15 - 16 March 2017. Addis Ababa. This Kick-Off meeting was organized alongside a cluster of meetings on the FNSSA theme taking place in Addis Ababa to initiate the Working Group’s activities. (One of those meeting was the PROIntensAfrica final seminar (Addis Ababa, 13 - 15 March 2017) on effective and Efficient Research and Innovation Partnerships).
The meeting brought together the members of the Working Group and external experts with the aim of developing a report to be presented to the next plenary meeting of the senior officials of the EU-Africa HLPD (October 2017, tbc) and the Africa-EU Summit in November 2017.
on climate change and energy
- At the third meeting of the High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) in April 2016 in Addis Ababa, senior officials adopted the Roadmap towards a jointly funded EU-Africa Research & Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
- The Roadmap outlines an implementation pathway as well as priorities for a joint developed research agenda, and was developed in the context of the Joint Africa-Europe Strategy (JAES) decided in 2007. These themes focus on: sustainable intensification, agriculture and food systems for nutrition, and expansion and improvement of agricultural markets and trade. Cross-cutting issues are also considered.
- Emerging from discussions with stakeholders, the Working Group was established by the HLPD Bureau to provide oversight over the implementation of the Partnership on FNSSA. In particular, the need for greater coordination between the different instruments, partners, and projects implementing the Roadmap was highlighted during discussions. Included in this coordination is the need for monitoring and evaluating (M&E) the implementation of the Roadmap. In the beginning, the Working Group will focus its activities on M&E.
- Roadmap (2016)
857 KB
- Roadmap for Food and Nutrition security and Sustainable Agriculture
481 KB
- EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation 2016 – Conclusions
383 KB
- EU - Africa R&I relations
- EN
177 KB
- EU - Africa cooperation in Food and Nutrition Security & Sustainable Agriculture
- EN
168 KB | FR
136 KB
EU - Africa strategy (infographic) [EN]
213 KB
- Mapping of best practice regional and multi-country cooperative STI initiatives between Africa and Europe - identification of financial mechanism(s) 2008–2012
- EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation 2013 – Conclusions
- Role of STI to foster the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
22 - 23 February 2017. Brussels. Developing a future EU-Africa Research & Innovation Partnership on climate change and energy
In view of the Africa-EU Summit 2017, the EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue on science, technology and innovation is focusing its work on developing a R and I Partnership in a second priority area: climate change and sustainable energy. Scientists, program owners and stakeholders from Africa and Europe gathered in an expert meeting on Climate Change and Renewable Energy organized by RINEA in Brussels. The meeting aimed at further identifying joint research and innovation needs in the area of climate change, renewable energy and sustainability, thereby building on existing collaborative initiatives.
23-24 January 2017. Brussels. European Commission, DG Research and Innovation. A workshop was held on on EU-Africa R and I Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture.
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