Pathways to sustainable intensification
- Sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems in relation to local values chains (maize, cattle, small ruminants, cotton ...) - BANDAGAO Alimata A (INERA), BLANCHARD Mélanie (CIRAD), BA Alassane (IER), DABIRE Der (CIRDES), FAYAMA Tionyélé (INERA), HAVARD Michel (CIRAD), KOUADIO Kouakou Parfait (UPGC), OUATTARA Baba (INERA), SABA Fatimata (INERA), SODRE Etienne (INERA), YARGA Hahadoubouga (INERA), 57 pages
- N2AFRICA: How to intensify legume production - Wytze Marinus, Esther Ronner, Gerrie W. J. van de Ven, Fred Kanampiu, Samuel Adjei-Nsiah and Ken E. Giller, 65 pages
- Productivity and intercrop diversity tradeoffs in Central African cocoa farms (Cameroon), 25 pages
- Agricultural intensification pathways in Vakinankaratra region - Jacqueline Rakotoarisoa, Jean-François Bélières et Paulo Salgado, 136 pages
- Intensification processes in the Old Groundnut Basin (Senegal), 35 pages
- Agricultural intensification in the delta of the river Senegal - Jérémy Bourgoin, Frédérique Jankowski, Astou Diao Camara, Djiby Diop, 41 pages
- Seed potato production in Eritrea - Fitsumberhan Ghebremeskel, 23 pages
- Doubling the income of milk producers puts food on the table of many African families (Senegal) - Jarkko K. Niemi , Miika Tapio , Karen Marshall , Stanly Tebug , Jarmo Juga, 37 pages
- Linking farmers to markets – intensification through certified organic production in Uganda - Rosana Kral Lorenz Probst, 47 pages
- Agricultural intensification in Mali and Sudan through improved soil fertility, integrated pest management and mechanization - Jens B. Aune1 , Belachew Asalf , Adama Coulibaly and Stig A. Borgvang, 20 pages
- Organic farming in East Africa - Andreas de Neergaard and Myles Oelofse, 18 pages
- Nutrition-sensitive value chains: the case of vegetables in Yayu biosphere reserve, Ethiopia - Jochen Dürr Akalu Teshome, 47 pages
- Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA) - ?pages
- 4L – Learning from Triple L - Gert Nyberg, Ewa Wredle (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and Stephen Mureithi (University of Nairobi), 5 pages
- Intensification dynamics in the Kenyan dairy value chain - Jan van der Lee , Bockline Omedo Bebe , and Simon Oosting, 52 pages
- Sustainable Intensification Pathways for Maize-Legume Cropping Systems. The cases of Mozambique and Tanzania - Nascimento Nhantumbo, Petronella Chaminuka, Ana Catarina Henriques João Palma and Ana MP Melo, 36 pages
- Carbon content farming activities used by smallholder farmers of Mt. Kenya region - Adam Csorba - SZIU, 15 pages
- PROIntensAfrica intends to map existing agricultural research projects for sustainable intensification in Africa.
- PROIntensAfrica wants to identify the thematic coverage and the respective share of the different pathways of intensification.
- The mapping and its analysis will provide data for the identification of the potential of the future IntensAfrica partnership to complement the thematic coverage, strengthen scale consistency and identify new options.
- This mapping exercise of related ongoing programs and research agendas will ensure that the domains, identified during the PROIntensAfrica project, will be inclusive, complementary and synergistic to existing and on-going (national, bilateral or international) activities.
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