Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Friday, March 26, 2021

WEBINAR: Soil Initiative for Africa (SIA)

24 March 2021. The Africa Union Commission (AUC) has called on FARA to develop and launch aSoils Initiative for Africa along the lines suggested in the Chicago Council paper. The first step in the line of action is the development of a task team by FARA to begin this work following the AUC directive. The task team is drawn from the key stakeholder’s group in Africa agriculture including, FARA, the SROs, AFAAS, AfSP/GSP etc.

The tentative roadmap for the initiative entails the following steps;
  1. Identification of a task team to develop an initial plan for how the Soils Initiative will be designed and launched
  2. Task team will develop draft plan.
  3. Consultation with stakeholders across Africa followed by the development of the needed partnerships.
  4. Engagement with interested development partners and stakeholders followed by to creation of awareness for the initiative.
  5. Mobilization of the initial funding
  6. Activate the project development process (Consultations, road map development; etc.)
  7. Development of project content (Identify project content and develop into a workable proposal)
  8. Launch the project processes.

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