31st August 2010. The PAEPARD project was presented during the second day of the FANRPAN Annual High Level Regional Food Security Policy Dialogue 2010.
Objective: To build joint African-European multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural research for development.
Expected results:
Durable and equitable African – European Partnerships
The European ARD agenda better reflects African needs and priorities;
Greater and more equitable participation of African research stakeholders in ARD projects
Increased capacity of all African – European ARD stakeholders
“Partnerships are vital in the current era of development to align different institutions to achieve synergy”.
The growing rhetoric’s among the agricultural research and development partners to become more accountable to the beneficiary and other stakeholders has necessitated the need for partnerships.
“Getting a network of actors isn't an easy process; it takes time”.
Different organizations with different interests and motives have to be brought around the table to contribute and benefit. It needs great facilitation skills and negotiating skills which are not very often core competences of researchers. Partner organizations need much support and mentoring.
”Linkages don't happen automatically: they need a facilitating or broker organization to create them”.
Partners frequently discount the need for brokers and third party actors, but often they are needed, not only to manage collaboration but to reduce competition between sectors. Brokers and third-party actors can limit the failures that occur when different interests and conflicting agendas frustrate initiatives designed to foster partnership
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