Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

How Business Can Support Sustainable Development

How Business Can Support Sustainable Development

This book argues that the world is at a key juncture for considering how the targeted pursuit of business profits can better add up to the world’s profit, broadly defined.

The edited volume brings together a remarkable array of distinguished corporate, investor, government, academic, and nonprofit perspectives to reflect on the issues. The authors tackle such questions as how businesses can work more effectively with governments, financial institutions, and civil society to mitigate their own enterprise risk alongside risks to people and planet; how private resources, innovation, and networks can be mobilized to create value in solving major social and environmental challenges; and what types of accountability structures are needed to set boundaries, provide oversight, and create positive incentives for business performance.

Their perspectives offer insights into how sustainability can be introduced into business practices, finance and policymaking in a way that expands market opportunities and accelerates progress toward global sustainable development.

APAARI Community of Practice (CoP) Public-Private Partnerships

30 January 2025. APAARI Community of Practice (CoP) Public-Private Partnerships

This initiative is currently more foucsed to Bangladesh, where APAARI is implementing projects with the support of STDF and USDA. However, our vision is to expand this CoP to a regional platform in the near future, enabling broader collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the Asia-Pacific on public private partnership.

The CoP aims to:

  •  Engage directly with private sector representatives, trade associations, and other stakeholders.
  • Contribute to identifying key challenges in export-import processes and the agriculture trade.
  • Participate in co-creating actionable strategies to enhance trade efficiency and competitiveness.

APAARI Community of Practice Biopesticides

29 January 2025. Asia-Pacific Biopesticides Community of Practice (ABCOP) - For the Promotion of Biopesticides and Enhancement of Trade Opportunities

Biopesticides, with their low or negligible chemical residues, enable farmers to meet MRL requirements, access global markets, and contribute to food security.

  • Dr. Ravi Khetarpal Executive Director Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions Thailand - Highlights from ABCoP 2024 Setting the Stage for 2025
  • Dr. S N Sushil Director ICAR - National Bureau of Agricultural Insect resources India - Potential of Biopesticides to Replace Chemical Pesticides Gradually: A Myth or a Reality?


Darshika Senadheera, Ravi Khetarpal (2025) Highlights from ABCoP 2024 Setting the Stage for 2025 18 pp.

APAARI launched the Asia-Pacific Biopesticide Community of Practice (ABCoP) in May 2024, with the support of FAO, STDF, government agencies, private sector and international organizations such as AARINENA and FARA, to bring together stakeholders from the biopesticide sector, including industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, national representatives and other key actors.

The biopesticides industry's future is promising, with over 300 global companies developing products for pests, diseases, weeds, and nematodes. While bioinsecticides lead the market, bionematicides are gaining momentum. Growing interest from investors, manufacturers, and consumers signals strong
growth potential, driving innovation and expansion in coming years.

The ABCoP program highlights the transformative potential of biopesticides in agriculture while emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration, innovation, regulatory reform, and education. These efforts are essential to fully realizing the potential of biopesticides in ensuring sustainable food production and trade in the region

Monday, January 27, 2025

Webinars February

28 January 2025.12:00 CET Current Knowledge on Micronutrient Supplementation: Policies, Practices, and Impacts - by: Nutrition Research Facility (NRF), Agrinatura 

5 February 2025. 10:00 – 13:00 (CET – Rome time). Climate Change and Nutrition 
  • Policy and research roundtable dialogue on integrated climate-nutrition action 
5 February 2025. 12h00 à 12h45. Innover contre la pauvreté et les inégalités.
  • Le Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement a l’ambition de permettre l'émergence de solutions à fort potentiel d'impact pour lutter contre la pauvreté et les inégalités, d'évaluer rigoureusement leur efficacité et d'accélérer leur déploiement à plus grande échelle
  • Session d’information et de questions-réponses organisée par l’équipe du Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement
  • The online meeting, will use the experience gained under LIFE projects to showcase and explore innovative funding mechanisms, including private sector contributions, for nature conservation and restoration. 

11-13 February 2025. Lusaka, Zambia. Academic symposium and workshop ‘Traditional foods for the future’ - University of Zambia
  • This symposium will cover six topics and their interrelationships:Food fermentation: processing and product functionality
  • Microbial ecology of the environment and fermented foods
  • Food environment, diets and health
  • Personal entrepreneurial context
  • Value chains and institutions
  • Consumer needs and preference

13 February 2025, from 3 - 4pm CET (15:00 – 16:00). Food Systems Dialogues Reference Group

15 - 17 January 2025 - Lesotho 2nd APPSA Scientific Conference - The CCARDESA Secretariat, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition of Lesotho

19 February 2025.14:00 - 15:30 Swiss Time (GMT+1) Webinar on Digital Inclusion & Co-Creation in Agroecology

20 February 2025. International Research Consortium (IRC) for Soil Carbon

24 February 2025. 10:30 – 11:35 (SAST). Collaboration for Capacity Building
  • CoRE-SFS 2025 Webinar Series. Webinar 1, looking specifically at the opportunities for collaborating on food systems research and the successes of African-European collaboration.
  • The speakers will include Prof. Frans Swanepoel (CoRE-SFS Co-Lead, University of Pretoria), Prof. Ernest Aryeetey (distinguished academic leader, founding Secretary-General of ARUA), Mr Sean Rowlands (Senior Policy Officer at The Guild), Prof. Davide Chinigò (Senior Assistant Professor of African History and Institutions, University of Bologna), and Prof. Brunella Morandi (Associate Professor and tree ecophysiology lecturer, Univerity of Bologna).
25 February 2025. Inclusive Digital Tools Project: Scaling climate-informed agroecological outcomes

25 February 2025. Launch of the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology Online Catalogue
  • In 2021, the Agroecology Fund (AEF) and Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD) joined together to develop the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology (GEA) initiative. It aims to strengthen the capacity of grassroots organizations to build and communicate their evidence.
25 February 2025 @ 11:00 CET. IIED-Misereor webinar on pastoral schools in Europe - what relevance for the Global South? 
  • If you are interested in joining this Zoom event on 25 Feb, please contact Marion Pobo ( with "Shepherding School Seminar” 
25 February 2025. Our Schools Advancing Agroecology (SAA) - by AFSA
  • Busaino Herbs and Fruits (BusHFruits). A family of former teachers co-founded this Ugandan agroecology enterprise. They work with smallholders on their 800+ acre rural farm and with schools on their 26-acre peri- urban farm. 
  • The African Food and Culture Tourism (AFCT) initiative has been created to promote and spread agroecological practice and the agroecology movement via tourism.
25 February 2025. United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16) - Countries to Resume Crucial Biodiversity Discussions in Rome

25 February - 1 March 2025. Corvallis, Oregon. Organic Seed Alliance conference
to be held Hydrid: In-person and virtual.

25 February 25th 1300 East African Time (1200 Southern Africa, 1000 much of West Africa) AFCT initiative by BusHFruits in Uganda
  • The African Food and Culture Tourism (AFCT) initiative has been created to promote and spread agroecological practice and the agroecology movement via tourism. Tourism here refers to anyone from international travellers to parties of school children from our own locations, and all between. This is about people of all ages having a good time/some leisure and learning at the same time. And potentially becoming ambassadors for agroecology. 
  • Busaino Herbs and Fruits (BusHFruits) is afamily of former teachers co-founded this Ugandan agroecology enterprise. They work with smallholders on their 800+ acre rural farm and with schools on their 26-acre peri- urban farm. 
26th February 13:00-14:00, Irish Standard Time. EcoFoodSystems webinar on affordable and healthy diets in city regions.

28 February 2025. 08.00 AM CET. Role of Biopesticides in Agriculture.

  • The Legumes for Development (LEG4DEV) project conducts research and innovation activities to enable scaling of legumes for development outcomes (productivity, sustainability, nutrition & livelihoods) in Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia.

6 March – 10 April 2025. Explore key concepts in food system planning and agroecological urbanism.
Kindly note that there are no more seats available for in-person participation. However, you can participate online using the links below (for plenary sessions AND parallel session). You will receive a meeting invite with a zoom link after registration. Plenary sessions will be translated in French and English. Parallel sessions will be either in French or in English.
  1. Day 1 (11 March)
  2. Day 2 (12 March)
  3. Day 3 (13 March)
  • Day 1 (March 11) will feature the different EU R&I programmes and focus on results and lessons from EU -funded interventions and other international interventions aiming at supporting innovation in agri-food systems
  • Day 2 (March 12) morning will broaden the reflection and discussion by focusing on how to support innovation at scale by making use of R&I outcomes (policies for enabling environment, market and public/private funding, capacities including education)
  • Day 2 (March 12) afternoon will be dedicated to the high-level discussions on on-going and future EU policies for R&I cooperation with partner countries
  • Day 3 (March 13) will be dedicated to special sessions proposed by organisations participating in the conference, including launch of the International Research Consortium, SCAR-ARCH meeting, AU/EU Working group on the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, DeSIRA+.
  • This biennial forum provides a unique platform for academia, industry leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to engage, network, and drive solutions that strengthen academia-industry linkages in East Africa.
  • Engage with key stakeholders in academia, industry, and government to foster collaborations.
  • Showcase your innovations, products, and services to a diverse regional audience.
  • Gain insights through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and exhibitions focused on “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship through University-Industry Partnerships for East Africa’s Sustainable Future.”
  • Expand your professional network with policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and development partners.
17 - 21 March 2025. Food system transformation & policy training.
  • Centre for Rural Development/Humboldt University Berlin
  • This training will delve into the unique challenges and opportunities of transforming food systems in the Global South, offering practical insights and strategic guidance.
  • Aim: Highlight the main challenges in the current food system(s), and co-develop practical solutions and action plans based on the objectives and local realities of the participants.
  • Target group : Urban planners, Project Manager in International Development NGOs, Food Value Chain Experts.
17-20 March, Brussels 5th Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP)

25 - 28 March 2025. The 2nd Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (EAAC25) Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social Wellbeing
  • Pathways for enhancing production, productivity and sustainability of agri-food systems with agroecological interventions
  • Food security, nutrition, and health nexus: Soil health and farmer managed seed systems
  • Movements for empowerment of women and youth in agroecology
  • Trade, markets and economy: Implications for agroecological transitions
  • Institutional and policy opportunities for unlocking potential of agroecology in agri-food systems
  • Financing mechanisms for agroecological pathways and transitions
7-9 April 2025. Salzburg, Austria. World Mycotoxin Forum - 15th conference

7 - 12 April 2025. CGIAR Science Week, Nairobi

  • Agrinatura organizes every year it’s General Assembly hosted by the member of each institution to discuss further activities, new projects, further initiatives, incorporation of new members, presentation of working groups in a way to continue working in the achievement of Agrinatura goals for sustainable agriculture.
  • Annual General Assembly its two-day event, the first day its related to organizational matters and the second day its followed by a workshop focus on topics related to research in agriculture development.
  • Location: University of Ghent, Belgium
20 - 23 May 2025. Kunming China. International Agrobiodiversity Congress (IAC) 

9 and 12 June 2025. Agrigento (Sicily), Italy 1st International Congress on Mediterranean Agroecology

9 and 13 June 2025. African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) Kigali, Rwanda

10 - 12 September 2025. Hybrid - Bonn, Germany. Tropentag 2025

2 to 4 October 2025 Malmö Agroecology Europe Forum

4th–6th Nov 2025. 12th ANAPRI Stakeholders Conference | 

10 - 21 November 2025.  Belém, Brazil. UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30)

26 - 28 November 2025. Wageningen, Netherlands. Food System Microbiomes International conference

30 September - 02 October 2025. University of Helsinki. Science for Sustainability 2025

Agroecology, Nutrition and Health

29 January 2025.
Agroecology, Nutrition and Health Unleashing the potential of agroecology to ensure healthy and nutritious diets

Current food systems face major environmental, climate and health challenges, while responding to food security and nutrition challenges. In this context, countries have negotiated and adopted for the first Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health at the Convention on Biological Diversity’s COP16 in Cali last October 2024. In a literature review, a majority of studies (78%) found evidence of positive outcomes in the use of agroecological practices on food security and nutrition of households in low and middle-income countries. 

Indeed, Agroecology Principles and Elements constitute a holistic approach with multiple co-benefits on biodiversity, climate adaptation and mitigation, and soil health, while providing nutritious food for all.  For this Webinar Series #4, the Agroecology Coalition is hosting a conversation on the role of agroecology in ensuring nutrition and healthy diets, while producing food in a sustainable manner, and what available evidence do we have on this topic. 

Moderator: Stacia Nordin, Registered Dietitian, Founder and Director, Never Ending Food Permaculture Malawi

  • custom photo of speaker

    Rachel Bezner Kerr

  • custom photo of speaker

    Patrizia Fracassi

  • custom photo of speaker

    Raiza Rezende

  • custom photo of speaker

    Dominique Barjolle Musard

Shared resources: 

Kesso Gabrielle van Zutphen and co (2022) Nutrition as a driver and outcome of agroecology
The principles of agroecology do not explicitly state a link with nutrition. Yet, we argue that among them, input reduction, biodiversity, economic diversification, social values and diets, fairness, connectivity and participation are directly linked to nutrition. Nutrition can serve as a critical outcome and driver of agroecological practices and can drive transformative change across the food system.

Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Biovision Foundation, WWF International, Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, and the Agroecology Coalition. 2024 Boosting Biodiversity Through Agroecology: Guidance for Developing and Updating National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. n.p.: Global Alliance for the Future of Food. 76 pp.

Willets and co. (2024) Implementing the Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health

Food Forward NDCs 
Food Forward NDCs is a guidance tool to support the enhancement and implementation of NDC ambitions for agriculture and food systems transformation. It will help countries to strengthen their NDCs by providing easy and accessible content to identify policy measures and practices and information about their climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development benefits.

School meals in the 21st century – emerging evidence and future directions

28 January 2025
@9:30am EST. Hybrid Policy Seminar, School meals in the 21st century – emerging evidence and future directions

School feeding programs, or school meals, are a widely implemented safety net with documented impacts across social protection, education, health and nutrition dimensions, and substantial projected economic returns to investment. Globally, programs reach over 400 million children for a total investment of over $50 billion a year. By being most effective for the most disadvantaged children, school meal programs can “level the playing field” in education, health, and nutrition. Experiences in high- and middle-income countries have also linked school meals to food systems transformation, where food procurement for school meals is used as an outlet for commercial farmers. National governments in LIMCs have shown interest in explicitly linking food systems transformation with the school feeding market through “home-grown” school feeding (HGSF). In HGSF, the “structured demand” for school food and related services is channeled to smallholders and other supply chain actors with the intent of stimulating agricultural productivity, increasing incomes, improving diets, and reducing food insecurity.

In practice, however, there is little rigorous evidence on the effects on smallholders of participation in school meal programs. The evidence on the effects of school meals on school-age children’s diets and food-related behaviors is also limited. In addition, school meal programs are being designed to also include objectives related to environmental boundaries and sustainability, though these links have yet to be extensively studied. Given the large-scale investment made for school meals globally, strengthening the monitoring, evaluation, and accountability of the investments is paramount.

The School Meals Coalition created in 2021, involving 90 member countries, has brought momentum and new opportunities for school meals, including three global research initiatives — the Sustainable Financing Initiative, the Data and Monitoring Initiative, and the Research Consortium on School Health and Nutrition (SHN). While there is already a strong evidence base for school meal programs, the SHN together with IFPRI have identified specific gaps in the current evidence on effectiveness and a particular lack of clarity around costs.

4 February 2025A second hybrid seminar will be held on February 4 by IFPRI and the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF)
This event will launch School Meals Around the World, the report of GCNF’s third Global Survey of School Meal Programs©, completed in 2024. The survey offers comprehensive global data on school meal coverage, financing, food baskets, laws and policies, home-grown school feeding, and more, thus serving as a foundation for monitoring global progress over time. 

Reimagining Fertilizer Subsidies

28 - 29 January 2025
. Hybrid Event on Reimagining Fertilizer Subsidies: Building Sustainable and Inclusive Models for Kenya’s Agricultural Future

This workshop aims to co-create alternative fertilizer subsidy working models tailored to Kenya’s unique needs and harmonizing both policy directions aiming for soil health and affordable agricultural inputs. The workshop will review Kenya’s past and current subsidy programs to identify successes, challenges, and gaps. Drawing on case studies from Malawi, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, India, Ethiopia, and Tanzania, the workshop will explore best practices and lessons learned in implementing effective subsidy programs that drive soil health improvements and productivity increases. Participants will engage in collaborative discussions to design alternative working models that incorporates private sector involvement, targeted support mechanisms, complementary input subsidy, e-voucher systems, and soil health integration.

A key output of the workshop will be a plan for piloting the proposed subsidy working model(s). By testing its effectiveness through well-designed pilot programs and a related learning agenda, the working model can be refined before scaling up nationally. The workshop will also emphasize the importance of robust monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure accountability, transparency, and program efficiency.

Day 1: Understanding the Current Landscape and Learning from Global Practices

Theme: Reviewing Kenya’s Input Subsidy Programs and Drawing Lessons
  1. Section 1: Opening Remarks (Welcome and Introduction)
  2. Session 2: Status and Insights on Fertilizer Subsidy Programs and Soil Health in Kenya
  3. Session 3: Panel Discussion: Challenges and Gaps in Kenya’s Subsidy Programs
  4. Session 4: Co-Creation of input subsidy in Kenya to improve productivity

Day 2: Piloting alternative input subsidy bundles and road map for implementation

  1. Session 1: Group work to develop alternative input subsidy bundles
  2. Session 2: Closing Session and Networking

Current Knowledge on Micronutrient Supplementation: Policies, Practices, and Impacts

28 January 2025.12:00 CET Current Knowledge on Micronutrient Supplementation: Policies, Practices, and Impacts
by: Nutrition Research Facility (NRF), Agrinatura

Micronutrient deficiencies remain a persistent challenge, especially among pregnant women, posing risks to pregnancy outcomes and child development. This webinar will highlight the critical importance of micronutrient supplementation offering insights into global policies, evidence-based practices, and findings from recent research. Regarding the long-term effects of multiple micronutrient supplementation on child cognitive development, a recent systematic review by the NRF concludes that evidence is still lacking.
  • Opening Remarks by Fadoi Chaouki – Programme Manager, Nutrition, European Commission (DG INTPA, Unit F3)
  • Presentations by Filomena Gomes and Mihaela Ciulei Kissell (Micronutrient Forum)
  • Insights from Souheila Abbeddou (NRF, Ghent University)
  • Facilitation by Carl Lachat (NRF, Ghent University)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Pathways to African Food Security: Challenges, Threats and Opportunities Towards 2050

Pathways to African Food Security: Challenges, Threats and Opportunities Towards 2050

This book examines Africa’s current food system and future challenges for food security over the next 25 years.

Africa is on the rise and by 2050, the continent will be home to a quarter of the world’s population. The analysis presented in this book clearly shows that the African food system needs to transform at a much faster pace to ensure that the people it serves are food secure. This book begins with four contrasting case studies that focus on country-specific challenges in Egypt, Ethiopia, Senegal and Zimbabwe. This is followed by 15 thematic chapters organised in three sections on challenges, threats and opportunities. Individual chapters address a wide range of topics including climate change, water security, farm sizes, crop yields, conservation trade-offs, food prices, trade, conflict and structural change. The book concludes by discussing key pathways to improve Africa's food system and food security for the decades ahead.

This book is essential reading for students, scholars and practitioners who work on global food security, sustainable food systems, food, health and nutrition and African development.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Cultivating Agroecology Transformations


23 January 2025Cultivating Agroecology Transformations

How to transform to agroecology with ease and effect? How to spark ambitious action, motivate a range of actors and deal with challenges and obstacles?

GIZ’s Agroecology Leadership Academy was a comprehensive learning and developing programme for 38 participants from different countries across Africa and India, implemented from January to November 2024. It aimed at empowering leaders to catalyzing sustainable development, to navigate complexity and to be powerful transformation agents for agroecology.

As part of the academy, seven country teams were supported to put transformation initiatives into actions. Within a few months, the participants for instance catalyzed effective action by bringing unusual stakeholders together, developing innovative media products and spreading hands-on knowledge. The transformation initiatives and learning acquired will be presented in this exciting webinar.

The Agroecology Leadership Academy had 
38 participants from 7 countries:
• Benin, 
• Burkina Faso, 
• Ethiopia, 
• Kenya, 
• India, 
• Madagascar and 
• Tunisia

Part 1 (English)

  • The Agroecology leadership Academy
  • Zooming into the transformation initiative India
  • Zooming into the transformation initiative Kenya
  • Zooming into the transformation initiative Ethiopia
  • Exchange

Part 2 (French)


The Agroecology Leadership Academy was implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and conducted with financial support from the European Union (EU) as part of the EU co-funded programme “ProSilience: Enhancing soils and agroecology for resilient agri-food systems in Sub-Sahara Africa”.

The Agroecology Leadership Academy had 38 participants from 7 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Madagascar and Tunisia.

See also: Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA)
KCOA is a collaborative country-led partnership that aims to scale up the adoption of organic and agroecological farming practices through a network of five Knowledge Hubs in Africa. Within KCOA, the implementing organisations


The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) commissioned an external evaluation of its Bread for the World-funded ‘Healthy Soil Healthy Food’ (HSHF) project. The four-and-a-half-year project runs from January 2021 to June 2025 and involves HSHF centres operated by AFSA’s local project partners in six countries: Senegal, Togo, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Key activities are promoting uptake of agroecological practices through farmer training and policy advocacy, aiming to improve soil health, food security and food sovereignty. QUESTION: Have you been involved in this project?

The Indo-German Global Academy for Agroecology Research and Learning in Pulivendula, Kadapa (Andhra Pradesh state, India) was launched in July 2023. It hosts India’s First Farmer Scientist Course in Natural Farming: Rythu Sadhikara Samstha: a four-year Farmer Scientist Course (FSC) in Natural Farming.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

DeSIRA CONNECT Days: Asia & The Pacific


January 14-16, 2025, in Hanoi, Vietnam. The CONNECT Days aim to achieve two key goals: sharing lessons learned from the implementation of DeSIRA projects and identifying the necessary conditions to sustain and scale their innovation trajectories. The event will highlight the institutional strengthening potential of these projects by connecting research organizations, farmer-led initiatives, and a broader range of stakeholders, including policymakers, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
Key Activities:
  • Project Fair: Participating projects will present their results through individual booths, enabling direct interaction and knowledge exchange.
  • Thematic Workshops: Collaborative sessions will focus on cross-cutting topics, challenges, and impact generation, providing an opportunity for joint learning and critical reflection on implementation experiences.
  • Stakeholder Round Tables: Engaging discussions with policymakers, NGOs, farmer organizations, and private sector representatives will explore strategies to advance agricultural innovations and align them with regional and global agendas.
These activities are interconnected, ensuring an integrated approach to learning and collaboration. The event also seeks to amplify the visibility of participating projects, showcasing their contributions to the agroecological transition, food security, and inclusive economic growth.
  1. Day 1 focused on project-to-project exchanges, networking, and peer learning to identify key implementation lessons. Discussions emphasized how project setup, management, and strategies have generated impact, highlighting regional innovation trajectories and fostering synergies among DeSIRA projects. Participants will explore engaging additional stakeholders to expand project boundaries and reinforce outcomes. Read Day 1 here
  2. Day 2 built on Day 1 by strengthening ties between DeSIRA projects and the broader national Agricultural Innovation System (AIS). The goal was to connect projects with strategic partners, creating opportunities to advance innovations. While some projects target specific value chains, sectors, or territories, others focus on AIS infrastructure at regional or national levels. These complementary efforts can align to amplify systemic impacts. Read Day 2 here
  3. Day 3 looked to the future of DeSIRA innovations beyond project lifespans. Discussions focused on sustainability and scaling conditions, exploring lessons on partnerships and funding mechanisms essential for transforming agrifood systems.Read Day 3 here

Extracts of the programme: 

14/01 Reshaping the contribution of research to agricultural innovation

DeSIRA has a specific assumption that embedding participatory research into agricultural innovation systems will generate potentially different, deeper and longer lasting outcomes, with higher ownership from local and regional actors and stakeholders and more impacts. This requests that research organizations operate a shig in their own strategies, capacities and partnerships. This panel gave the floor to leaders of agricultural research to explain their vision, their organisational
innovations for increasing research impacts and how they will build on DeSIRA lessons learnt.

Keynote Presentation: Reshaping the contribution of research to agricultural innovation From dissemination to supporting local innovation at scale Fergus Sinclair Professor of Agroforestry, School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University, UK Co-convenor Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP), Nairobi, Kenya

Panel discussion:
  • Research in food systems in Southeast Asia Pascal Lienhard - CIRAD 
  • Agroecological transitions, word alliances to pool knowledge and resources Oliver Oliveiros, Coordinator - Agroecology Coalition 
  • A regional organization of agricultural research and innovation Murat Sartas - APAARI 
  • Agricultural research and innovation in Vietnam and Southeast Asia Dao The Anh - VAAS 
  • Cooperation in research in the Asian context Sylvain Ouillon - IRD

16/01 Regional organisations and alliances in support of impact, conditions for scaling out innovations and the agroecological transition

  • Pat Sovann (GRET Cambodia - ALISEA) on multi-actor networks in Southeast Asia,
  • Aggrey Agumya (FARA) on Africa's strategy for agroecological transition,
  • Lloyd Day (IICA) on the Latin American and Caribbean strategy,
  • Katja Vuori (Agricord) on regional and international networks for farmer led innovation.

Building Demand under the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS)

15 January 2025. The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) relies on a cross-cutting ecosystem of research, policy, production, and demand working together to drive the adoption and consumption of 'opportunity crops' (traditional crops that are underutilised currently but provide potential to improve food security and nutrition in a country)

VACS has already secured strong policy backing and substantial new funding for research and crop development. Building on this, the VACS-Building Demand (VACS-BD) initiative aims to create consumer demand for these crops, by answering the question: "If farmers grow these crops, who will buy them?"

Building consumer demand takes time, and the development of a global plan to provide technical and training support to governments of interested countries in the global south. It will also require policy, advocacy, and engagement with key stakeholders from business, government and consumer markets.

GAIN, CIMMYT, FAO and the US State Department discussed this topic, drawing on their shared knowledge and work in demand creation around healthier and more sustainable diets.

  • Opening and Introductions by moderator: Dr Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director, GAIN
  • VACS and Demand: Dr Cary Fowler,​ Special Envoy for Global Food Security, US State Department 
  • Building Demand into the VACS Strategy: Dr Lynnette Neufeld, Director of Food and Nutrition Division, FAO 
  • Possible Models for Demand Creation: Dr. Prasanna Boddupalli, Distinguished Scientist and Regional Director for Asia at CIMMYT and CGIAR VACS Technical Representative(10 mins)​

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Funding Forgotten Foods (1)

7 - 10 January 2025. Winneba, Ghana. The Global Forum for Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAiR) organised a proposal write shop to target funding opportunities.

GFAiR received 21 applications to its Call for Expression of Interest (closing 15/09/24). 3 consortia were selected:
  • Applicant a: Swaminathan Foundation (India): consortium including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
  • Applicant b: Foodbridge (Belgium): consortium including Ghana, Nigeria, Belgium (Diaspora)
  • Applicant c: University of Ghana (Ghana): consortium including Ghana, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Finland
During the Christmas and New Year period GFAiR organised several online meetings (20/12, 24/12, 31/12, 02/01, 04/01) to target 2 funding opportunities and prepare with the University of Ghana a proposal write shop in Winneba (Ghana).
  1. Seed Grant Application - Annual Seeding the Future Global Food System Challenge Application deadline: January 6. Hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists (Chicago) and funded by the Seeding the Future Foundation, the Challenge is intended to support innovations that have the potential for significant impact at scale and over time, and benefit at least one or more of the following intersecting domains: nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers.
  2. Pivotal Ventures funding opportunity Application deadline: January 10. This Melinda French Gates call aims to globally improve women's physical and mental health.
The draft proposal, titled “Promoting Women’s Traditional Knowledge in Health & Nutrition, Education, and Agriculture (PR♀TEA)” proposes a three-year action research initiative centred on increasing the consumption of forgotten foods.  
  • Foodbridge illustrates the importance of integrating Indigenous knowledge with modern practicesto make traditional foods accessible and appealing, thus enhancing women’s economic opportunities and improving their health by making nutrient-rich foods a part of daily diets. Additionally, initiatives like food melas and seed banks promote community engagement and intergenerational knowledge transfer, ensuring the sustainability of these practices.
A consortium of international actors will promote global-innovative approaches for stimulating the consumption of neglected foods and tracking the health outcomes of its consumption. More specifically, the consortium will promote the use of 3 tools and monitor their impact on the mental and physical health of women.
  1. The Gamaal App connects talented home cooks with food lovers who long for healthy authentic, home-cooked meals and can also promote the consumption of neglected foods in the Global South. A feasibility study will be conducted to better understand the local conditions to roll out the Gamaal app in an African urban and semi-urban context.
  2. Anaemia and malaria management in Ghana can indirectly support the promotion and
    consumption of forgotten foods as part of anaemia prevention strategies in regions where anaemia is prevalent.
  3. The Nutrition Business Monitoring tool is a self-assessment tool for Micro Small, and Medium-sized enterprises and can be instrumental in processing neglected Indigenous food by local food companies. The NBM tool was piloted by 46 SMEs in two Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) countries – Nigeria and Bangladesh – with the SUN Business Network (SBN). ATNi (Access to Nutrition initiative) developed this voluntary self-assessment tool for SMEs in partnership with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). 

Extracts of the presentations:

During the workshop several online meetings were organised as “Inspirational talks” to inform the proposal writing.

08/01/2025 Online Presentation by Joanna Kane-Potaka

Advisor - Strategy Advisor - Strategy APAARI - Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions

The 2023 International Year of Millet, addressed the need to reestablish millets as a staple food due to their health benefits, particularly for women and children, in the context of a food system that currently favors wheat, maize, and rice. Key points of her presentation included marketing strategies aimed at increasing demand through stakeholder engagement, branding millets as 'smart food,' and utilizing ambassadors for promotion. She also presented the nutritional advantages of millets, the risks of over-refining them, and the importance of innovative culinary adaptations while respecting cultural identities. Global challenges such as the impact of food subsidy systems and historical biases in cereal science were also examined. 

She concluded with the importance of positive messaging which is more effective than negative health warnings: 
  • Positive messaging can create a more engaging and appealing narrative around healthy eating, encouraging individuals to make better food choices. 
  • Research shows that framing health messages positively can lead to higher motivation and willingness to adopt healthier behaviors compared to fear-based warnings. 
  • Positive associations with food can enhance consumer perception, making them more likely to try and incorporate healthier options into their diets.

08/01/2025 Online Presentation by Oliver King of Swaminathan Foundation (MSSRF India) 

The promotion of neglected and underutilized species (NUS) crops through a 4C approach—Conservation, Cultivation, Consumption, and Commercialization. 

The informational and collaborative meeting on forgotten foods initiatives, featured key insights from the Swaminathan Foundation, which focuses on the promotion of neglected and underutilized species (NUS) crops through a 4C approach—Conservation, Cultivation, Consumption, and Commercialization. The foundation reported on their surveys with over 3,000 farmers in South Asia, highlighting barriers such as productivity and profitability while showcasing efforts like community-based seed banks. Research initiatives aimed at alleviating drudgery for women farmers were discussed, alongside nutrition profiling of NUS crops and policy influence, including the Biodiversity Act. Additionally, the development of a Millet App in India that connects producers with consumers was introduced, addressing challenges in protecting traditional knowledge. 

11/01 Interview with Rebecca

Interview with the nurse Rebecca (working in a hospital in the Volta region) about the role of Indigenous ingredients and postpartum depression.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

AR4D Funding Opportunities for Africa - January 2025

Agriculture Fisheries Forestry

Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge


The Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge seeks game-changing innovations that will help transform the food system to be more sustainable and empower consumers to make choices that benefit both personal and planetary health. The Challenge will award up to eight US$25 thousand grants, up to three US$100 thousand grants, and up to two US$250 thousand grand prizes. Nonprofits or academic or research institutions located in any country and early-stage U.S.-based for-profit companies are eligible to apply. Individuals are not eligible to apply. However, teams of students or researchers may participate as part of an organization’s submission. Applications are due on 06 January 2025.

Collaborative Research Grants


The ICGEB Research Grants support projects in agricultural biotechnology, basic life sciences, bioenergy, and many other fields. The grants are intended to facilitate the creation of research facilities in promising institutes; to promote training of young scientists; and to develop new research programs in participating countries. The program is open to applicants who have positions at universities and research institutes in ICGEB's member states. Grants are a maximum of €25 thousand per year for projects of up to 36 months. The deadline for submitting applications is 07 January 2025.

Fellowship Program for Women Researchers in Africa


The Open Doors Fellowship Program (ODFP) targets post-doctoral and mid-career women researchers conducting agricultural research in Africa. Fellows receive financial incentives to enhance their scientific visibility and a research stay in Belgium. Applicants' research fields must be plant breeding, agrobiotechnology, molecular biology and genetics, microbiology, chemical ecology, plant & soil health, livestock or aquaculture. There are no age limits. The application deadline is 10 January 2025.

MSc Scholarships for Coral Research


The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Program (CORDAP) offers two MSc scholarships designed for Tanzanian citizens, focusing on the restoration of the coral reefs. Candidates will conduct scientific investigations to assess fish colonization patterns, focusing on metrics such as fish abundance, diversity, and trophic composition. Tuition will be covered by the project along with all fieldwork expenses and a monthly stipend will be provided. Candidates must submit a one-page application letter until 13 January 2025.

THRIVE Academy


Silicon Valley Global Ventures is an investment, technology and advisory firm that invests in companies that go through their accelerator program. The THRIVE Academy supports idea stage and pre-seed stage startups in the agri-food tech sector. The 12-week accelerator program helps startups and researchers looking to commercialize their innovations. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces


The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) fellowship program announces its annual call for research proposals. STAARS Fellows will be paired with researcher mentors from Cornell University or the World Bank with whom they will jointly author a paper on a topic of mutual interest relating to structural transformation in Africa south of the Sahara. The call is open to early career researchers, either Ph.D. students in their final year prior to degree completion. The selected applicants will receive funds to cover travel and participation in a three-week mentorship program. The deadline to submit a research proposal is 17 January 2025.

Food Security Accelerator


The Tadamon Accelerator for Food Security with a focus on community-based organizations, tech-driven CSOs, and social enterprises addresses growing food insecurity due to climate change through innovative and impactful solutions. Tadamon invites businesses operating in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, the State of Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, or Yemen to join and further develop innovative solutions to create a more secure and resilient future with sustainable food access. The program provides funding of up to US$40 thousand to the best-performing CSOs. The application deadline is 20 January 2025.

Resilient Agriculture Innovations


The Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge aims to convert seed-level innovative agricultural ideas in East Africa and scale them to sustainable business ideas. RAIN seeks new innovative agricultural initiatives to provide customized support. Winners will receive a cash prize of up to US$50 thousand after the initial mentoring period. RAIN is open to non-profit organizations as well as farmers, and entrepreneurs in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda). Applications are due on 31 January 2025.

Biodiversity Conservation Wildlife

Small Grants for Conservation Projects


The Crowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund makes grants for local conservation projects in developing countries. The grants are intended as seed money for communities and individuals. Preference is given to projects that will benefit human, plant, and animal communities of a particular habitat in an ecologically sustainable manner. Grants are a maximum of US$3 thousand for one year. The deadline for applications is 06 January 2025.

Visual Journalism and Stories Awards 2025


The World Press Photo Contest recognizes the best visual journalism and awards visual stories in eight categories, including Environment and Nature. The award winners will receive €5 thousand each. The prize-winning photographs will be assembled into a worldwide year-long exhibition. The contest is only open to professional photographers. Entries close on 10 January 2025.

Botany in Action Fellowships 2025


The Botany in Action (BIA) Fellowship program at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens fosters the development of the next generation of plant-based scientists. Subject areas include ethnobotany, plant diversity and conservation, landscape and brownfield restoration, and others. The program is open to Ph.D. students of any nationality who are conducting plant-based scientific research at U.S. graduate institutions. Grants are US$5 thousand for research-related expenses at sites in the U.S. or internationally, plus an all-expenses paid trip to Phipps to make a public presentation. The application deadline is 10 January 2025.

Research on Primates


The Leakey Foundation funds research related to human origins. This includes research on primate biology, ecology, and behavior. The majority of research grants awarded to doctoral students range from US$3 thousand to US$20 thousand. Larger projects by senior scientists and post-doctoral students may be funded up to US$30 thousand. There are no citizenship restrictions. The next application deadlines are 10 January and 15 July 2025.

Conservation Fellows 2025


The Kinship Foundation invites fellows worldwide to participate in its month-long conservation leadership program in the USA. Kinship focuses on market-based mechanisms for conservation by strengthening the participants’ skills in leadership, communication, economics, and business and finance. Selected participants receive training and a US$6 thousand stipend to cover travel and living expenses. Applicants should be mid-career conservation practitioners with at least five years of field experience, a bachelor’s degree, and a demonstrated desire to innovate. The next application deadline is 12 January 2025.

MSc Scholarships for Coral Research


The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Program (CORDAP) offers two MSc scholarships designed for Tanzanian citizens, focusing on the restoration of the coral reefs. Candidates will conduct scientific investigations to assess fish colonization patterns, focusing on metrics such as fish abundance, diversity, and trophic composition. Tuition will be covered by the project along with all fieldwork expenses and a monthly stipend will be provided. Candidates must submit a one-page application letter until 13 January 2025.

Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant


The Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant invests in projects led by citizens of developing countries with the aim of increasing diversity and inclusivity in conservation while building local capacity. Projects must be located in high-priority countries for raptor research and conservation (mainly Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Southeast Asia), focus on a single species of raptor, and be led by an applicant who is associated with a registered NGO and/or university in the country where the project will take place. Preference will be given to projects working in low-income countries. Applicants may apply for up to US$2,500. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Scholarship for Sea Turtle Preservation


The Ocean Foundation and the Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund seek applicants for the Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship. Students with field research projects on sea turtle behavior and habitat use in the marine environment, as well as projects that promote sea turtle conservation in coastal ecosystems, can apply. One award of US$2,500 will be made to a Masters or PhD student. The applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university during 2025/2026. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

International Climate Initiative Small Grants


Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Small Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. IKI Small Grants selects project proposals and provides funding between €60 thousand and €200 thousand. Not-for-profit organizations and for-profit non-government organizations, if they pursue strictly non-profit objectives, are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2025.

UN Ocean Conference 2025 Fellowships


The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) announces an in-person fellowship program that will support selected journalists to attend and report from the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3). Fellows will travel to Nice, France to attend the entire duration of the UN Ocean Conference negotiations. EJN will cover economy-class airfare, accommodation, meals, travel medical insurance and ground transportation costs related to fellowship participation. To be eligible for the fellowship, the applicant must be a professional journalist from or representing an established media house and reporting from any country with a coast. Applications for conference fellowships will be accepted until 15 January 2025

Transmitters for Wildlife Conservation


Holohil Systems Ltd. supplies radio-tracking equipment and related services for wildlife research and management. Holohil manages a grant program to offer transmitters at a reduced or no cost for projects focusing on wildlife species of especially high research and/or conservation value. Holohil will contribute up to C$2,500 toward the purchase of transmitters. Holohil will pay all shipping charges. Eligibility to apply for the grants extends to conservation professionals and researchers anywhere in the world. Support is awarded four times a year. The application deadlines are 15 January, 15 April, 15 July, and 15 October each year.

Grants for Marine Conservation 2025


The PADI Foundation offers worldwide grants in underwater science, environmental projects, and marine education. The Foundation supports research and education related to aquatic environments. In the past, applications have included many projects in tropical regions. Most grants range from US$5 thousand to US$10 thousand. There are no nationality restrictions. The deadline is 15 January 2025.

Landscape Leadership Camp in Asia


Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) invites applications to the Landscape Leadership Camp. The Camp offers sessions, discussions, field trips, workshops, dialogues, and field visits, you’ll have the chance to build your expertise and workshops for participants to craft strategies to bring back to their communities. The camp is for leaders between the ages of 18 and 35 championing landscape action and community-based solutions all across Asia. GLF offers a limited number of full and partial travel scholarships available to cover some participants’ travel, accommodation, and associated attendance costs. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Virtual Media Workshop: Marine Protected Areas


Earth Journalism Network (EJN) hosts a three-day virtual media workshop (during the week of March 3, 2025) for journalists in coastal countries to learn about the 30x30 marine conservation target and initiatives being implemented to reach it. Applicants can be from coastal countries anywhere in the world. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other media practitioners with experience covering ocean issues. EJN seeks to award 16 grants to journalists to support in-depth reporting. The application deadline is 16 January 2025.

Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program


The Mongabay Conservation Reporting Fellowship Program supports up to 12 fellows per year. Fellows will gain experience working with a range of editors at international news outlets, develop their environmental reporting skills, and create a portfolio of original publications to help them advance their careers in journalism. Each fellow will receive US$500 a month for the duration of the six-month fellowship (US$3,000 in total). The fellowship is open to anyone from a low- to upper-middle-income tropical country. The application deadline is 19 January 2025.

Marine Conservation Management


The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) launches a call for proposals to enhance marine conservation management and improve the effectiveness of Marine Conservation Area management in the Western Indian Ocean region. Grants range from €50 thousand to €200 thousand. Eligible applicants for this funding opportunity include marine conservation organizations or entities operating in Western Indian Ocean countries. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 31 January 2025.

Small Grants for Biodiversity Conservation


The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection promotes the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of ecosystems and their living organisms. The Foundation aims to counter the human-induced causes of threats to biodiversity. Only Asian and Latin American countries on the DAC list will be eligible. Non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Government organizations, companies, or individuals are not supported. The maximum grant is €10 thousand. The next application deadline is 31 January 2025.

Student and Postdoctoral Research


The American Ornithological Society (AOS) makes student grants of up to $4,000 to support research in various areas of avian biology by undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. AOS encourages undergraduate students from any region to apply. Applicants must be members of AOS. Latin American students are particularly encouraged to apply for the Alexander Wetmore Memorial Research Award for research in avian systematics, paleo-ornithology, biogeography, and especially neotropical biology. Other AOS grant programs may also be of international relevance. Applications are due by 31 January 2025.


Joint Masters


The Erasmus Mundus Master’s programs International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE) and Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (COASTHazar), Flood Risk Management, and Groundwater and Global Change – Impact and Adaptation (GroundWatCh) are open for application. All four programs include studies at three institutions in three different countries. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis. Applications have to be submitted by 06 January 2025.

Scholars Program for Africans


The Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) offers seven graduate scholarships for the 2025-26 MBA program at the University of Oxford. Scholarships are available for applicants who are African nationals, and who can demonstrate a commitment to Africa's development. The scholarships cover course fees and a grant for living costs, as well as a tailor-made training program. The application deadline is 06 January 2025.

TechWomen 2025


TechWomen offers professional mentorship and exchange to emerging women leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics from the developing world. The program is open to qualified women with a minimum of 2 years of full-time professional experience in the STEM fields. Applicants must be citizens of Albania, Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe. TechWomen covers the costs of travel and accommodation for the program events in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. The application deadline is 07 January 2025.

Postgraduate Scholarships


The Weidenfeld and Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme aims to support outstanding postgraduate students from developing and emerging economies for post-graduate studies at the University of Oxford, UK. Relevant areas of study include: Biodiversity Conservation Management, Earth Sciences, Environment, International Wildlife Conservation Practice, Water Science, Zoology, and many others. The scholarship will cover 100% of course fees and a grant for living costs (of at least £15 thousand). The closing date for scholarship applications is 08 January 2025, for most courses.

Community Projects in Rwanda and Burundi


The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Rwanda and Burundi. CFLI provides funding to projects that focus on environment and climate action, as well as on water sanitation management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$35 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 10 January 2025.

Young Global Scholars Program


Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) offers two-week academic summer programs for high school students from all around the world. The program offers four interdisciplinary sessions on campus at Yale (USA), including sessions on Innovations in Science & Technology and Solving Global Challenges. YYGS offers the opportunity for students to apply for need-based financial aid. Furthermore, YYGS will waive the application fee if it constitutes a significant financial burden for the student’s family. The application deadline is 10 January 2025.

Sustainability Award


The Society of Chemical Industry presents the Sustainability Award in recognition of science innovation in industry which has led to significant, measurable improvements in environmental sustainability in product/process development or of business/operational processes. The award is open to an individual or team working in a company of any size or country. Winners will receive a framed certificate and a trophy. The deadline for submission is 10 January 2025.

Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program 2025


The Beahrs ELP sponsors an annual three-week summer course in environmental science, policy, management, and leadership at UC Berkeley. The next course is scheduled for July/August 2025. ELP invites applications from mid-career professionals around the world. Workshops and field trips draw on the strengths of UC Berkeley and the greater San Francisco Bay Area of California. Course participants continue their learning and networking through the Berkeley ELP Alumni Network. The program offers a limited number of partial scholarships. The final deadline for scholarship review is 10 January 2025.

Award for Excellence in African Storytelling


The Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling honors journalists in Africa who strengthen people's voices and show the transformational change taking place on the continent. The ICFJ seeks a wide variety of topics, not limited to health and social issues. This includes stories and initiatives about global climate change, development challenges, or the environment. The winner receives a US$5 thousand cash prize. The deadline to apply is 12 January 2025.

Environmental Fellowships


Harvard University's Center for the Environment awards environmental fellowships. The fellowships enable recent doctorate recipients to use Harvard’s resources to tackle complex environmental problems. Eligibility for funding extends to candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any subject area from any university in the world. Candidates may propose research projects in any discipline. The fellowship includes a salary of US$83 thousand per year, plus reimbursement for relocation expenses, annual allowance for travel and other professional expenses. The deadline for applications is 13 January 2025.

Young Scientists Summer Program 2025


IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis's headquarters in Laxenburg, Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy, ecosystem services, water, risk policy and vulnerability, and other topics. Scholarships are available from IIASA's national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships are available from other sources. The deadline for registrations to the 2025 program is 13 January 2025.

Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships 2025/2026


The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) supports the Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. The scholarship funds studies for a two-year Master’s degree in low- or middle-income countries of the Commonwealth across many subjects, including conservation ecology, horticulture, agriculture, animal science, and many others. Eligibility extends to citizens of (or with refugee status in) a Commonwealth country other than the country hosting the award. Scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses (stipend) for the duration of the award, return economy flight, one-off arrival allowance, and research support grant (on request). The application deadline is 14 January 2025.

TWAS-CSIR Postdoctoral Fellowships in India


India’s Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) offers postdoctoral fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India) to pursue postdoctoral research at CSIR’s laboratories and institutes. The duration of the fellowships is six to twelve months. Subject areas range across the physical and natural sciences, including agricultural sciences. CSIR will provide a monthly stipend to cover living costs, food, and health insurance. The application deadline is 14 January 2025.

Matching Grants


Innovations Against Poverty Challenge Fund offers matching grants ranging from €50 thousand to €200 thousand to businesses ready to scale their inclusive innovations. IAP also offers tailored non-financial support. Applying businesses must operate in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda, or Zambia, and must be able to co-invest at least 51% of the total project cost, either through cash or in-kind contributions. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Science Journalism Program


The Logan Science Journalism Program offers science journalists, writers, editors, and broadcast journalists a chance to immerse themselves in basic biomedical or environmental research. Journalists selected for the program receive research training at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The fellowship covers room, board, course fees, and travel. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have significant prior scientific research experience. Foreign nationals are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is 15 January 2025.

Summer School


The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment. Each fellow will be allocated a faculty member, with whom they will work closely. The research project will focus on a current topic in the allocated lab. Selected fellows receive free student accommodation, a stipend of €1400 euros, medical insurance, and other benefits. The Vienna Biocenter welcomes applications from students from all around the world who are undergraduates/master students and have completed at least two years of university study in a Life Sciences related study. The application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Award in Leadership


The WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award invites nominations to recognize leaders who dare to confront problematic structures and systems driving sustainable transformation in global development and serve as powerful role models. The nominees will have created change that inspires others and shown what measures are necessary. Candidates for the WIN WIN Award compete for SEK 1 million. Candidates for the WIN WIN Youth Award (between the ages of 13 and 29) compete for SEK 50 thousand. Any organization, movement, business, group of people, or individual can be nominated. Nominations must be submitted by 15 January 2025.

Scholarships for Women in STEM


The Swedish Institute (SI) provides fully-funded international scholarships for master’s studies in Sweden. The scholarship aims to develop future global leaders who will contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and contribute to positive and sustainable development in their home countries. The scholarship is open to female citizens from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Thailand, and Vietnam. SI fully covers tuition fees and makes regular payments of SEK12 thousand to cover living expenses throughout the scholarship. The application portal will close on 15 January 2025.

Master and PhD Applications 2025


The Graduate Institute Geneva (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) offers Master's and PhD programs that address global, international, and transnational challenges facing the contemporary world. Its centers include the Centre for International Environmental Studies, among others. The Institute strives to support its students -- to the extent of its ability -- through cost-of-living scholarships, partial scholarships, and/or tuition fee reductions. The regular application deadline is 15 January 2025.

Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program


The Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT offers academic-year fellowships to science journalists. Fellows will be able to leverage the resources and connections available to them at MIT and in the surrounding greater Boston area. The research project must be journalism-related. Fellows receive a US$85 thousand stipend paid out in installments over 9.5 months. The program is designed for journalists from around the world. International candidates are encouraged to apply. Applications close on 16 January 2025.

Summer Fellowships for Future Leaders 2025


The Draper Hills Summer Fellowship on Democracy and Development Program is a three-week academic training program for mid-career practitioners in the fields of democracy, development, and the rule of law. Applicants can be working as policy-makers, academics, legal professionals, social entrepreneurs, business entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society organizations. Stanford will pay for accommodations, meals, and transportation costs during the duration of the program. A small travel fund is available for fellows who under no circumstances can support their travel. The application deadline is 16 January 2025.

Local Pathways Fellowship


The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) recruits participants for its 2025 cohort of the Local Pathways Fellows. The 10-months fellowship program provides young leaders with a platform, capacity building, training opportunities and contacts of leading development experts and practitioners. The Local Pathways Fellowship is unpaid. Fellows will benefit from global visibility and exposure. Young candidates (18-30 years) working towards achieving any of the Sustainable Development Goals and representing any city or country in the world are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted until 19 January 2025.

Nominations 2025


The Volvo Environment Prize aims to promote scientific research and innovations that in broad terms fall within the environmental and sustainability field. The Volvo Environment Prize Foundation invites universities, research institutes, scientists, engineers, as well as other individuals and organizations to submit nominations. Priority is given to an individual or to a group of individuals. Past laureates have included leaders in fields such as global change, biodiversity, energy efficiency, and others. The Prize consists of a diploma, sculpture, and cash award for SEK 1.5 million. The deadline for nominations is 20 January 2025.

Sustainable Resource Management in Latin America


Tinker’s program of Institutional Grants supports the theme of sustainable resource management (among others) in Latin America. Particular issues of interest include sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry and non-timber forest products, sustainable tourism, fisheries management, and payment for environmental services. Tinker is also very interested in issues of water scarcity and quality for communities. Grants typically range from US$50 thousand to US$150 thousand, for up to three years. The Foundation encourages project collaboration among organizations in the USA and Latin America. Tinker invites brief letters of inquiry to the Foundation before proposals are prepared and submitted. The application deadline is 20 January 2025.

Support for Emerging Artists


The Seed Awards offer support to emerging artists and cultural practitioners who use the power of culture for positive change. Each award recipient will receive an award of €5000 to invest in developing their idea. Applicants must live and work in eligible countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, or Eastern Europe. The deadline for submission is 21 January 2025.

Short Course on Science and Diplomacy


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) seek candidates for the third AAAS-TWAS course on science and diplomacy. The 5-day course is for young scientists whose work has brought them into the international policy-making arena; policymakers interested in science-based themes that might influence their work; administrators of research institutions; and research funders focused on building international networks. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are due by 23 January 2025.

Indigenous Community Media Fund


The Indigenous Community Media Fund provides opportunities for Indigenous community radio stations and media outlets to strengthen their broadcast infrastructure and systems. Indigenous community radio stations can apply for a grant of up to US$8 thousand. Radio networks represented by at least three or more Indigenous radio stations can apply for funding of up to US$12 thousand. Proposed projects must be completed within a period of 6 to 10 months. Indigenous communities in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 26 January 2025.

Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 2023


The Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge invites industry partners and creative innovators to co-develop sustainable solutions in key areas such as sustainable materials, packaging, zero-waste, and more. Participants have the chance to collaborate with major partners and access funding to develop their solutions. Prizes include potential grant support (US$75 thousand from Hexagon Group), as well as funding and real-world testing facilitated by industry pioneers. The challenge is open to startups, small to medium enterprises, institutes of higher learning, and research institutes across the world. The application deadline is 27 January 2025.

Research Collaboration 2025


Within the framework of Danish development cooperation, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for research proposals between Denmark and researchers in partner countries. In 2025, the following countries are eligible for research applications: Algeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia (incl. Somaliland), South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam. Eligible research themes include climate change and the environment. The expected duration of research projects is up to 5 years with a maximum grant of DKK 10 million for each project. Only universities or research-based institutions registered in Denmark and with the capacity to (co-)supervise Ph.D. students are eligible to submit an application. The application deadline (Phase 1) is 29 January 2025.

Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals


The SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals is a nine-month program for business leaders and changemakers to develop and drive innovative sustainable development solutions and business models. The program targets entry- to mid-level managers across diverse businesses. The accelerator is open to business managers from selected countries (listed in the announcement). The call for nominations will remain open until 31 January 2025.

Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Brazil


In partnership with the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) invites young scientists from developing countries other than Brazil to pursue postdoctoral research in natural sciences at selected Brazilian research institutions for periods of 6-12 months. Subject areas include agricultural sciences, biological sciences, and many others. CNPq will provide a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs such as accommodation, food, and health insurance. The application deadline is 31 January 2025.

Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa 2025


The Social Science Research Council offers Individual Research Fellowships to support research and analysis on peacebuilding. Past topics have included some related to climate change and land issues. Fellowships support six months of field-based research through a stipend of up to US$15 thousand. Applicants must be African citizens currently residing in an African country while holding a current faculty position at an accredited college or university. The application deadline is 31 January 2025.