6-7 July 2017. Lausanne/Vevey, Switzerland. Nestle. As the world’s largest food company, and one that connects farmers to consumers, how can Nestlé help shape the future of food systems?

- Listen to the podcast
- Read more about how Nestlé is enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future in the Nestlé in Society - Creating Shared Value and meeting our commitments 2016 report.
- Explore Nestlé's impact across the globe in Our stories.
Biodiversity for the planet and for food
- Bev Postma HarvestPlus,
- Stefano Padulosi Bioversity,
- Urs Schenker, Nestlé
- Tony Juniper
Microbes for healthy soils and healthy guts
- John Crawford Rothamsted,
- Joachim Lammel Yara,
- Doug Cook UC Davis,
- Maurice Moloney GIFS
Water conservation and stewardship for agriculture
- Wouter Wolters, University Wageningen,
- Adrian Sym AWS,
- Frank Eyhorn Helvetas,
- James Lomax UN Environment
- Robert Craig, Ambrose Kirobi CMS,
- Peter Froelich Agricircle,
- Martin Mwangi University Wageningen
- Hans Herren, Biovison,
- Samuel Vionnet, Valuing Nature,
- Urs Niggli, FIBL,
- Vanja Westerberg, Altus Impact
Modelling of the food system
- Gerald Nelson ex-IFPRI,
- Joost Vervoort, IFPRI,
- Natalia Brzezina, KU Leuven,
- Karen Cooper, Nestlé Leman
- Aileen Ionesco-Somers, Business School Lausanne,
- Michiel Bakker Google,
- Sara Roversi Future Food institute,
- Rob Skidmore, ITC
Animal Proteins, Plant Proteins
- Ian Roberts Buhler,
- Duncan Williamson WWF,
- Aarti Ramachandran, FAIRR,
- Patrick Holden, Sustainable Food Trust,
- Leonidas Karagounis Nestlé
Urban and rural nutrition challenges
- Frank Mechielsen Hivos,
- Ruth Oniang’o Rural Outreach Africa,
- Hernan Manson ITC, Wilbert Sybesma, Nestlé
Responsible sourcing
- Rob Cameron SustainAbility,
- Joost Oorthuizen, IDH,
- Christina Nyhus Dhillon, GAIN,
- Benjamin Ware, Nancy Madigu, Nestlé
Food loss and food waste
- Richard Swannell WRAP,
- Franziska Staubli, Migros,
- Clementine O'Connor, Achim Drewes, Nestlé
Nutrition & Climate Change
- Josette Lewis, Env. Defense Fund,
- Doug Cook, UC Davis,
- Gerald Nelson ex-IFPRI,
- Pierre Herben Yara
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