Agropolis Foundation (France) and CAPES (Brazil)
Agropolis and CAPES invite French/Brazilian research related to agricultural crops and food systems. Themes include plant genetics, pests and diseases, agri-environmental innovations, and others. Proposals that involve African participation will be considered. Proposals should be submitted in English before
17 September 2010.
U.S. National Science Foundation and Gates Foundation -- BREAD
The National Science Foundation, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, invites proposals under BREAD (Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development). Proposals should address major constraints that limit the productivity of crops important to smallholder farmers in developing countries. International collaboration with the developing countries is encouraged, but the principal investigator must hold an appointment in the USA. Letters of intent are due
16 September 2010.
InnoCentive -- Access and Affordability of Fertilizers in Africa
InnoCentive offers cash prizes for solutions to worldwide challenges, including how to make NPK fertilizer more affordable for small-hold farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. The award is US$20 thousand, and the closing date is
26 September 2010.
Rothamsted International -- October 2010
Rothamsted International offers one-year grants for senior researchers in developing countries to work with British researchers at Rothamsted in agricultural sciences. Next deadline for applications is
22 October 2010.
Orskov Foundation -- Small Grants for Agriculture
Orskov makes grants of up to £2,500 to support agriculture in developing countries. One category of grants supports university students in agricultural studies related to poverty alleviation and environmental sustainabilty. The second category of grants is for community-based agriculture on a revolving-fund basis. Application deadline is
31 January of each year.
Scholarship for plant breeders
The African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) in Durban, South Africa, is inviting applications for its PhD scholarship in plant breeding. The programme is reserved for students from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Malawi and South Africa, whose research interests include cereals, roots and tubers, and legumes. Applicants must have a master's in plant breeding, plant genetics, plant pathology, crop science or horticultural science, be below the age of 40 and be employed as an agricultural research scientist in a national agricultural research institution or a non-governmental organisation, or as a university lecturer.
The future of agriculture in the Nile Basin
Scientists have until 31 October 2010 to submit their abstracts for a conference on agriculture in the Nile Basin, which will be held in Egypt next year.
French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) -- Global Change and Biodiversity
FRB invites proposals to model scenarios of global change, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and public policy. Provided that some French territories are included, proposals may cover large regional and continental scales. Projects that focus on developing and emerging countries are particularly encouraged. Proposals (full projects, pre-projects, and expressions of interest) are due
13 October 2010.
Bioversity International -- Agricultural Genetic Resources 2011
Bioversity International announces the Vavilov-Frankel fellowships for 2011. Up to two grants of US$20 thousand each will support young researchers in themes of conserving and using genetic resources in agriculture. Proposals are invited from researchers in low and middle-income countries who are under age 35. Closing date is
07 November 2010.
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) -- Prince Bernhard Study Grants 2011
WWF announces the 2011 Prince Bernhard Scholarships to fund mid-career training of individuals working in conservation or disciplines directly relevant to conservation. Eligibility extends to nationals from Africa (including Madagascar); Asia and Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean; Eastern Europe; and the Middle East. WWF gives preference to applicants seeking support for studies in their own country or region. Maximum grant amount is CHF 10 thousand. Applications (English, French, Spanish) are due be
11 January 2011.
Global Biodiversity Information Network (GBIF) -- Young Researchers Award 2010
The GBIF invites university graduate students to apply for its Young Researcher awards in biodiversity informatics. GBIF comprises 54 countries and 44 international organizations. Two awards of €4 thousand each are available in 2010, the first year of the awards. Application deadline is
15 September 2010.
Fellowships for researchers who want to protect the environment
Germany's state-run Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has announced the start of its 2010 international climate protection fellowships. The programme, which targets future leaders from developing countries, allows applicants to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. Applicants must have completed their first university degree (a bachelor's degree or its equivalent) less than 12 years ago. They must also hold further academic or professional qualifications (such as a master's degree, PhD, LLM or MBA) or have extensive professional experience in a leadership role.
First Peoples Worldwide -- Keepers of the Earth Fund
First Peoples offers grants for the support of indigenous organizations worldwide. Grants frequently include aspects of protecting and managing natural resources and environment (including climate change). Grants through the Keepers of the Earth Fund range from US$250 to US$20 thousand. Application information is in English, French, and Spanish. Annual application deadline is
30 September.
Whitley Fund for Nature -- 2011 Awards are Open
The Whitley Fund makes grants for grass-roots conservation projects in developing countries. The grants are to nationals in eligible countries who lead pragmatic projects that combine conservation and long-term sustainability. Whitley Awards are £30,000 each; the Whitley Gold Award is £60,000. Application deadline is
31 October 2010.
Royal Geographical Society -- Application Deadlines January 2011
The RGS funds British students and researchers for international studies and projects, including many in ecology and environment in the developing world. The RGS-IBG fieldwork grants, and several categories of research grants, have deadlines on
21 January and 28 January 2011.
Birdfair/RSPB Research on Endangered Birds
The British Birdwatching Fair (Birdfair) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) jointly provide grants of up to US$2 thousand for research on endangered birds (IUCN's red list). Priority is for researchers working in their own countries, particularly in collaboration with BirdLife partners. Closing date is
30 November 2010.
World Conservation Union (IUCN) -- Central African Regional Program for the Environment
IUCN-CARPE makes small grants to civil society for sustainable forest conservation in Central Africa. Application deadlines are
31 January and 30 June 2011.
International Osprey Foundation -- Small Grants for Research
The International Osprey Foundation makes grants of US$1,000 to individuals engaged in research of ospreys, other raptors, or environmental research on wildlife and birds in general. Many past grants have been awarded for projects in the developing countries. Closing date for applications is
31 January each year.
Garden Club of America -- Grants for Students
The GCA offers grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at U.S. universities, including some awards that have a tropical focus. Most grants do not have nationality restrictions. The Awards in Tropical Botany are offered in partnership with WWF (application deadline is 15 January). The Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is in partnership with the Missouri Botanical Garden (deadline is 15 January). GCA also offers the Lou McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture (deadline is
01 February 2011).
African Bird Club -- Small Grants
The ABC Conservation Awards (up to £1,000) support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should be resident in Africa. The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £1,500) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications for both programs are due before the end of
February 2011, June 2011, and October 2011.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Energy
USAID will make two grants of up to US$2.5 million each in support of its Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program (EEREP). Themes are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing renewable energies, in developing countries. Unrestricted eligibility. Funding Opportunity RFA-OAA-10-000009. Application deadline is
10 September 2010.
German Education Ministry -- Climate Change and Developing Countries
The German Education Ministry (BMBF) funds CLIENT -- “International Partnerships for Sustainable Technologies and Services for Climate Protection and the Environment." CLIENT makes grants for German research in collaboration with partners in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Vietnam. Priorities in CLIENT are climate protection, resource efficiency, land management, and water management. In the first phase of applications, the German partner sends a detailed project outline to BMBF before
31 August 2010.
International Development Research Center -- Graduate Research on Climate Change and Water
Canada's IDRC invites applications for research grants on climate change and water in 2010-2011. Applicants must be citizens of developing countries enrolled for masters or PhD studies at universities in Canada or developing countries. Applications are accepted in English or French before
15 October 2010.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- African Wildlife Conservation
Grants for wildlife conservation and management in Africa. Open to government agencies, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, private-sector entities, and individuals. Proposal deadline is
01 March each year.
PADI Foundation -- Grants for Marine Conservation
The PADI Foundation invites applications for its worldwide grants in underwater science, environmental projects, and education. Most grants are US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. Applicants include many for projects in tropical regions. Applications will be accepted from 11 December 2010 through
31 January 2011.
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) -- Support for African Marine Science
The IOC (of UNESCO) will support 12 young African marine scientists to address ocean and coastal adaptation to climate change. Information about the opportunity is available in English, French, and Portuguese. Closing date is
14 September 2010.
Scholarships available for hydrological and energy scientists
The African Union (AU) is inviting postgraduate students to apply for a variety of water and energy scholarships. The Mwalimu Nyerere African Union scholarship scheme is reserved for students wishing to pursue a master's or PhD in water or energy sciences, climate change and education planning. The application deadline is
30 September 2010.