Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Inclusive digitalization of agrifood systems in the Americas

23 - 27 September 2024. Digital Agriculture Week (DAW) was an Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) initiative.

It was carried out within the framework of its Digitalization of Agrifood Systems Hemispheric Program, which is geared towards fostering the dynamic and inclusive digitalization of agrifood systems in the Americas.

Digitalization is a top priority issue on IICA's technical cooperation agenda, since it is the most transformative process that the different stakeholders of agrifood systems will face in the coming years.

AgTech startups from the Americas with ready-to-use digital solutions (not ideas or prototypes) participated in Digital Agriculture Week (DAW). IICA brought togethera panel of judges comprised of leading figures from different sectors, who selected the 15 AgTechs that participated in DAW in person at IICA Headquarters (Costa Rica). The startups were selected based on the potential of their digital solutions to improve the production, sustainability and inclusion of agrifood systems.It prioritized digital solutions that directly contribute to food security, prevent and mitigate the impact of extreme climate events (especially droughts) and water management. Those led by women received special interest. Only agtechs originated in countries of the Americas were considered.

See below extracts of the presentations

23/09 Morning Block: Digitalization and future of agriculture 

Dialogue on Digitalization and the Future of Agriculture and Rurality 
  • Laurens Klerkx (Univ. of Talca and Wageningen) 
    Laurens Klerkx is Full Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Talca (Chile) and full professor at the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group, Wageningen University (The Netherlands). His research interests include agricultural innovation, food systems transformation, digital transformation, mission-oriented innovation policy, innovation systems, and advisory services.
  • Mariana Vasconcelos (CEO Agrosmart) 
  • Michael Kremer (Univ. Chicago) 
  • Federico Trucco (Bioceres) 
  • Lloyd Day (IICA Deputy Director General)


23/09 Afternoon Block: Digital innovation ecosystems

Setting up and strengthening digital innovation ecosystems in the Americas 
  • Jeremías Lachman (University of Cordoba, SP)
  • José Emilio Guerrero (University of Cordoba, SP)
Science, Technology and Education Centers in digital innovation ecosystems 
  • Andrea Gardeazabal (CGIAR/CIMMYT)
  • Guadalupe Tiscornia (Proyecto PROCISUR, INIA UY)
  • Stanley Best (RIDAG- INIA Chile)

24/09 Morning Block: Public Policies

Overview of agricultural digitalization policies in Latin America 
  • Alice Alcantara (IICA), Mónica Rodrigues (CEPAL)
Challenges and initiatives for the digitalization of the agricultural sector: the role of the Ministries of Agriculture 
  • María Teresa Ambrós Mendioroz (MAPA, SP) 
  • Pedro Neto (MAPA, BR) 
  • Rodrigo Ramirez (MINAGRI, CH) 
  • César Santisteban (MIDAGRI, PE)
Business networks and public-private partnerships for the digitalisation of agriculture 
  • Representative Chamber of Innovation Agrodigital, BR
  • María Fernanda Quiñones Zapata (CCE Electrónico, CO) 
  • Francisco Astaburuaga (Chamber of Agtech, CH) 
  • Gabriela Tallarico (INTA, AR), 
  • Francine Brossard (FIA, CH)


 24/09 Afternoon Block: Public Policies

Pitch Agtechs - Group 1 
  • Hola Tractor
  • Plataforma Puma
  • Tracify
  • Vega Monitoramento
  • InnTerra SAS
  • Verge technologies


25/09 Morning Block: AgTech development

Experiences and recommendations to promote the development and use of agtechs 
  • Rosa Gallardo (UCO, SP) 
  • Laurens Klerkx y Jenny Melo
Institutionalization of the Agtech Network of the Americas: 
  • Francisco Astaburuaga (Agtech Chamber, CH) 
  • Eliana Camargo Niño (Agtech Guild of Colombia) 
  • Carlos Ruiz Macho (IICA)


 25/09 Afternoon Block: Financing of AgTech development

Pitch Agtechs - Group 2 
  • SmartSoil
  • Demeter lab
  • Curuba Tech
  • Satellites on fire
  • Tech4Agri360
Financing digital agricultural innovation: where is it going and how can it be strengthened? 
  • Teresita Di Marco (TYL)
  • Vladimir Valera (CATIE)
  • Carla Berquo (Bioenterprise)
  • Mayco Mansilla (Innventure)
  • Scott Day (FLC)
  • Eduardo Chomali (CAF)
  • Ariadne Caballero (SP Ventures)
  • Daniel Anavitarte (FIDA)
  • Daniel Block (Mercy Corps)
  • Federico Bert (IICA)       


26/09 Morning Block: Youth and digitalization

Externalities of digitalisation: How do we ensure positive and inclusive digitalisation? 
  • Jenny Melo
Youth and digitalization in agri-food systems 
  • Octavio Sotomayor (CEPAL)
  • Edgar Maestre (YABT)
  • Rebeca Sánchez (FabLab, IICA)
  • Matías Centeno (INTA-PROCISUR)
  • Emmanuel Picado
Pitch Agtechs - Group 3 
  • Miido
  • MetaBIX Biotech
  • Infoagro
  • Ahau-x
  • AgroCognitive


26/09 Afternoon Block: Youth and digitalization

Digitalization cases: level of use and good practices to improve the use of technologies
  • Tim Lillie y Ana Luiza Mokodsi (McKinsey)
  • José Pradet (ARG)
  • Elena Loaces (UY)
  • Yessica Yana (BO)
  • Joelin Santos (Rep. Dom)
  • Raymond Rojas (CR)
  • Nicolás
Will agtech startups lead the transformation of agri-food systems?
  • Laurens Klerkx (Talca University)

27/09 Morning Block: 

Responsible digitalisation: inclusive, safe and ethical

  • David Rose  (CGIAR/CIMMYT)
  • Andrea Gardeazabal (CGIAR/CIMMYT)

Experiences of AI applications in agri-food systems

  • Cristina Martinez Rueda (UCO, SP) 
  • Francisco Javier Mesas Carrascosa (UCO, SP) 
  • Miguel Angel Marques (Hispatec, SP) 
  • Jawoo Koo (CGIAR/IFPRI) 
  • José Cuevas Valenzuela (Mumulkan)

Elements for a dynamic and responsible development and use of AI

  • José Emilio Guerrero (UCO, SP) José Lisandro Aguilar Castro (MDs InvesEA Network Institute)

Roundtable: What role will AI play and how can we make the most of it?

  • Rosa Gallardo (UCO, SP) 
  • Laurens Klerkx (Univ. Talca, CH) 
  • Martín Oesterheld (Univ. Bs As, AR) 
  • Federico Bert, Caterina Dalmasso (IICA)

Upcoming event: 

23 October 2024. Webinar: How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve Agri-food Systems? Scheduled for 23 Oct 2024 An IICA-led Virtual Webinar within the Borlaug Dialogue, 2024: How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve Agri-food Systems? The objectives of our virtual webinar include how to analyze and project the role of artificial intelligence in solving strategic challenges of agri-food systems in general and specifically in the Americas; to address the potential benefits and risks; and to propose necessary actions to mobilize their use while avoiding negative impacts.


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