Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

African Food Environments Transformation

3 + 10 + 17 November 2021
. African Food Environments Transformation by Food Environment Research Network

See Facebook page

The MEALS4NCDs Project provides Measurement Evaluation, Accountability and Leadership Support (MEALS) for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) prevention in Ghana and beyond.
The project is focused on measuring and supporting public sector actions that create healthy food marketing and food provisioning environments for children and adolescents in Ghana, with the aim to prevent obesity and other nutrition-related NCDs.

The MEALS4NCDs Project and partners (INFORMAS, REPSAO, DFC, Others) convened the second Africa Food Environment Research Network Meeting (FERN2021) on Wednesdays: 3rd, 10th & 17th November 2021. The MEALS4NCDs project is focused on measuring and supporting public sector actions that create healthy food marketing and food provisioning environments for children and adolescents in Ghana, with the aim to prevent obesity nutrition-related NCDs. 
  1. Plenary 1: Foodscapes are not just what you see Damien Conaré (UNESCO Chair for World Food Systems) 
  2. Plenary 2: City-level innovations in improving Africa's food environments and food systems: Experiences of 3 African cities Solophina Nekesa (ICLEI Africa) 
  3. Plenary 3: FS-TIP – Food System Transformative Integrated Policy: update on three African country pilots (Ghana, Malawi, and Rwanda) Peiman Milani (Rockefeller Foundation) 
  4. Plenary 4: Role of FAO in transforming Africa’s Food Environments Mphumuzi Sukati (FAO Africa) 
  5. Plenary 5: Understanding Lived Experience of Food Environments to Inform Policy: An Overview of Research Methods Kimberly Neve (City University London)
  6. Plenary 6: Food environments in Africa: Addressing Malnutrition using a Syndemics Approach - The Food-SAMSA Project. Carmen Klinger & Peter Delobelle 
  7. Plenary 7: Plastic food environments: Concepts and evidence gaps in African contexts Joe Yates (ANH Academy) 
  8. Plenary 8: Food Environment Research and Neglected Indigenous African Foods Namukolo Covic (African Nutrition Society)  

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