29 to 31 October 2014 in Rhenen, the Netherlands. The consultation was part of CTA’s ‘’Building Viable Delivery Models (BVDM) for ICT4Ag’’initiative, which is designed to help accelerate the process of adoption, uptake and scaling up of ICTs for agriculture by and for the benefit of rural communities.
Institutions expected to be part of this initial event include the African Forum on Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS), the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), CAB Internationalal, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Digital Green, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Dutch Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs, the East African Farmers Federation (EAFF), Farm Radio International (FRI), the Grameen Foundation App Lab, Green Dreams Ltd. (iCow), IKSL India, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Literacy Bridge, the Rwandan Telecentre Network (RTN),TechnoServe, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the University of the West Indies (UWI).
23 - 24 October 2014. Rome, Italy. Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), within the framework of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF).

23 - 24 October 2014. Rome, Italy. Forum on Communication for Development and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM), within the framework of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF).
- To collect different regional and sector perspectives and to help set up a relevant agenda for the FCCM, three e-fora on "Communication for Development, Community Media and ICTs for Family Farming and Rural Development" were hosted by FAO- AMARC regional platforms in Asia (ComDev Asia), Africa (YenKasa Africa) and Latin America (Onda Rural).
- In addition, a global consultation on the role of ComDev, community media and ICTs was launched on the E-agriculture platform to discuss and complement the outcomes of the regional consultations (22 September-6 October, 2014).
- The contributions and recommendations collected during the FCCM were presented during the Global Dialogue on Family Farming, to be held in the framework of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) to take place in Rome, Italy from 27-28 October, 2014.
- Through webcast and @FAOComdev Twitter, the wider audience was able to follow the discussions and contribute their inputs.
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