ICAS VII convened senior agricultural statisticians from all over the world. Most of them represent national statistical offices and ministries of agriculture, but the Conference was open to all producers, suppliers, trainers and users of agricultural statistics, such as economists, statisticians, agronomists, researchers, analysts and decision-makers from government entities, academia, development partners and international organizations.
Extracts of the programme
- Land heritance and youth employment and migration decisions: evidence from rural Ethiopia
- Socioeconomic dynamics resulting from structural transformation and agriculture transition in Ghana
- (Mis)Measuring the contribution of livestock to household livelihoods: evidence and lessons from LSMS surveys in Tanzania and Uganda
- Revisiting the evidence on the linkages between intra-household control of resources and household welfare: theoretical and empirical insights from Malawi
- Is diversification a climate-smart agriculture strategy in rural Zambia?
- Performance of goats and sheep under communal grazing in Botswana using various growth measures
- The root of the measure: estimating cassava production in Malawi and Zanzibar
- Measuring food price volatility and its pass-through effect on inflation in Zimbabwe
- Strategies for improving administrative data for use in an integrated agricultural statistics system in Uganda

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