28 February 2025. Mettre en lumière les liens entre Agroécologie et Nutrition
3-5 March, 2025. Bangkok. Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the UN Food Systems Summit +4
5 March 2025. The INCiTiS-FOOD Open Call for Local Innovation Hubs
- 11:00 AM (CET) Webinar for Q&A will be held on 5th March
5 March 2025.13:00-14:00 Irish Standard Time. Legumes for Development (LEG4DEV) webinar on "Scaling Legume Seed Systems in East & Southern Africa"
6 March – 10 April 2025. Explore key concepts in food system planning and agroecological urbanism.
Registration is open until 1 March 2025!
5-7 May 2025. Nairobi, Kenya. UNFSS+4 Regional Preparatory Meeting Africa
21 - 22 May 2025. Agrinatura General Assembly and Conference 2025
Agrinatura organizes every year it’s General Assembly hosted by the member of each institution to discuss further activities, new projects, further initiatives, incorporation of new members, presentation of working groups in a way to continue working in the achievement of Agrinatura goals for sustainable agriculture.
Annual General Assembly its two-day event, the first day its related to organizational matters and the second day its followed by a workshop focus on topics related to research in agriculture development.
Location: University of Ghent, Belgium
9 and 12 June 2025. Agrigento (Sicily), Italy 1st International Congress on Mediterranean Agroecology
9 and 13 June 2025. African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) Kigali, Rwanda
10 - 12 September 2025. Hybrid - Bonn, Germany. Tropentag 2025
2 to 4 October 2025 Malmö Agroecology Europe Forum
- The Legumes for Development (LEG4DEV) project conducts research and innovation activities to enable scaling of legumes for development outcomes (productivity, sustainability, nutrition & livelihoods) in Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia.
6 March – 10 April 2025. Explore key concepts in food system planning and agroecological urbanism.
Registration is open until 1 March 2025!
- Sign up here: AESOP4Food seminar 2025 - WIKI Landscape Portal
10 March 2025, 11:00 - 12:30 (CET): InfoPoint Hybrid Conference: "Investing in Africa’s agriculture - The role of AATIF & blended finance" -
11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on ´Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale´
Kindly note that there are no more seats available for in-person participation. However, you can participate online using the links below (for plenary sessions AND parallel session). You will receive a meeting invite with a zoom link after registration. Plenary sessions will be translated in French and English. Parallel sessions will be either in French or in English.
Kindly note that there are no more seats available for in-person participation. However, you can participate online using the links below (for plenary sessions AND parallel session). You will receive a meeting invite with a zoom link after registration. Plenary sessions will be translated in French and English. Parallel sessions will be either in French or in English.
- Day 1 (11 March) https://audiovisualsupport-be.zoom.us/meeting/register/0n0rMSYHTjyTGkIEelykuw
- Day 2 (12 March) https://audiovisualsupport-be.zoom.us/meeting/register/zollKgktR8eqCBdAzmU0HQ
- Day 3 (13 March) https://audiovisualsupport-be.zoom.us/meeting/register/ZNaX_pX3T42u0QXRe7hsVw
- Day 1 (March 11) will feature the different EU R&I programmes and focus on results and lessons from EU -funded interventions and other international interventions aiming at supporting innovation in agri-food systems
- Day 2 (March 12) morning will broaden the reflection and discussion by focusing on how to support innovation at scale by making use of R&I outcomes (policies for enabling environment, market and public/private funding, capacities including education)
- Day 2 (March 12) afternoon will be dedicated to the high-level discussions on on-going and future EU policies for R&I cooperation with partner countries
- Day 3 (March 13) will be dedicated to special sessions proposed by organisations participating in the conference, including launch of the International Research Consortium, SCAR-ARCH meeting, AU/EU Working group on the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, DeSIRA+ and the GLOBAL NARS CONSORTIUM (GNC) launched by the Global Forum for Agricultural and Innovation Research (GFAiR)
12-14 March 2025. Kigali, Rwanda. 13th Academia–Public–Private Partnership Forum (APPPF)
- This biennial forum provides a unique platform for academia, industry leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to engage, network, and drive solutions that strengthen academia-industry linkages in East Africa.
- Engage with key stakeholders in academia, industry, and government to foster collaborations.
- Showcase your innovations, products, and services to a diverse regional audience.
- Gain insights through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and exhibitions focused on “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship through University-Industry Partnerships for East Africa’s Sustainable Future.”
- Expand your professional network with policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and development partners.
13 March 2025. 3:00pm to 4:00pm AAP Recherche Sols 2025-2028: call for research projects Fonds de Dotation Roullier.
- The aim of this webinar is to answer all your questions about this call for projects, which encourages innovative research into soil and the associated environmental challenges. You will be able to ask all your questions and find out more about the selection criteria, the research priorities and how to present your projects.
13 March 2025. International School Meals Day
14 March 2025. 14:00 – 15:00 hrs (CET) Agrifood Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO)
- Seminar Series FAO's Office of Innovation
- with guest speaker, Dr Philip Pardey.
17 - 21 March 2025. Food system transformation & policy training.
- Centre for Rural Development/Humboldt University Berlin
- This training will delve into the unique challenges and opportunities of transforming food systems in the Global South, offering practical insights and strategic guidance.
- Aim: Highlight the main challenges in the current food system(s), and co-develop practical solutions and action plans based on the objectives and local realities of the participants.
- Target group : Urban planners, Project Manager in International Development NGOs, Food Value Chain Experts.
17-20 March, Brussels 5th Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP)
25 - 28 March 2025. The 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (EAAC25) Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing
25 - 28 March 2025. The 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (EAAC25) Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing
- Pathways for enhancing production, productivity and sustainability of agri-food systems with agroecological interventions
- Food security, nutrition, and health nexus: Soil health and farmer managed seed systems
- Movements for empowerment of women and youth in agroecology
- Trade, markets and economy: Implications for agroecological transitions
- Institutional and policy opportunities for unlocking potential of agroecology in agri-food systems
- Financing mechanisms for agroecological pathways and transitions
27 March 2025. Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit
2 April 2025, 14:30-15:30 (UTC). COLEAD's Research and Innovation Brokerage Department Research programme Research in the field for those working in the field
2 -4 April 2025. APPSA scientific conference
7 - 12 April 2025. CGIAR Science Week, Nairobi
7-9 April 2025 UNFSS+4 Regional Preparatory Meeting Latin America and the Caribbean | Santiago de Chile
8 April 2025. @1pm to 2pm GMT. Climate-smart agriculture: how technology can power data-driven sustainability in food systems
24 - 25 April 2025. GLF Forests 2025: Defining the Next Decade of Action
24 - 25 April 2025. GLF Forests 2025: Defining the Next Decade of Action
29 AprIL 2025. Prague, Czech Republic. EU CAP Network brokerage event 'Partnering for innovation with impact in agriculture and rural areas'
5-7 May 2025. Nairobi, Kenya. UNFSS+4 Regional Preparatory Meeting Africa
6 May 2025. Museum of Natural Sciences. Brussels. Agroecological transition of food systems in Africa: Evidence for research and development policies in Africa-EU collaboration
21 - 22 May 2025. Agrinatura General Assembly and Conference 2025
Agrinatura organizes every year it’s General Assembly hosted by the member of each institution to discuss further activities, new projects, further initiatives, incorporation of new members, presentation of working groups in a way to continue working in the achievement of Agrinatura goals for sustainable agriculture.
Annual General Assembly its two-day event, the first day its related to organizational matters and the second day its followed by a workshop focus on topics related to research in agriculture development.
Location: University of Ghent, Belgium
20 - 23 May 2025. Kunming China. International Agrobiodiversity Congress (IAC)
9 and 12 June 2025. Agrigento (Sicily), Italy 1st International Congress on Mediterranean Agroecology
9 and 13 June 2025. African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) Kigali, Rwanda
10 - 12 September 2025. Hybrid - Bonn, Germany. Tropentag 2025
23 - 25 September 2025. Uppsala, Sweden. Agri4D 2025: Nurturing regenerative food systems in a changing climate
- three specific sub-themes: 1. Empowering the Next Generation of Food Systems Leaders 2. Transforming Food Systems: Innovation and Implementation 3. Equity, Justice, and Resilience
7 - 9 October 2025. Nairobi. 10th AfriLabs Annual Gathering: "Africa’s Innovation Future: Policy, Partnerships, and Progres
4th–6th Nov 2025. 12th ANAPRI Stakeholders Conference |
10 - 21 November 2025. Belém, Brazil. UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30)
26 - 28 November 2025. Wageningen, Netherlands. Food System Microbiomes International conference
30 September - 02 October 2025. University of Helsinki. Science for Sustainability 2025
4th–6th Nov 2025. 12th ANAPRI Stakeholders Conference |
10 - 21 November 2025. Belém, Brazil. UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30)
26 - 28 November 2025. Wageningen, Netherlands. Food System Microbiomes International conference
30 September - 02 October 2025. University of Helsinki. Science for Sustainability 2025
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