Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

EFFoST Webinar: How European Researchers Shape Future Sustainable Food Systems

23 September 2022 How European Researchers Shape Future Sustainable Food Systems EFFoST

This seminar series was organized by a Working Group on Sustainable Food Systems and provided detailed insights into various facets of sustainability in the food sector. The seminars include expert talks, practical indications from industry professionals, as well as short presentations from selected early stage researchers.

A summary of the webinar as well as the slides will be made available in the course of the next couple of weeks - here.

Main shared resource: 

European Commission, Food 2030 pathways for action : Horizon 2020 portfolio analysis, mapping of EU research and innovation related to food systems, Publications Office (2021) Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, # 6 p.

Within the context of the Food 2030 Pathways for Action publication, this factsheet illustrates the diverse types of food-related research funded under the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Analysis of the European Commission’s CORDIS database indicates that Horizon 2020 supported 1 631 projects during the 2014–2020 period. These are projects where there was a definable food application relevant to one or more parts of the food system. Many of them relate to the application of generic technologies to help improve food production or processing issues. These projects can be grouped into three project types corresponding to Marie Skłodowska Curie (Marie Curie) grants, projects for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and research and innovation (R & I) collaborative projects (R & I food).


The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) facilitates knowledge and technology exchange among food professionals. EFFoST creates opportunities for food scientist, engineers, technologists, policymakers and businesses in food and food-related areas to connect and collaborate with the objective to enhance the uptake of new technologies and developments. By supporting the further development of food science and technology, EFFoST aims to advance the production of sustainable and healthy food for all in a changing world.

Learn more about this working group, by reading about their members and their upcoming events


SCAR (2018) Assessment of Research and Innovation on Food Systems by European Member States. European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Directorate F - Bioeconomy. Unit F.3 - Agri-Food Chain # 35 p.

This publication presents an extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research projects and policies in Europe in the last 5 years as related to food systems. The analysis covers the major trends and ambitions, improvements needed, and gaps in R&I.

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