for Women and Children

Recording available on above link

Representatives of local companies such as Nutri’zaza and Le Lionceau shared their business models, which are based on creating decent jobs, developing economically viable distribution networks and market safe nutritious and affordable products that appeal to as many people as possible. 

EU representatives presented how best to support this type of initiative and upcoming opportunities to develop value chains related to the nutritional products and share ideas for building pilot Global Gateway projects in the field of nutrition.

  • Helena Guarin, Head of section Nutrition, INTPA F3- Sustainable Agri-Food systems and Fisheries unit (F3)
  • Auxane Gennetais, Health and Nutrition Project Manager, GRET
  • Quentin Moreau-Hamel, Policy officer, INTPA E2- Trade, Investment Climate, Entrepreneurship & Value Chains
  • Mandresy Randriamiharisoa, Director General, Nutrizaza, Madagascar
  • Siny Samba, Director General, Le Lionceau, Senegal
  • Tharcisse Nkunzimana, Programme Manager – EU Delegation, Niger
  • GRET, (France) a partner of EU, has a twofold objective: to help develop and make available
    quality local foods adapted to the nutritional needs and expectations of the 1000 days window, and to support a market-led approach to disseminate targeted quality fortified foods in a sustainable way, to as many people as possible, at lower cost.
  • Nutri'zaza is a Malagasy social enterprise, created in 2013, whose main objective is to combat child malnutrition by improving the nutrition of Malagasy children and families. To achieve this, it distributes quality fortified products, adapted to those most affected by chronic malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, and available everywhere at an affordable price, even to the most vulnerable. Working in urban areas, the company distributes its products, made in Madagascar from essentially local ingredients, through 3 distribution networks.
  • Le Lionceau is a Senegalese company that offers a range of products for feeding babies mainly small jars and biscuits made on the basis of recipes and local products. The company has found its market at the national level, mainly in urban areas and now wants to take a new dimension by opening up to a wider market in West Africa. Her director will share her experience as a pioneer in the region in the early childhood food market and the challenges she faces to give a new dimension to her business.
  • The representative of the EU Delegation, Niger shared his experience on supporting local flour production initiatives and partnership with the private sector in the field of nutrition. In particular, it will address regulatory aspects, support through political dialogue and challenges and opportunities to promote the business environment of companies with both a social and economic vocation.
Preliminary findings of the International Trade Centre (ITC) study mandated by DG INTPA on a Regional Value Chain related to Formulated Complementary Food (including RUTF, Fortified Blended food (including flours), High energy biscuits, infant formulas.) was shared. Previously identified as a high potential area, the second phase of the study now identify concrete ideas in the shape of operational roadmaps for building pilot Global Gateway projects.


 Overreliance on a few main crops, as well as poor soil health, reduce yields, hinder achievement of food security and nutrition objectives, and increase agricultural vulnerability to climate change. To address this, the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS), launched by the United States in partnership with FAO and the African Union, and as part of the whole-of-government Feed the Future initiative, seeks to support soil health as well as breeding of traditional and indigenous crops in Africa. Building on U.S. government food security efforts, VACS’ goal is to accelerate development of improved crop varieties that could lead to increases in both yield and nutrition, to tackle the challenges of food insecurity in the context of climate change


This paper considers whether Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) focused on improving diets andnutrition can simultaneously advance public health nutrition goals and business goals. Discussion around the efficiency of PPPs is polarised in the field of nutrition: they are seen to have considerable potential to improve diet and nutrition outcomes by harnessing resources, reach, relationships and knowledge, but there is also some mistrust of private-sector actors and their motives. 

This paper explores the following questions: What is it about food and diets that makes it especially challenging for the public sector to engage and work with the private sector and, in turn, formulate PPPs? Why is there a lack of evidence and documentation about what has and has not worked with PPPs in the food systems domain? How do we address impediments and incentivise the creation of more PPPs that have potential to advance diet and nutrition outcomes whilst remaining commercially sustainable? How do we negotiate the complex nutrition terrain to make progress? The paper offers a range of insights, solutions and guidelines on how to increase the likelihood of PPPs being impactful and accountable.

Science in support of land degradation

17 June 2024Science in support of land degradation. 

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the INTERFACES team at IDOS in collaboration with the NGO “Let's Plant!” organised an evening event including an engaging panel discussion and an interactive market place, accompanied by music, food and drinks, aiming to foster exchange and science-policy-practitioner networking among organisations and people engaged in combating desertification, soil degradation and drought.

The global theme of the Desertification and Drought Day 2024 is “United for land. Our Legacy. Our Future” and aims to emphasise the transformative power of sustainable land management and drought resilience as key solutions to today’s challenges and to amplify a renewed global commitment in the run-up to the UNCCD COP16 between 2 and 13 December 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

  • Introduction by Dr. Tina Beuchelt, project leader INTERFACES and senior researcher at the Center of Development Studies (ZEF), University of Bonn Panel 
  • Mr. Benjamin Abugri, Knowledge Management Expert at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA
  • Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) 
  • Ms. Bettina Iseli, Chief Programme Officer at Welthungerhilfe (WHH) 
  • Ms. Andrea Meza Murillo, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) 
  • Dr. Anneke Trux, Head of Global Programme Protection and Rehabilitation of Soils for Food Security (ProSoil) at the German Development Corporation (GIZ
  • Dr. Andreas Quiring, CEO and Managing Director of Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) 
  • Moderation by Dr. Michael Büntrup, senior researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Let’s Plant!

“Let’s Plant!” is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the restoration of degraded land and the development of new functional agro-ecological systems through a holistic landscape management approach. Practically, “Let’s Plant!” raises awareness on the progressive degradation of ecological systems, develops new concepts, networks with equal-minded organisations, and implements projects in target regions



Sustainable land management is one of the most important drivers of sustainable development in Africa. Sustainable land management should contribute to food security and social justice, mitigation and adaptation of agriculture and forestry to climate change, and nature and environmental protection. Starting in October 2022 to 2026, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds four regional research and development projects and this accompanying project that contribute to this goal.

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and further partners under the “CAADP-XP4” initiative jointly designed and rolled out the annual Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) agenda (Challenge & Conference) in 2021 to build appropriate capacities, establish communities of practice for knowledge management and strengthen the knowledge ecosystem to accelerate the achievement of the CAADP Malabo goals and the SDGs. The Challenge is implemented through an integrated, strategic, educational, and transformational approach. 

It is the lighthouse project for knowledge-based development in AR4D in Africa. Since 2021, the consortium has jointly supported and certified 55 Fellows from national agricultural research and extension systems. It has mainstreamed over 20 countries and 30 organizational knowledge management policies and strategies to strengthen the knowledge ecosystem of AR4D.

  • Benjamin Abugri is Lead Specialist for Knowledge Management, Digitalization and Learning Cluster at FARA.
    He has vast experience in knowledge management, outreach, coordination, project management, community engagement, development Communication and public policy. Before joining FARA in February 2017, he worked as Knowledge Management Specialist for the University Research Company (URC) USAID-funded Systems for Health Project; as Knowledge Management Program Manager for the John Snow (JSI) Health Research & Training Institute USAID-funded SPRING Project; and as Knowledge Management, New Initiatives and Child Sponsorship Coordinator for World Vision International.
  • Dorcas Alame is a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University Bonn within the INTERFACES project (Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa).
    She has a high interest in the development and understanding of sustainable, resilient and profitable cropping systems and how decision-analysis approaches can support decision-making in such systems. Her PhD research is on decision analysis and impact forecasting of several agricultural research and development interventions undertaken in some African countries within the framework of the INTERFACES project. She participates in the 2024 edition of the KM4AgD Challenge and will share some of her experiences with the process.

AI agriculture pest detection tool from Kenya wins tenth Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation

13 June 2024. Esther Kimani was named winner of Africa’s biggest engineering prize, the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, in Nairobi on 13 June 2024. 

Her early crop pest and disease detection device was selected as the winning innovation for its ability to swiftly detect and identify agricultural pests and diseases, reducing crop losses for smallholder farmers by up to 30% while increasing yields by as much as 40%.

Esther received KSh 8.3 million to further develop the device. This is the largest amount awarded to a winner, in honour of the 10th Anniversary of the Prize. The four finalists delivered their final business pitch to the Academy judges and an in-person audience of approximately 700.
Esther said: “My parents would lose up to 40% of their crops each farming season, which affected our standard of living. We are empowering smallholder farmers, many of whom are women, to increase their income. We aim to scale to one million farmers in the next five years.”
Esther Kimani is the third woman and the second Kenyan innovator to win the Africa Prize, receiving £50,000. Her tool reduces crop losses for smallholder farmers by up to 30% while increasing yields by as much as 40%
  • Five million smallholder farmers in Kenya lose on average 33% of their crops to pests and diseases. Kimani's innovation not only provides real-time alerts within five seconds of an infestation, offering tailored intervention suggestions, but also alerts government agricultural officers to the presence of diseases or pests, contributing to broader agricultural management efforts.
  • The solar-powered tool uses computer vision algorithms and advanced machine learning to detect and identify crop pests, pathogens or diseases, as well as the nature of the infection or infestation. The device then notifies the farmer via SMS. This affordable alternative to traditional detection methods leases for just $3 per month, significantly cheaper than hiring drones or agricultural inspectors.

The annual Africa Prize was founded by the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2014 to support innovators developing sustainable and scalable engineering solutions to local challenges in Africa
  • To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Prize, the Royal Academy of Engineering hosted the Africa Prize Alumni Reunion, bringing together 100 innovators from the past decade for a three-day programme ahead of the final ceremony. This momentous occasion showcased the strength of the community united by the Prize.
  • This year has seen the Africa Prize alumni community grow to almost 150 entrepreneurs from 23 countries, who together have generated more than 28,000 jobs and benefitted more than 10 million people through their innovative products and services.

GIZ Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa Newsletter

Global project Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa
  • Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)​​​​​​​
  • Overall term: 2019 to 2026
KCOA is a collaborative country-led partnership that aims to scale up the adoption of organic and agroecological farming practices through a network of five Knowledge Hubs in Africa. Within KCOA, the implementing organisations have four main objectives: 
  1. to improve access to knowledge on organic agriculture and agroecology; 
  2. to strengthen the technical and professional capacity of multi-pliers; 
  3. to foster networking and to strengthen relationships in the sector; 
  4. and to strengthen actors in their advocacy activities.


ISAN Magazine Issue 10 (May 2024) brings stories about the benefits of biodiversity in agricultural systems, stories from Zimbabwe about how to enhance agrobiodivesity for improved food security and community-based climate change adaptation approaches, as well as profiling knowledge products on enhancing soil fertility developed by farmers in the Southern African region.

On behalf of BMZ, GIZ implements projects related to agroecology, among others, as part of BMZ’s Special Initiative “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems“. The following examples of rural development projects illustrate how transformative pathways are shaped differently by different sets of agroecological principles.
  • India Agents of ChangeWomen Self-Help Groups in India To design a systemic approach for food systems transformation and to tailor a strategy which supports rural women to create community benefits. Women Self-Help Groups (WSHG) have become pivotal change agents in agroecology
  • Mali Uniting Multiple Stakeholders for Agroecological Transitions in Mali To support multi-stakeholder dialogue and foster change processes and politics. 
  • Global Integrating Aquaculture into Smallholder Farming Systems To harness synergies among different productions systems in rural areas and to design approaches to integrated aquaculture. 
  • Regional in Sub-Saharan Africa Agroecology – a Pathway for Rural Youth Employment To ensure that business models meet sustainability goals while promoting fair employment. 
  • Mexico Strengthening Rural Livelihoods in Mexico To design cross-sectoral approaches to integrate biodiversity

Support to Agroecological Transformation Processes in India (SuATI)

FutureFoodS: the EU Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems

19 June 2024
, FutureFoodS: the EU Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems.

More than 100 research and innovation experts convened in Dijon to help support the transition to sustainable food systems by sharing insights, initiatives and joining forces within the EU-co-funded FutureFoodS partnership.

FutureFoodS is the selected co-funded partnership on Food Systems of Horizon Europe Framework Program, involving 87 partners from 29 countries. The aim? To accelerate the development of sustainable food systems by mobilising European research and innovation toward that goal.
Planned actions

Planned actions include open calls for research and innovation, with one launched already before the
end of 2024. The partnership will also develop Living Labs, create a new European food system observatory, and organise several knowledge-sharing events.

The partnership strives to accelerate the transformation of national, EU, and global food systems to make them safe, sustainable, healthy, resilient, and trusted for everyone while staying within our planetary boundaries. This contributes to the European Union’s Green Deal objective of ‘Fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems, from primary production to consumption’.

The kick-off meeting was organised by The French National Research Agency (ANR) and the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). Panelists of the round table represented related initiatives (SCAR, CLEVERFOOD, AGROECOLOGY, WATER4All, ERA4Health) that also contribute to the FutureFoodS partnership.

Introduction of the FutureFoodS partnership

  • Monique Axelos, Inrae, Scientific Director for Food and Bioeconomy
  • Thierry Damerval, President of ANR
  • Margareta Büning-Fesel, President of BLE
  • John Bell, Head of the Healthy Planet Unit, DG-RTD
  • Albert Wulff, Head of Directorate for Budget, Research, Operational Coordination, German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – BMEL
  • French Ministry of Higher Education and Research – MESR (TBC)
  • Claude Yven, Coordinator of FutureFoodS

Food systems presentation and Round Table

  • Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Chairperson of the United Nations, HLPE-FSN
  • Niels Halberg, vice chair of the SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working Group
  • Christian Bugge Henriksen, coordinator of CLEVERFOOD
  • Nicolas Tinois, coordinator of AGROECOLOGY
  • Esther Diez-Cebollero for the European partnership Water4All
  • Hendrik de Ruyck for ERA4Health

Follow the FutureFoodS LinkedIn account here.