5–7 February 2020. Eschborn, Germany. The CGIAR ‘Big Lifts’ workshop provided multi-stakeholder input towards the implementation of SRG recommendations 1 (mission) and 4 (new research modality).
Recommendations 1 (mission)
Develop a 2030 Research Strategy anchored in a unifying mission of “Ending hunger by 2030 – through science to transform food, land and water systems in a climate crisis”, focused on five Impact Areas of nutrition, poverty, gender, climate, and environment. Target date: 2030 Research Strategy, reflecting agreed Mission and Impact Areas, by end-2020
Recommendations 4 (new research modality)
What’s next for CGIAR?
Recommendations 1 (mission)
Develop a 2030 Research Strategy anchored in a unifying mission of “Ending hunger by 2030 – through science to transform food, land and water systems in a climate crisis”, focused on five Impact Areas of nutrition, poverty, gender, climate, and environment. Target date: 2030 Research Strategy, reflecting agreed Mission and Impact Areas, by end-2020
A New Research Modality: Implement a phased approach to research delivery
that aligns structure and accountabilities with the imperative of seeking multiple benefits across
CGIAR’s Impact Areas, anchored in large integrative CGIAR Projects, co-creation with partners, and
enhanced performance and results management. Target date: New arrangement ready for
implementation from 1 January 2022 with key preparatory steps taken in advance.
Funders defined Big Lifts structurally: a compelling, strategic and large multi-donor fully funded Research for Development (R4D) program that constitutes the shared agenda. Science leaders defined it substantially: a Big Lift is a major outcome responding to a major challenge.
Pooled and harmonized funding with the system constitutes only roughly 25% of total funding, while the rest is dispersed over 2,500 projects agreed with centers. No wonder CGIAR is underperforming on its collective potential. No wonder centers are reluctant to release on their independence. But among funders the mood is changing too.
9–10 June, 2020. Berlin, Germany 10th meeting of the CGIAR System Council.
The Transition Consultation Forum (TCF) was established in January 2020 at the invitation of the Chair of the CGIAR System Council as a discussion and consultation platform to provide multi-stakeholder input and advice on the transition to One CGIAR.
The System Reference Group (SRG) was established by the CGIAR System Council in 2018 to bring together Funders, Centers, and partner countries to develop forward-looking recommendations on CGIAR’s research focus, delivery model, and institutional structure.
Co-chaired by Tony Cavalieri (see picture) of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Marco Ferroni (see picture), Chair of the System Management Board, the group’s membership comprised 22 persons:
- One CGIAR refers to a future, more unified and integrated CGIAR, as set out in the recommendations of the System Reference Group (SRG) and endorsed by the CGIAR System Council at its 9th meeting in November 2019.
- The TCF comprises members of the CGIAR System Council, all members of the CGIAR System Management Board (SMB), all Center Board Chairs and Directors General, and the Chair of the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC).
- The forum is co-chaired by Aly Abousabaa (DG ICARDA), convener of Center Directors General, Nicole Birrell, convener of Center Board Chairs, Tony Cavalieri, System Council member, and Marco Ferroni, SMB Chair.

- CGIAR Funders/partners – 11 persons drawn from the membership of the CGIAR System Council, including representation of regional constituencies where CGIAR operates;
- CGIAR System Management Board – 9 members, including 6 Center-affiliated members (Center Board members or Directors General), and the Executive Director of the CGIAR System Organization; and
- 2019 conveners of CGIAR Center Boards of Trustees and Directors General.
Upcoming events
23–25 March, 2020. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In-person meeting of the Transition Consultation Forum (TCF) + General Assembly
5–6 May, 2020. 17th meeting of the the CGIAR System Management Board (SMB)9–10 June, 2020. Berlin, Germany 10th meeting of the CGIAR System Council.
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