Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

From Degradation to Regeneration: Agroecology and Soil Health Research for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa

17 July 2024. 02:00 PM Agroecology RMRN Webinar II

From Degradation to Regeneration: Agroecology and Soil Health Research for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa.

Organised by the Regional Multi-Actor Research Network on Agroecology to Support Regional Centres of Excellence related to the Green Transition.

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Amudavi, Biovision Africa Trust
  • Dr. Guy Faure, European Commissio, DG INTPA
  • Dr. Oluwole A. Fatunbi, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
  • Dr. Bernhard Freyer , Institute of Organic, Farming (IFÖL)
  • Dr. Wivine Munyahali, Université Catholique de Bukavu
  • Modetators: Dr. Kwaku Antwi, FARA, Prof. Majaliwa Mwanjololo, RUFORUM, Mrs. Ama P. A. Adu-Dartey, FARA


The project’s main aim is to increase Science Technology and Innovation capacities of RCoEs in agroecology to efficiently contribute to a green transition in Sub Saharan Africa. The 36-month project officially started on January 1, 2024. 

This project has three main objectives :  
  • Strengthened scientific and technological capacities of RMRNs in Agroecology to produce, collect, access, process, share data / information and carry out research activities using a gender-sensitive approach.  
  • Increased RMRNs contribution in agroecology through transformative quality research and scientific knowledge generation and dissemination. 
  • Enhanced gender-sensitive support to agroecology practitioners, scientists, and policymakers.  
The RMRN Project is funded by the European Union (EU) as part of its Regional Multi-year Indicative Programme (MIP) for Africa. The MIP will support strengthening the consortia of Africa based institutions to lead interventions in Africa in several domains including multi-stakeholder partnerships to bring agroecological innovations to scale, using co-learning, co-creation, and multi-stakeholder approach.

The Africa-based and Africa-led research organisations include FARA, CORAF, ASARECA, CCARDESA, universities under the RUFORUM Network and Africa in general and other research institutions. The proposed actions will promote partnership with relevant institutions such as Farmer organizations under the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO), extension institutions under the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory services (AFAAS), NGOs, CSOs, the private sector, and financial institutions. The project targets countries in Eastern, Western, Southern and Central Africa.

Recording of the first webinar

 5 June:

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