16 - 18 June 2014. Villach, Austria. TOPIC: ICT’s Improving Family Farming. The 3 days were organized by GFAR and PROGIS. This forum discussed the future of agriculture in the context how ICTs can contribute to improve family farming and make it more sustainable, resilient and profitable. It looked at key issues in 3 areas where application and use ICTs makes a difference:
- Informing family farming communities
- Improving family farm’s production, productivity and marketing efficiencies
- Contributing to the future of agriculture
- Agricultural Machinery, the new challenges for research and innovation. Ing. Alessio Bolognesi, FEDERUNACOMA Electric and Electronic Technical Service Italy
- AgriConneXions Using ICT to Promote Smallholder Business Credibility through Improved Social Capital and Commercial and Technical Skills of Producer Organizations. Getaw Tadesse Gebreyohanes IFPRI Ethiopia
- Agribusiness in Africa – Streamlining of governmental and private sector initiatives in Germany.
Johannes Kurt, Manager Southern Africa, German-African Business Association, Germany
- South Africa Lessons learned: ICTs for small-scale farming, Johann (Rensie van Rensburg, CSIR (Council for Scientific & Industrial Research) South Africa
- Collaborative logistics ideas for small holder farmers and small urban consumers in developing countries like Africa ; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kyandoghere Kyamakya and Dr. Oana Mitrea, Transportation Informatics Group (TIG) at the Institute for Smart-System Technologies, Alpen-Adria University,Austria
- Needs to achieve greater resilience in family farming Dr. Ir. Robin Bourgeois, Senior Foresight and Development Policies Expert, Secretariat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR c/o FAO- NRD), Italy

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