2 July 2017. Side event: Copa-Cogeca and Agricord (352.41 KB, PDF).
Opening by Copa-Cogeca
Mr Scanavino - President of CIA (Confederazione Italiana Agricultura of Italy) – member of COPA-COGECA and Associated member from AgriCord
Mr Scananivo is president of CIA since 2014. He is a producer and leader of the Vineyards and nursery entrepreneurs in Calamandrana. He is former vice president of CIA and president of CIA of Asti since 2002.
Farmers’ organisations: engaging by and with the agricultural private sector
As a catalyst for the industry reformation and transformation, TAHA is engaged in a multitude of activities in a bid to achieve its overarching objectives.
Specifically, TAHA works to improve the business enabling environment in the industry through following key activities:
TAHA implements a range of technical services to enhance farmers’ capacity to produce safe, and quality products while ensuring consistency/reliable products supply to the markets. Such activities include:
About Fintrac
Fintrac, a woman-owned and US-based consulting company, develops agricultural solutions to end hunger and poverty. For 25 years, we have worked with local and international partners to increase production, improve postharvest handling, add value, and develop markets and competitive value chains for the world's most vulnerable farmers and communities. Click here to view an infographic of Fintrac's methodology.
By teaching farmers to view farming as a business, we increase yields to improve nutrition, generate income, and build industries. In just the last three years (2014-2016), Fintrac has:
@ 7:22 "With the issue of climate change Research and Development is very important now (...) If we have researchers they are not facilitated to do their work. And when research is done there is no connection between the research and the demand of farmers at farm level. So what needs to be done is to translate and to simplify and come up with a simple language of the research that can be well understood by farmers"
Mr Scanavino - President of CIA (Confederazione Italiana Agricultura of Italy) – member of COPA-COGECA and Associated member from AgriCord
Mr Scananivo is president of CIA since 2014. He is a producer and leader of the Vineyards and nursery entrepreneurs in Calamandrana. He is former vice president of CIA and president of CIA of Asti since 2002.
Theo de Jaeger - President of SACAU (Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions) – partner of We Effect (agri-agency of LRF, the Federation of Swedish Farmers) and partner of Agriterra (agri-agency of LTO, the Farmers’ Organisation from the Netherlands)
- Which are important investment opportunities for agriculture and small holders that favour development and why?
- What are comparative advantages of farmers’ organisations , producer groups and their cooperatives for investors or to access finance together?
- Why do investments in agriculture remain a challenge and for what type of investments farmers’ organisations face concrete challenges?
- Which concrete measures could promote investments by and for farmers’ organisations and their cooperatives (based on concrete experience). How could the public sector favour this type of necessary investments?
- How could digitalisation play a role in improving access to investments and value chains for farmers’ organisations and smallholders ?
- Denis Kabiito - UNYFA (Uganda National Young Farmers’ Association) – partner of AHA (agri-agency of DBV, Deutscher Bauernverband, the German Farmers’ Organisation) Denis Kabiito is the national coordinator for the newly founded Uganda National Young Farmers Association. He is a biologist, a farmer, fisheries scientist and aqua culturist. He has served as an extensionist with a 10-year work experience in rural extension development work, advocacy, training and with agricultural producer associations and primary co-operatives in the central region of Uganda.
- Simon Schlüter - DBV Germany Head of Brussels Office, International Affairs - Deutscher Bauernverband
- Ibrahim Sidibé - Fédération Nationale des Jeunes Ruraux du Mali (FENAJER) and partner of AFDI (Agri-agency of les Jeunes Agriculteurs de France) Ibrahim Sibidé is the secretary general of the National Federation of Young rural people, a member of Coordination nationale des organisations paysannes du Mali (CNOP) and member of CNOP’s network of agro ecological farmers. Ibrahim Sidibé is a Malian farmer, managing a farm producing laying hen, cereals and vegetables.
- Vincent Touzot - Jeunes Agriculteurs de France and member of AFDI. Vincent Touzot is a farmer, responsible for CAP and international affairs at Jeunes Agriculteurs (JA), and member of Afdi’s Board. Vincent works with his associate on a farm of 120 ha and has 50 milking cows. He produces milk that is then used to make butter ‘AOC Charentes Poitou’. Since his farm is situated in a vulnerable zone he practises sustainable farming methods.
- Jackie Mkindi CEO - TAHA (Tanzanian Horticultural Association) – partner of FFD (agri-agency of MTK, the Finnish Farmers and Forest Producers’ Organisation) Jacqueline Mkindi is Executive Director/CEO in the Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), an apex body that works to promote and develop the Tanzania horticulture. She is a development manager, specialized in Business and Trade. She is also an entrepreneur in the horticultural industry herself and she has risen from various positions in the Private Sector.
"Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches"
- Tiina Huvio, FFD/MTK Finland Mrs. Huvio is Progamme Director of the Finnish Agri-Agency for Food and Forest Development. Ms. Tiina Huvio has a carrier of twenty years in the development cooperation and she has worked in both multilateral and bilateral organizations, and since 2013 as coordinator with the Finnish Agri-Agency for Food and Forest Development (FFD). She has been involved in agri forestry and forestry via farmers’ organisations throughout her whole career.
Closing speech
Jean François Isambert - President of AgriCord
Mr. Isambert is president of AGRICORD, an international alliance of 12 agriagencies,
mandated by farmers’ organisations to support their peers in
developing countries. He is also General Secretary of AGPB (the Association
of French Wheat producers)
“Final Report of the WFO and Copa-Cogeca Workshop: Connecting World Farmers to the Value Chain on 7th April 2017”.
This workshop provided a platform to discuss how policy, including trade and development policies, can help farmers, from developing and developed countries, to be integrated into the value chain, supporting the development of new technologies while fostering innovation. The discussion focused on the development of policy priorities that are relevant to all farmers and cooperatives around the world. Panellists were invited to reflect on how the introduction of digital technologies can help developing countries gain access to markets and, consequently, benefit from trade.
The Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex private sector member based organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticultural industry in Tanzania. Since its inception in 2004, TAHA has been an effective voicing platform for producers,traders,exporters and processors of the horticultural products mainly; flowers, fruits, vegetables, horticultural seeds,and spices. The Association safeguards the interest of the private sector and ensures the industry issues are well mainstreamed at the national and international agenda.
“Final Report of the WFO and Copa-Cogeca Workshop: Connecting World Farmers to the Value Chain on 7th April 2017”.
This workshop provided a platform to discuss how policy, including trade and development policies, can help farmers, from developing and developed countries, to be integrated into the value chain, supporting the development of new technologies while fostering innovation. The discussion focused on the development of policy priorities that are relevant to all farmers and cooperatives around the world. Panellists were invited to reflect on how the introduction of digital technologies can help developing countries gain access to markets and, consequently, benefit from trade.
- Media – Press release can be found here
- Social media – Several original tweets (@CopaCogeca @worldfarmersorg @CEMAagri ) via #DynamicAgri and posts on Facebook and LinkedIn You can find us on:
- Online Photo album from this event is published here
The Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex private sector member based organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticultural industry in Tanzania. Since its inception in 2004, TAHA has been an effective voicing platform for producers,traders,exporters and processors of the horticultural products mainly; flowers, fruits, vegetables, horticultural seeds,and spices. The Association safeguards the interest of the private sector and ensures the industry issues are well mainstreamed at the national and international agenda.
Specifically, TAHA works to improve the business enabling environment in the industry through following key activities:
- Maintaining positive dialogue with the Government of Tanzania, private sector and Development Partners to ensure that there are supportive policy and regulatory frameworks.
- The above include advancing policy proposals that aim at enhancing trade
- Mobilizing resources for the industry development programsProvides technical support services.

- Farmers' mobilization and institutional capacity building.
- Driving innovative farming practices/technologies for improved production and productivity.
- Facilitating access to innovative and affordable finances and other financial services.
- Awareness creation and training on nutrition and gender aspects.Facilitate Markets linkages and Trade

- Facilitating access to reliable, profitable, equitable and sustainable markets both national, regional and international
- Provision of industry logistic services such as clearing and forwarding,trucking, cargo consolidation and handling, airfreight bookings and negotiations, etc through its vibrant logistic company TAHAFresh Handling limited.
- Facilitating compliance to market standards, systems and procedures
- Branding of TAHA and the industry through various promotion platforms at local, regional and international levels.
- Ensuring optimal information/communication flow flow inside and outside the industry. TAHA manages an Information System (TIS) in which market prices and other products are delivered to the industry.
"TAHA’s role and responsibility is also to ensure that Tanzania horticulture is well profiled, opportunities are exploited and there is adequate information sharing to facilitate smooth business transaction amongst partners." Jacqueline Mkindi, CEO TAHA
About Fintrac
Fintrac, a woman-owned and US-based consulting company, develops agricultural solutions to end hunger and poverty. For 25 years, we have worked with local and international partners to increase production, improve postharvest handling, add value, and develop markets and competitive value chains for the world's most vulnerable farmers and communities. Click here to view an infographic of Fintrac's methodology.
By teaching farmers to view farming as a business, we increase yields to improve nutrition, generate income, and build industries. In just the last three years (2014-2016), Fintrac has:
- Generated $1.3 billion in agricultural sales through private sector partnerships.
- Leveraged $75 million in new investment.
- Put more than 630,000 hectares of land under sustainable practices.
- Worked directly with 1.5 million households, contributing the food security of 7.5 million people.
@ 7:22 "With the issue of climate change Research and Development is very important now (...) If we have researchers they are not facilitated to do their work. And when research is done there is no connection between the research and the demand of farmers at farm level. So what needs to be done is to translate and to simplify and come up with a simple language of the research that can be well understood by farmers"
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