the international platform of dialogue and networking that every year aims to identify the pathway towards concrete solutions to the environmental, health and socio-economic challenges affecting the current food system.
The 2017 edition brought together policy makers, the scientific community, private sector and the general public to share knowledge, analysis and best practices in light of the Agenda 2030.
Held in Milan at Pirelli HangarBicocca the eight edition of the event focused on food security, climate change and migrations, sustainable food systems at the country and city level and the reform of the agricultural policy in Europe.
Extracts of the programme
On December 4, the Forum amplified the voice of new generations, involving young leaders from all over the world seeking for scalable ideas to overcome current burning issues in the food system.
- The first day included the Award ceremony - Agropolis Louis Malassis International Scientific Prize for Agriculture and Food Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security
- Keynote. Food solutions in the framework of the SDGs, Jeffrey Sachs Director, Earth Institute, Columbia University and Director, UN SDSN
- The role of African CSOs for the implementation of Agenda 2030: The case of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa Million Belay Founder of Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Getting to Zero Hunger in an uncertain world! What will it take? Arif Husain Chief Economist and Director of the Food Security Analysis and Trends Service, World Food Programme
- Safe and healthy food in 2030: the road ahead - Interview with: Vytenis Andriukaitis EU Commissioner Health and Food Safety
Research and Innovation in Food Systems
- Bina Agarwal Professor of Development Economics and Environment - University of Manchester
- Filippo Maria Bassi Durum wheat breeder, ICARDA, Morocco, winner, Olam Prize 2017
- Barbara Buchner Executive Director, Climate Finance - Climate Policy Initiative
- Paul Gepts Distinguished professor of the University of California-Davis, California
- Touhami Khorchani Professor Director, Institut des Régions Arides - Tunisia
- Paul Kosuth Director, Agropolis Fondation
- Elena Poverenov Research Scientist, Institute of Postharvest and Food Sciences of Agricultural Organization of Israel
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