The conference drew attendance from 90 professionals and experts involved in the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture (e-Agriculture), from both inside and outside Africa.
Speakers included government policy makers, industry, international development community, rural development practitioners, as well as researchers and graduate students from the agricultural and rural development field, including ICT. They presented and discussed the latest topics in e-agriculture and shared their experiences and lessons learned in the implementation of e-agriculture initiatives.
The conference activities comprised an exhibition showcasing e-agriculture initiatives and activities; pre-conference workshops, seminars and training. Prior to the conference, an online global discussion was held on e-Agriculture in Africa.
Presentation related to PAEPARD
22/05. The use of ICTs to Facilitate Collaboration in a Multi-stakeholder Partnership: A Case Study of the Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium – Nawsheen Hosenally - Consultant and Facilitator on Agriculture and Youth Related Projects, Mauritius and Krishan J. Bheenick, Programme Manager (Production Systems incl. IT Systems), Food and Agricultural Research Council, Reduit, Mauritius.