11-14 September 2017. Ghent, Belgium. MycoKey2017. Global Mycotoxin Reduction in the Food and Feed Chain.
The congress is open for all contributions related to the following general topics in mycotoxin research:
9 October 2017. Nairobi, Kenya. The AflaNet project is organising a one day conference: Networking on aflatoxin reduction in the food value chain
The aim of the conference is to bring together scientists, stakeholders, institutes, farmers and governmental institutions seeking for long-lasting, innovative and practicable ideas to combat Aflatoxin from the food value chain. The programme is based on the selection of some 58 abstract submissions (the deadline was 03/07/2017).
24 - 27 June 2018. Mombassa, Kenya. 2nd AFRICAN SYMPOSIUM on MYCOTOXICOLOGY “Mitigating mycotoxin contamination in the African food and feed chain ”
These videos are freely downloadable, also in 3gp format for mobile phone viewing. Kindly share them with as many people as possible, using the Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn and email options provided at the left side of the video screen on the website.
There is, from now on, a page on the website which shows all the latest uploads each month. You can find the page under ‘forum’, but the direct link is: Recent uploads.
Managing aflatoxins in groundnuts during drying and storage
Let us learn how to dry and store groundnuts to have clean, healthy groundnuts, free of aflatoxins.
Anyone interested in having this video translated into other local languages, please contact Kevin@accessagriculture.org
The congress is open for all contributions related to the following general topics in mycotoxin research:
- Global impact of mycotoxins
- Biodiversity and toxigenic fungi monitoring
- Mycotoxin analytical challenges
- Prevention
- Animal health and toxicology
- Impact of climate change
- Challenges for developing countries
- Remediation and intervention
- Human health and toxicology
- Modelling and ICT solutions
- KEYNOTE: The socio-economic impact of mycotoxin contamination in Africa P. Njobeh (University of Johannesburg, South-Africa)
- Multi-mycotoxin contamination in fermented locust beans (Parkia Biglobosa) and the perception of mycotoxin contamination in Nigerian and South African markets I. Adekoya (University of Johannesburg, South-Africa)
- Risk assessment of mycotoxins associated with consumption of stored maize grains by infants and children in Nigeria A. Olusegun (DBS, Nigeria)
- Awareness and perception about the occurrence, causes and consequences of aflatoxin contamination in Burundi and Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo N. Wiredu (IITA, Mozambique)
- Current trends in sample size in mycotoxin analysis in grains: are we measuring accurately? L. Matumba (Luanar, Malawi)

The aim of the conference is to bring together scientists, stakeholders, institutes, farmers and governmental institutions seeking for long-lasting, innovative and practicable ideas to combat Aflatoxin from the food value chain. The programme is based on the selection of some 58 abstract submissions (the deadline was 03/07/2017).
The project funded by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture in 2016 is designed as an
initial study that is planned to be followed by a more intensive, overall collaborative project with
African partners. The goal of the AflaNet project is to establish a long-term network between
scientific and development partners in Kenya/East Africa and Germany to address the
reduction of aflatoxins in the food value chain. Scientific results have been gathered by
conducting a carry-over study of aflatoxin into milk, about verifying aflatoxin rapid tests and
molecular methods to minimise contamination.
Registration needs to be send to email: Aflanet@mri.bund.de
Following a successful 1st ASM held in 2015 in Zambia, a second symposium will be held under
the auspices of the International Society on Mycotoxicology (ISM).
- Occurrence and importance of mycotoxins in African crops
- Mycotoxin testing methods for Africa
- Continental and international collaboration on mycotoxin research
- Mycotoxin management in an African context
- Monitoring and evaluation of technology uptake in Africa
To support farmers in East Africa, West Africa and Latin America, the video on managing aflatoxins in groundnuts has been translated in 10 local languages, specifically in Aymara, Bambara, Bemba, Chichewa, Gourmantche, Hausa, Mooré, Peulh Fulfuldé, Quechua and Zarma languages. This will not be possible without McKnight Foundation who funded the video and its translations.These videos are freely downloadable, also in 3gp format for mobile phone viewing. Kindly share them with as many people as possible, using the Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, LinkedIn and email options provided at the left side of the video screen on the website.
There is, from now on, a page on the website which shows all the latest uploads each month. You can find the page under ‘forum’, but the direct link is: Recent uploads.
Let us learn how to dry and store groundnuts to have clean, healthy groundnuts, free of aflatoxins.
Anyone interested in having this video translated into other local languages, please contact Kevin@accessagriculture.org
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