- It supports an agriculture sector that is fit to meet the targets and challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and the environment, while ensuring a profitable and attractive activity for farmers.
- The Partnership in particular pools the resources of the EC and the states involved to fund high-level research generating appropriate knowledge and technologies aligned with the core themes described below and in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
Living Labs
- Belgium - LLAEBIO (Living Lab Agroecology and Organic Agriculture)
- Denmark - CarbonFarm
- Denmark - DKOOF (The Danish Organic on-farm Living Lab)
- France - Occitanum
- Germany - PFN HESSEN (Practical research for organic agriculture and vegetable farming)
- Greece - InoFa (Internet of Food Alliance Support Office)
- Hungary - ÖMKi (On-Farm Living Lab)
- Italy - Valle Varaita Living Lab
- The Netherlands - Dutch National Agroecology Network
- United Kingdom - Innovative Farmers
- United Kingdom - CALL (Coventry Agroecological Living Lab)
- Serbia - PA4ALL (Precision Agriculture for All at BioSense)
- Switzerland - FiBL LL (FiBL On-Farm Network)
Research Infrastructures
- Denmark - BIOBASE (Aarhus University research framework for agricultural biomass production)
- France - LTSER ZAPVS (Long-Term Social-Ecological Research platform - Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre)
- France - Oasys
- Germany - EMPHASIS (Emphasis on plant phenomics)
- Spain - LifeWatch-ERIC
Upcoming webinar:
- By AGROECOLOGY Partnership
- This is a series of morning webinars open to anyone interested in exploring topics related to Agroecology. Each session offers insights from experts on practices, innovations, and sustainable approaches shaping the future of this field.
Previous webinar:
- Multi-actor solutions to facilitate the adoption of Sustainable Agricultural landscapes
- Dr. Sabina Asins-Velis, introduced her project Into-DIALOGUE.
- Into-DIALOGUE understands that the adoption of Sustainable Agroecological Systems as a whole is difficult to be achieved in European and Turkish agricultural landscapes in the short term, given the complexity of holistically adopting their assumptions.
- Into-DIALOGUE provides an integrative multi-actor approach for the integration of soil-based systems, the ecological identity of farmers, the design of political measures, and the possibilities of collaboration offered by citizen participation to facilitate the transition.
Other Horizon Europe Research projects
European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare
The European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare (represented by the abbreviation EUP AH&W or its acronym EUPAHW) is by far the most ambitious research and innovation initiative the European Commission (EC) has funded to control infectious diseases of animals, and to promote animal welfare. Launched this year (2024), the innovative Partnership is anticipated to invest €360 million over seven years to boost research and facilitate cooperation between all actors. The scope goes beyond the animal health and welfare actors to enhance cross sector collaboration and, through a One Health and One Welfare approach, to provide societal impact. The objectives of the EUP AH&W align with the European Green Deal and its associated Farm to Fork strategy for a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system.
PRO-WILD - Protect and promote Crop Wild Relatives
PRO-WILD protects and promotes wild relatives of wheat, sugar beet, and oilseed rape, harnessing their valuable traits to improve nutritional quality and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses. The project involves 19 partners from 11 countries and is co-funded by the EU, UK and Switzerland.
- ARO, Israel
- BOKU, Austria
- CREA, Italy
- CUK, Türkiye
- ELGO, Greece
- FiBL, Switzerland
- HCC, Romania
- IfZ, Germany
- Innolea, France
- INRAE, France
- IAM, France
- IPK, Germany
- IT, France
- JIC, United Kingdom
- KWS, Germany
- SV, Belgium
- UNIPA, Italy
- UNIPG, Italy
- Weizmann, Israel
FruitDiv consortium
FruitDiv is a European research project launched on the 1st of January 2024. The project is funded under the Horizon Europe framework for a period of five years (January 2024-December 2028). FruitDiv aims to monitor, characterise, use, and conserve the diversity of fruit tree Crop Wild Relatives (CWR), with a particular emphasis on pome (Malus, Pyrus) and stone (Prunus) fruits.
The FruitDiv consortium is coordinated by INRAE. It includes 26 multi-disciplinary partners from 10 EU Member States and four other European countries.
Cousin project
- Università di Catania – UNICT
- Nordic Seeds AS – NOS
- Agrártudományi Kutatoòközpont – ATK
- Federal Office for Agriculture – FOAG
- Formica Blu – FB
- Institut de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation Biologiques ITAB
- The James Hutton Institute – JHI
- Universidade Católica Portuguesa – UCP
- Rete Semi Rurali ETS – RSR
- Ceratium BV
- Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau – FiBL
- Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics – CRAG
- Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research – IPK
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC
- BioCrop Innovations – BCROP
- BETA Technological Centre (UVic-UCC)
- Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz – gzpk
- European Plant Science Organisation – EPSO
- Cybiome – CYBI
- Environmental Social Science Research Group – ESSRG
- Wageningen University & Research – WUR
- University of Lausanne – UNIL
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – AUTH
- Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – URJC
- Asociación Aprisco – APRI