Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Friday, February 28, 2025

Webinars March 2025

In preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit +4 Stocktake (UNFSS+4), which will take place in Addis Ababa from 27-29 July 2025, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub – in collaboration with Regional Economic Commissions and the broader UN system – is organizing five Regional Preparatory Meetings from March to May 2025.

4 March 13:30 – 14:30 Briefing session on the N4G Summit in Paris.

5 March 2025. The INCiTiS-FOOD Open Call for Local Innovation Hubs

5 March 2025.13:00-14:00 Irish Standard Time. Legumes for Development (LEG4DEV) webinar on "Scaling Legume Seed Systems in East & Southern Africa"
  • The Legumes for Development (LEG4DEV) project conducts research and innovation activities to enable scaling of legumes for development outcomes (productivity, sustainability, nutrition & livelihoods) in Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia.
6 March, 2025. @10:00 UTC+1 Resilience Hub Bonn Virtual Forum - 'Healthy Land, Healthy City; Rural-Urban Solutions for Land, Climate, and Justice'

6 March – 10 April 2025. Explore key concepts in food system planning and agroecological urbanism.
Registration is open until 1 March 2025!

11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on ´Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale´
Kindly note that there are no more seats available for in-person participation. However, you can participate online using the links below (for plenary sessions AND parallel session). You will receive a meeting invite with a zoom link after registration. Plenary sessions will be translated in French and English. Parallel sessions will be either in French or in English.
  1. Day 1 (March 11) will feature the different EU R&I programmes and focus on results and lessons from EU -funded interventions and other international interventions aiming at supporting innovation in agri-food systems
  2. Day 2 (March 12) morning will broaden the reflection and discussion by focusing on how to support innovation at scale by making use of R&I outcomes (policies for enabling environment, market and public/private funding, capacities including education)
  3. Day 2 (March 12) afternoon will be dedicated to the high-level discussions on on-going and future EU policies for R&I cooperation with partner countries
  4. Day 3 (March 13) will be dedicated to special sessions proposed by organisations participating in the conference, including launch of the International Research Consortium, SCAR-ARCH meeting, AU/EU Working group on the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, DeSIRA+ and the GLOBAL NARS CONSORTIUM (GNC) launched by the Global Forum for Agricultural and Innovation Research (GFAiR) 

12-14 March 2025. Kigali, Rwanda. 13th Academia–Public–Private Partnership Forum (APPPF)
  • This biennial forum provides a unique platform for academia, industry leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to engage, network, and drive solutions that strengthen academia-industry linkages in East Africa.
  • Engage with key stakeholders in academia, industry, and government to foster collaborations.
  • Showcase your innovations, products, and services to a diverse regional audience.
  • Gain insights through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and exhibitions focused on “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship through University-Industry Partnerships for East Africa’s Sustainable Future.”
  • Expand your professional network with policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and development partners.
  • The aim of this webinar is to answer all your questions about this call for projects, which encourages innovative research into soil and the associated environmental challenges. You will be able to ask all your questions and find out more about the selection criteria, the research priorities and how to present your projects.

  • Seminar Series FAO's Office of Innovation 
  • with guest speaker, Dr Philip Pardey.

17 - 21 March 2025. Food system transformation & policy training.
  • Centre for Rural Development/Humboldt University Berlin
  • This training will delve into the unique challenges and opportunities of transforming food systems in the Global South, offering practical insights and strategic guidance.
  • Aim: Highlight the main challenges in the current food system(s), and co-develop practical solutions and action plans based on the objectives and local realities of the participants.
  • Target group : Urban planners, Project Manager in International Development NGOs, Food Value Chain Experts.

17-20 March, Brussels 5th Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP)

25 - 28 March 2025. The 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (EAAC25) Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing
  • Pathways for enhancing production, productivity and sustainability of agri-food systems with agroecological interventions
  • Food security, nutrition, and health nexus: Soil health and farmer managed seed systems
  • Movements for empowerment of women and youth in agroecology
  • Trade, markets and economy: Implications for agroecological transitions
  • Institutional and policy opportunities for unlocking potential of agroecology in agri-food systems
  • Financing mechanisms for agroecological pathways and transitions

2 -4 April 2025. APPSA scientific conference 

7-9 April 2025. Salzburg, Austria. World Mycotoxin Forum - 15th conference

7 - 12 April 2025. CGIAR Science Week, Nairobi

5-7 May 2025. Nairobi, Kenya. UNFSS+4 Regional Preparatory Meeting Africa

21 - 22 May 2025. Agrinatura General Assembly and Conference 2025
Agrinatura organizes every year it’s General Assembly hosted by the member of each institution to discuss further activities, new projects, further initiatives, incorporation of new members, presentation of working groups in a way to continue working in the achievement of Agrinatura goals for sustainable agriculture.
Annual General Assembly its two-day event, the first day its related to organizational matters and the second day its followed by a workshop focus on topics related to research in agriculture development.
Location: University of Ghent, Belgium

20 - 23 May 2025. Kunming China. International Agrobiodiversity Congress (IAC)

9 and 12 June 2025. Agrigento (Sicily), Italy 1st International Congress on Mediterranean Agroecology

9 and 13 June 2025. African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) Kigali, Rwanda

10 - 12 September 2025. Hybrid - Bonn, Germany. Tropentag 2025

  • three specific sub-themes: 1. Empowering the Next Generation of Food Systems Leaders 2. Transforming Food Systems: Innovation and Implementation 3. Equity, Justice, and Resilience
2 to 4 October 2025 Malmö Agroecology Europe Forum

7 - 9 October 2025. Nairobi. 10th AfriLabs Annual Gathering: "Africa’s Innovation Future: Policy, Partnerships, and Progres

4th–6th Nov 2025. 12th ANAPRI Stakeholders Conference |

10 - 21 November 2025. Belém, Brazil. UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30)

26 - 28 November 2025. Wageningen, Netherlands. Food System Microbiomes International conference

30 September - 02 October 2025. University of Helsinki. Science for Sustainability 2025

AR4D Funding Opportunities for Africa - March 2025


Agriculture Fisheries Forestry

Food-System Transformation


ProVeg Grants provides funding to diet-change organizations and projects that align with ProVeg‘s mission to reduce the global consumption of animals by 50%. The ProVeg Grants program offers expertise and support to organizations. ProVeg provides both financial support and assistance with capacity-building. Financial support is between US$5,000 and US$50 thousand per year. Applicants must be individuals or organizations focused on food-system transformation. ProVeg has four application deadlines per year: 01 March, 01 June, 01 September, and 01 December.

Training Program Law of the Sea


The Tribunal runs an annual capacity-building and training program on dispute settlement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The nine-month program is aimed at junior to mid-level government officials and researchers mainly from developing countries who are currently working on issues related to the law of the sea, maritime law, or dispute settlement. All participants' costs, including travel, accommodation, medical insurance, and a monthly allowance, are covered by the Nippon Foundation. The application deadline is 06 March 2025.

Grants for Family Agriculture in West Africa


The French Committee for International Solidarity (Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale - CFSI), in partnership with Fondation de France, funds projects that support small-scale farming in West Africa. Grants will support projects carried out by partnerships between European and West African nonprofit legal entities, research and training organizations in the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Projects can range from one to three years. Grants are a maximum of €15 thousand per year or €50 thousand in the case of a 3-year project. The deadline for project summaries (French, English) is 06 March 2025.

Strategic Needs Fellowship


The Strategic Needs Fellowship aims to enable the most vulnerable States, particularly least developed countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, to better address strategically important and time-sensitive issues facing them in ocean affairs and the law of the sea. The Fellowship consists of a four-month training program at the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the United Nations Headquarters in New York (USA). States are invited to nominate Government officials with limited background in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, who are filling key positions in their Administration for the position. The deadline for applications is 30 March 2025.

Biodiversity Conservation Wildlife

Conservation Grants


The On the Edge Fund launches a new grants program that aims to increase conservation attention and raise the profile of Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species globally. Conservation grants are made to individuals and small organizations working to protect EDGE species or EDGE zones anywhere in the world. Grants of up to £30 thousand will be awarded over a 1 year period. Projects must be centred around EDGE species and focus on local impact and engagement. The application deadline is 01 March 2025.

Global Fellowships


Senckenberg offers fellowships to early-career scientists (doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers) from the Global South. Fellowships are offered for a 3-month period to establish and/or strengthen collaboration with scientific staff at Senckenberg. Applicants must hold a master's or doctoral degree in biodiversity, anthropology, geology, collection-based research, or conservation ecology. The next application deadline is 01 March 2025.

Research Competition 2025


Each year, the Belgian Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences sponsors a competition to stimulate high-quality research regarding problems inherent in the developing world. The questions for 2025 request a study on the impact of climate change on the productivity of tropical lakes and the management of these aquatic resources. Each award-winning work is granted a prize of €2,500. The deadline for the 2025 competition is 01 March 2025.

Science without Borders Challenge 2025


The Science Without Borders (SWB) Challenge is an international student art competition. The theme for this year’s challenge is “Marine Keystone Species.” Students are asked to use their artistic talents to create a piece of art featuring a keystone species that lives in the ocean, highlighting this creature’s vital role in its marine ecosystem. The SWB Challenge is open to primary and secondary school students (aged 11-19 years) from all around the world. The winners will receive scholarships of up to US$500. The deadline is 03 March 2025.

Climate Story Fund


The Doc Society supports stories and impact campaigns from around the world that move humankind closer to a climate just and biodiverse future. The Climate Story Fund will support 6-8 projects with grants ranging from US$50 thousand to US$125 thousand per project. The fund is open to all mediums and will support both production and impact campaigns. Projects may come from all over the world (including localized stories serving local communities) and can be submitted by both new and established artists. Applications for the Climate Story Fund will close 10 March 2025.

Training & Travel Grants


The British Ecological Society (BES) makes grants to PhD students and postgraduate research assistants to meet the costs of specialist field training courses and to network and publicize their research at workshops and conferences. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on the nationality or residence of applicants. Grants of up to £500 are available. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 10 March and 08 September 2025.

Outreach Grants 2025


The British Ecological Society (BES) makes Outreach and Engagement Grants of up to £2 thousand to encourage the promotion of ecological science to a wide audience. Proposals must be aimed at a non-academic audience. Awards are open to individuals and organizations to organize ecological public engagement events, including BES members, researchers, schools, museums, libraries, and community groups. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 10 March and 08 September 2025.

Small Research Grants 2025


The British Ecological Society (BES) makes small research grants in support of scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Small projects can be awarded up to £5 thousand. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on nationality or residence of applicants, or where they carry out their research. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 10 March and 08 September 2025.

Support for Vets and Vet Students


The Zebra Foundation for Veterinary Zoological Education assists veterinary students and veterinary surgeons from anywhere in the world to gain additional experience in veterinary zoological medicine. The program funds seeing practice at an institution specializing in zoological medicine or research projects (laboratory, field, or clinic-based) leading to advances in zoo and wildlife health. Grants range from £100 to £1000. Applications are considered twice a year. The application deadlines are 31 March and 30 September 2025.

Competition in Wildlife Photography


The Golden Turtle photo contest aims to recognize outstanding wildlife photography in Russia and internationally. The contest offers multiple categories for photography, eco-posters, and art. The competition winner in the category “Photographer of the Year” will receive US$2 thousand. The official languages of the competition are Russian and English. Artwork has to be submitted by 31 March 2025.


Accelerator for Entrepreneurs


Because International accepts applications for the Because Accelerator, a free online program for early-to-middle-stage entrepreneurs who want to take their socially innovative product to the next level. Participants will go through a 16-week training program, weekly one-on-one coaching, networking, and at the end of the cohort. There will be an opportunity to compete in a pitch event for a cash prize, long-term coaching support, funding opportunities, and exposure to international markets. Entrepreneurs from around the world are invited to apply by 01 March 2025.

Community Grants 2025


NextWorldNow (NWN) is committed to working with community leaders who are solving difficult social problems. This includes social problems related to water, sanitation, deforestation, smallholder productivity, and food security -- among other subject areas. Grants are up to US$10 thousand. To apply, community organizations submit a short "Notification of Interest" to register their intent to submit a formal grant application. NWN will screen the initial requests and forward a full application form to selected community organizations. The deadline to submit a Notification of Interest is 01 March 2025.

Travel Grants for West African Nationals


The WARA Travel Grant supports African scholars and graduate students for research visits to other institutions on the continent. Travel grant funds may be used to attend and present papers at academic conferences relevant to the applicant’s field of research; visit libraries or archives in support of the applicant’s current academic work; engage in collaborative work with colleagues at another institution; and travel to a research site. The grant provides travel costs up to US$1,500 and a stipend of US$1,500. The program is open to West African nationals, with preference given to those affiliated with West African colleges, universities, and research institutions. The next application cycle closes on 02 March 2025.

International Schools Essay Competition


Every year, the essay competition focuses on a different global sustainability challenge. This year’s theme is Eco-Anxiety. Participating students are invited to create a piece of artwork, music, video, poem, essay, letter, or story that explores moving from feelings of eco-anxiety to eco-action & empowerment. The Grand Prize trophy winner will receive a free international trip to a TSL Summit, including £1000 spending money. Schools have to register a Teacher Champion to participate in the competition. The deadline for essay entries is 03 March 2025.

KBF Africa Prize 2025-2026


The KBF Africa Prize is awarded to Africans or African organizations who are making an outstanding contribution to development in Africa. There are no restrictions as to the chosen themes. The Selection Committee favors community approaches that deal with actual and current challenges in Africa. The winners receive financial support of up to €250 thousand. Self-nomination is not permitted. The deadline for nominations is 03 March 2025.

World Habitat Awards


The World Habitat Awards (WHA) demonstrate solutions to current housing issues faced by countries worldwide. The WHA takes a broad perspective to include energy, waste management, water conservation, resilience to natural disasters, and other environmental aspects in its definition of habitat. Two winners will each receive £10 thousand. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 03 March 2025.

STARTS Prize 2025


STARTS Prize is an innovation challenge of the European Commission honoring innovative artistic projects inspired by technology, industry, and society. Projects from all fields of technological and scientific research and development that have been inspired by art or involve artists as catalysts of novel thinking are eligible. Artists or researchers from all around the world can participate. Two prizes, each with €20 thousand prize money, are awarded. The submission phase ends on 05 March 2025.

Green Growth and Sustainability


The P4G Partnership Fund provides financial support and targeted assistance to public-private partnerships that implement strategies to achieve the following five Sustainable Development Goals: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture; Water and Sanitation; Clean Energy; Sustainable Cities; and Sustainable Consumption. P4G partnerships will receive grants of US$350 thousand on average. Projects have to be implemented in Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa or Vietnam. Eligibility extends to partnerships of at least one early-stage business and one nonprofit organization. The deadline for submission of projects is 07 March 2025.

PAGES Workshops and Educational Meetings


PAGES (Past Global Changes) supports research aimed at understanding the earth’s past environment to make predictions for the future. PAGES encourages international and interdisciplinary collaboration, including the participation of scientists from developing countries. The program offers funding to qualified organizers of workshops and educational meetings in support of PAGES objectives. PAGES support for workshops/meetings is usually between US$5 thousand and US$10 thousand. The next deadline for proposals is 11 March 2025.

International Exchanges 2025


The Royal Society's International Exchanges Scheme makes grants to scientists based in the UK who seek new international collaborations. The scheme covers all areas of life and physical sciences, except clinical medicine. Applicants may request up to £12 thousand for travel to/from all countries outside the UK. The standard program is open for applications and will close on 12 March 2025.

Scholarships for Africans at American University of Beirut


The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program offers full scholarships for graduate education at the American University of Beirut (AUB). Graduate scholarships are open to nationals of Africa, nationals of Lebanon, and refugees and displaced living in Lebanon. The application deadline is 13 March 2025.

Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Award


The Samira Omar Innovation for Sustainability Prize recognizes woman scientists from least-developed countries with scientific achievements in clean and renewable energy; sustainable agriculture and agro-biodiversity; plastic pollution and microplastics, water purification and sanitation, climate change, waste management, biodiversity conservation, and other themes related to sustainability. The winner will receive a cash award of US$4 thousand. Candidates should be working and living in an LDC country for at least two years prior to nomination. The deadline for nominations is 14 March 2025.

Global Fellowship Program


The NGO Whisperer® Centre For Social Impact announces its Global Fellowship Program. The fellowship program is a six-month virtual leadership program for leaders and founders of non-governmental organizations and social enterprises worldwide. Participants receive online tailored mentorship and leadership coaching as well as online masterclasses. The goal is to build the capacity of professionals who are focused on designing and implementing high-impact programs in low- and middle-income countries. Applications close 17 March 2025.

International Fellowships Program


The International Fellowships Program provides support for early-career researchers to establish and conduct their research in the UK. Applicants may apply for research expenses of up to £12 thousand and relocation costs of up to £8 thousand. The applicant must have a PhD and hold a citizenship other than the UK. The deadline date for research proposals is 18 March 2025.

Prize for Innovation in Global Security


The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) offers a prize to recognize groundbreaking concepts by any individual, group of individuals, or organization, that offer exceptional potential in addressing peace and security challenges. All disciplines and fields are relevant (including climate change and environmental security). The prize is a fully funded 2-month incubation program within the GCSP’s Creative Spark in Geneva (worth CHF 15 thousand). The deadline for applications is 20 March 2025.

Incubation Program on How to Start a Charity


Charity Entrepreneurship accepts applications for a two-month, fully cost-covered boot camp open to individuals who want to create, start, and operate an effective charity. The Incubation Program covers management, fundraising, impact analysis, and hands-on knowledge of established non-profit organizations. New organizations will receive seed grants of up to US$200 thousand in addition to legal support, and connections to donors, mentors, and potential employees. There is no geographical restriction for applicants. The deadline for applications is 24 March 2025.

Seed Grant for African Principal Investigators


TWAS launches a new program to strengthen the capacity of African countries lagging in science and technology. The program is aimed at young scientists who are getting established in their country or about to return home to an academic position. Under this scheme, grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Information Computer Technology, Mathematics, Medical Sciences and Physics carried out in African countries. Research Grants to research units are in the maximum amount of US$67 thousand. The grants, which are normally provided for a period of 24 months, may be used to purchase scientific equipment, consumables, which can include fieldwork and maintenance of equipment and specialized literature (textbooks and proceedings). The application deadline is 27 March 2025.

Doctoral Mentorship Program


The ETH for Development (ETH4D) provides grants for mentoring doctoral candidates from low- and lower-middle-income countries. Doctoral candidates profit from research stays of up to 3 months at ETH Zurich. The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of CHF 15 thousand. Eligibility extends to doctoral candidates who are registered at a university or research institute in any low- or middle-income country. The next application deadline is 30 March 2025.

Fellowship for Young Women Scientists in Africa


Nominations for the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea Fellowship Program for Young Women Scientists in Africa are open. The initiative aims to bridge the persistent gaps on the African continent and is designed to offer targeted support and focuses on promoting equal opportunities in science, by creating concrete opportunities for young women to become actively involved in various life science disciplines. Two young women will be awarded a grant of US$25 thousand each to advance their research and foster a promising scientific career. Applicants must hold African nationality and conduct research at a recognized laboratory in Africa. The deadline for nominations is 31 March 2025.

Microgrants Africa


The German Embassy seeks to support NGOs and other civil society actors which support marginalized, and impoverished communities in South Africa, Lesotho, and Eswatini. The micro-project scheme contributes to poverty alleviation and improvement of living standards, to cover the basic needs, especially in rural areas. A maximum amount of €25 thousand can be granted per project. Project examples to be funded are boreholes, garden projects, shelters for vulnerable children, construction/renovation of school classes, and income-generating articles. The application deadline is 31 March 2025.

PhD Internships in Economics


UNU-WIDER (World Institute for Development Economics Research) invites applications for its PhD research internships program in Helsinki, Finland. Preference is for applicants who live or work in developing countries, and who are in the later stages of their PhD. Program themes in WIDER include the economics of energy, climate change, food security, and others. UNU-WIDER provides a travel grant and a monthly stipend of €1,850 during the period of the fellowship. Deadlines for submission of applications are 31 March and 30 September each year.

Catholic Mission Activities


The Loyola Foundation supports family-based charitable organizations in less developed countries worldwide. Past grants have helped finance the installation of solar power plants, water wells, or the construction of churches, schools, and health clinics. Generally, the Foundation accepts requests up to US$20 thousand. Projects must be part of an overseas catholic mission activity. Completed applications must be received by 31 March and 30 September 2025.

International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences


The UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences rewards projects and activities of individuals, institutions, and NGOs for scientific research in the life sciences leading to improving the quality of human life. Projects in life sciences contribute to poverty eradication, improved health, food and water security. Nominations are submitted by governments of UNESCO’s member states, and by NGOs maintaining official relations with UNESCO that are active in the fields covered by the Prize. The Prize amount of US$350 thousand may be equally divided among a maximum of three laureates. The closing date for submissions (English, French) is 31 March 2025.

Research Fellowships 2025


The Arturo Falaschi Fellowships Program offers long and short-term fellowships to assist in the training of scientists from ICGEB's member states, including many developing countries. The fellowships are for research at collaborating universities in the UK, Italy, India, and South Africa. The closing date for applications is 31 March 2025.

Grants for Environmental Conservation


The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) makes grants to nonprofit charitable organizations in Canada, the USA, and Latin America for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, environmental justice, and environmental education. Most recent grants are for two to four years, ranging from under US$30 thousand up to US$1 million. The ideal timing for submitting proposals is during the first quarter of the calendar year.

Science Journalism Award


The American Geophysical Union accepts nominations for the 2025 science journalism awards. The David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism recognizes excellence in science news reporting. The Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism recognizes excellence in science feature reporting. Journalists are welcome to nominate their own work. Nominations may be from any country, in any language, and in any news medium (except books). Each award consists of a plaque and a US$5,000 award. Awardees also receive up to US$1,000 in travel costs to attend an event in Washington, D.C. Nominations can be submitted until 31 March 2025.

Role of Biopesticides in Agriculture

28 February 2025. Discussions on Role of Biopesticides in Agriculture

Organised by Asia-Pacific Biopesticides Community of Practice (ABCOP).

Biopesticides, with their low or negligible chemical residues, enable farmers to meet Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) requirements, access global markets, and contribute to food security.

R & D Biopesticides often require specific formulations to enhance their effectiveness, which involves research into new delivery methods, packaging, and stabilization techniques to extend shelf life.

Research on stabilization techniques for biopesticides to extend shelf life focuses on improving the viability and potency of active ingredients under varying environmental conditions. This includes investigating optimal storage conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity), developing stabilizers like cryoprotectants or surfactants to protect microbial or biochemical components, and formulating controlled-release systems that maintain effectiveness over time. Additionally, studying the impact of packaging materials that can protect biopesticides from light, oxygen, and moisture, as well as exploring methods like freeze-drying or encapsulation, are crucial in enhancing stability and ensuring consistent performance throughout the product's shelf life.

Related blog posts:


Darshika Senadheera, Ravi Khetarpal (2025) Highlights from ABCoP 2024 Setting the Stage for 2025 18 pp.

APAARI launched the Asia-Pacific Biopesticide Community of Practice (ABCoP) in May 2024, with the support of FAO, STDF, government agencies, private sector and international organizations such as AARINENA and FARA, to bring together stakeholders from the biopesticide sector, including industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, national representatives and other key actors.

The biopesticides industry's future is promising, with over 300 global companies developing products for pests, diseases, weeds, and nematodes. While bioinsecticides lead the market, bionematicides are gaining momentum. Growing interest from investors, manufacturers, and consumers signals strong
growth potential, driving innovation and expansion in coming years.

The ABCoP program highlights the transformative potential of biopesticides in agriculture while emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration, innovation, regulatory reform, and education. These efforts are essential to fully realizing the potential of biopesticides in ensuring sustainable food production and trade in the region

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Boosting biodiversity through agroecology

Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Biovision Foundation, WWF International, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, and the Agroecology Coalition. Boosting Biodiversity Through Agroecology: Guidance for Developing and Updating National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans # 76 pp.

Integrating agroecology into National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plans (NBSAPs) is an opportunity to address biodiversity while simultaneously advancing other international targets, including those related to climate change, desertification, disaster risk reduction, combating hunger, reducing poverty, health and nutrition.

This document provides guidance for integrating agroecology and food systems into the development and implementation of NBSAPs in alignment with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Training manual for farmer leaders at district level in Eastern and Southern Africa

 PSA, ESAFF (2024) Training manual for farmer leaders at district level in Eastern and Southern Africa 41 pp.

This training Manual for farmer leaders at the district level has been developed drawing on a wealth of knowledge and publications on empowering smallholder farmers. The primary goal of this comprehensive Manual is to enhance the capacity of farmer leaders to actively influence and participate in the development processes within the agricultural sector at the grassroots level.

Understanding the critical importance of agricultural strategies set forth at the continental level by the African Union, particularly through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), this training is anchored in the principles of the CAADP and the long-term goals of Kampala Declaration 2026 – 2035.

This training equips smallholder farmers with the knowledge and responsibility to advocate for transparency and accountability in agricultural strategies and programs, enabling them to demand tangible results and meaningful changes at all levels—from grassroots, national levels and regional platforms like Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and East African Community (EAC). It empowers them to become influential voices in local development, ensuring their needs and priorities are reflected in agricultural policies and budgets. Additionally, the training fosters a culture of accountability and transparency, leading to more effective and equitable resource allocation, ultimately helping farmer leaders contribute to sustainable agricultural development and improve the livelihoods of their communities.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Launch of the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology Online Catalogue

25 February 2025
. Launch of the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology Online Catalogue

In 2021, the Agroecology Fund (AEF) and Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD) joined together to develop the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology (GEA) initiative. It aims to strengthen the capacity of grassroots organizations to build and communicate their evidence. 

It began with a pilot phase focused on methodological development co-created with the contributions of four volunteer grassroots organizations. 

In 2024, AEF and Stats4SD launched an online course to share the methodology. Stats4SD
subsequently accompanied a group of 15 grantee organizations to document their cases and produce communication products. The resulting evidence-based cases have been organized into an GEA Online Catalogue, a platform for sharing evidence built from the grassroots perspective. 

Because the number of Agroecology Fund grantees has expanded enormously, it holds three regional learning exchanges in 2024 and 2025, one each in Asia and Africa with the third in the Americas.
  • Angela Cordeiro. Angela serves as Co-Director at Agroecology Fund. She is an agronomist from Florianopolis, Brazil
  • Carlos Barahona. Carlos is a founder and managing director of Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD)


Grantees of the Agroecology Fund on experiences in documenting and communicating evidence for agroecology more strategically.
  • GRAVIS (India), 
  • ESAFF (Uganda) 
  • ANDES (Peru)


Stats4SD (2024) Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology Online Catalogue. PILOT REPORT MAY 2024. # 60 pp

The cases in this catalogue have been developed by grassroots organisations using a structured approach to turn their knowledge and experiences into compelling arguments for agroecology. By using rigorous evidence to support their claims, these cases aim to influence farmers, communities, donors, policymakers, researchers and consumers—key actors in the transformation of food systems.
This collection is an evolving resource, and we invite more contributions from grassroots organisations working to build the case for agroecology. Explore the cases, learn from their insights, and join us in strengthening the movement, the practice and the science that drives the quest for sustainable and just food systems.


  1. Unlocking the potential of agroecology: grassroots evidence for women in agroecology - Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD), 2024 - Ghana
  2. Unlocking the potential for agroecology: grassroots evidence for agroecology innovations in the Savannah and transition zone of Ghana - Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD), 2024 - Ghana
  3. Improved seed access through Farmers Managed Seed System (FMSS) - Seed Savers Network (SSN), 2024 - Kenya
  4. Indigenous seeds achieve food sovereignty and climate justice - Kenyan Peasant League (KPL), 2024 - Kenya
  5. Effets du Bokashi sur les cultures maraîchères et céréalières au Togo - Inades-Formation Togo, 2024 - Togo
  6. Human pee is liquid gold - Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) 2024 - Uganda
  7. Leveraging traditional knowledge and wisdom to promote water, food and nutrition security in the Thar Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), 2024 - India
  8. Empowering voices of women and girls in Thar Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), 2024 - India
  9. One seed at a time - Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), 2024 - India
  10. Agroecology in action: a solution from Indonesian peasants to food and climate crises - Serikat Petani Indonesia - Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI), 2024 - Indonesia
  11. Beneficios de Agricultura Ecológica y la conservación de Semillas Nativas - Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo (UCIZONI), 2024 - Mexico
  12. BOLSALUDABLE, Lazos de bienestar - Fundación AGRECOL Andes, 2024 - Bolivia
  13. Territorios Bioculturales indigenas para soberania alimentaria y resiliencia Asociación Andes - Peru, 2024
  14. A case for supporting agroecology networks through the Bilim Alliance on Agroecology in Eastern Europe, Central and Western Asia- Schola Campesina, 2024 - Kazakhstan, Albania, Hungary, Georgia, Türkiye, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, North Macedonia,
  15. A case for agroecology organisations from the Eastern Europe, West and Central Asia region to join the Bilim Alliance on Agroecology - Schola Campesina, 2024 - Kazakhstan, Albania, Hungary, Georgia, Türkiye, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Available courses:

Other shared resources: The Global Earth Repair Foundation is committed to spreading the knowledge of ecosystem restoration to manage the climate and heal the planet. 

Counter evidence 

Despite a major government drive for organic agriculture, about half of APCNF farmers continued to use pesticides and no impact on pesticide sales at local retailers was observed. A combination of policy instruments (eg, bans on highly hazardous pesticides), not solely training for farmers, might be needed to eliminate pesticide use in agriculture.

Ramdas, S. R., & Pimbert, M. P. (2024). A cog in the capitalist wheel: co-opting agroecology in South India. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1–23.
# 23 p.

- see PAEPARD blogpost: Opinion: The utilitarian approach of agroecology

Other resources:

Strengthening Agroecology Through Outcome Harvesting
A monitoring support mission for the Transforming African Food Systems (TAFS) programme which is part of the My Food is African campaign. Inspiring stories of resilience and innovation from Uganda to Senegal, Ghana to Zimbabwe:
  • Across the continent, there is growing momentum around embracing healthy, culturally
    appropriate, and environmentally friendly diets
    . Festivals like Back to Your Village in Ghana, community-led school feeding programs in Uganda & Kenya, and national campaigns like Je Mange Africain in Senegal have sparked renewed appreciation for local, nutrient-rich foods.
  • TAFS partners are not working in isolation. From the Ethiopian and Tunisian Networks for Agroecological Transition to Ghana’s Schools for Change Initiative, collaborative movements exchange knowledge and advocating for agroecology.
  • Zimbabwe and Zambia, concrete steps are made towards integrating agroecology into national food security strategies. Partners contributed 10 policy recommendations for agroecological transition to food sovereignty. While the journey is long, these incremental wins are laying the foundation for stronger emphasising local food.
  • In Senegal, Uganda, and Cameroon, there is an increased engagement of women in food sovereignty movements. Whether it’s women farmers leading food cooperatives or policy dialogues advocating for women’s land rights, gender inclusion is becoming a central pillar of the agroecology movement.